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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 14 hours ago, Body Count said:

    lowest score on the next, game is almost a 90 after 50 reviews, and reviewed by some lowdown lesbian tranny dog hybrid.


    fuck GS.






    cunt non-gamer who pretends to know games LOL


    go review ubishit propaganda and stay away from japanese games (real games).

    I searched her name, found a gamesradar review that gave mario & sonic olympics 2014 3.5/5 stars. Wtf that’s a 1 star at best :kaz: 


    she seems to lowball a lot of jrpgs. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, JonbX said:

    Making a thread with a hot chick about xbox 🙈

    Wanting to discuss anything but games on a forum meant for console wars, all because your console hasn’t had anything worth playing in close to a decade and is the biggest joke the industry has ever seen 😂

    • Haha 2
  3. 3 hours ago, Remij said:

    lmfao at you thinking I'm referring to you saying he's not a house hold name as the sarcastic responses...


    I'm talking about this shit...



    ^which you quoted btw..



    The thread is literally about Austin Evans :drake: 



    Not sure why that sarcastic remark was even necessary... just simply made to detract from the point I raised.



    Yep.. nobody knew of this guy... sure.




    You need to get real my dude.  The ONLY people in this thread who are bothered and offended... are you and Remy... and that's because certain posters with certain histories have the audacity to post about certain subjects.


    This thread wouldn't go any other way... because you guys are incapable of allowing it to go any other way.  You MUST call out these posters!


    Wait... actually no you don't.  But whatevs :roll: 

    I don’t know what y’all arguing about but since I was quoted…


    Doxing and all that harassment shit is wrong but fanboys gonna fanboy. Doesn’t matter which faction it is they all do it. It’s why some of us here don’t put our private lives out there.


    I just found something funny the way JonB said “he only has like 5 million subscribers”, the way a teen would school their parents on some crappy rap star they’ve never heard of :ben: that’s how I read it anyway.

  4. 59 minutes ago, Remij said:

    What the fuck is wrong with some of you?


    I seriously don't get it.


    Austin Evans is absolutely a well known tech youtuber.  He's actually the 5th biggest tech youtuber channel out there....   You guys might not have heard of him... but claiming that means anything is as stupid as saying you don't know who any of the top Tic Tocker's are out there...  If you watch a lot of tech youtube focused channels... you know of him.. likely seen some video advertised at least once or twice..


    Now.. it doesn't excuse him saying some stupid shit.... Most tech youtubers DO say stupid shit and act like they know about stuff they don't know about... Linus does it all the time.. but cmon now.  This is nothing but absolutely fucking pathetic Sony fanfuckboys being themselves.



    This is systemWARS not systemFUN. There are real consequences to a persons actions. This man took a swing at the Cow faction and missed and the mighty Cows swung back harder.


    Shit is real. If you can’t take the heat get the hell out of the console war.

    • Geese 1
  5. Lemmings are fucking retarded hut it’s interesting how their mind works in such simple ways.


    More heat detected leaving the console = RROD2 all but guaranteed = OMFG TCHBR!!!! :adhd:


    Like in there mind there’s no other possibility. More heat detected will lead to RROD and there’s no other outcome. Its funny despite them downplaying the RROD for years you can tell it still weighs heavily on their minds.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    This is only an issue with one console. Stay focused retard.

    Do you not remember when Nintendo charged people to “upgrade” the N64 roms they downloaded onto the Wii, onto the Wii U? And many haven’t made it to Switch as something you can own.


    As far as I can tell this is only for the digital versions. Who the fuck buys digital on console anyway? If you do your self-raped for being an idiot.

  7. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:


    You can uninstall or disable almost anything in W10 though. Its really much different nowadays then it was when it first came out.

    Teams, Edge, other such trash. Sometimes they even put it back on your PC.


    Kaz is right. Microsoft straight up fucked my PC like they fucked a lemkid waiting on an AAA exclusive with an update earlier this year, but hey I noticed a new news & weather feature on the taskbar which I never asked for. Totally worth it, thanks MIcrosoft!

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

    First off Microsoft started out as a PC developer. Secondly it's been happening for 6 years now as far as Xbox and PC are concerned so it's very much old news.


    Sony bringing games to PC however is a different story, and it's funny every single time an exclusive game is lost to PC. Not only on the basis of it going to PC, but also for the fact that people on Xbox had to endure years of morons like you making fun of them because their games are going to PC and then lo and behold what is Sony do? The same thing.

    Its been going on longer than 6 years lol but essentially what you're saying is lemmings had a lack of exclusives for decades and it's ok but Sony porting their games from years ago once the gen is over is somehow a win for the lemmings? because now others are losing exclusives while you have none?

  9. 3 hours ago, kaz said:


    I agree, windows 7 was the new xp. Never had problems with either versions. 10 can suck my ass with all these bullshit features and setting up garbage I don't want

    Its because you dont own the OS. You have a license to use their software but its Microsofts computer.


    Well it used to be just their OS but now I think computer is more fitting. What we saw with 10 which looks to continue in 11 is Microsoft pulling more control of the device away from the user and into their hands. Apple is the same, they have the final say on the entire device.


    “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”

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