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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Teams, Edge, other such trash. Sometimes they even put it back on your PC. Kaz is right. Microsoft straight up fucked my PC like they fucked a lemkid waiting on an AAA exclusive with an update earlier this year, but hey I noticed a new news & weather feature on the taskbar which I never asked for. Totally worth it, thanks MIcrosoft!
  2. Its been going on longer than 6 years lol but essentially what you're saying is lemmings had a lack of exclusives for decades and it's ok but Sony porting their games from years ago once the gen is over is somehow a win for the lemmings? because now others are losing exclusives while you have none?
  3. Ms games being on PC day 1 = no big deal Sony games getting ported a gen later = TCHBO!!! I’lo never understand how your brain works.
  4. Its because you dont own the OS. You have a license to use their software but its Microsofts computer. Well it used to be just their OS but now I think computer is more fitting. What we saw with 10 which looks to continue in 11 is Microsoft pulling more control of the device away from the user and into their hands. Apple is the same, they have the final say on the entire device. “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”
  5. They are far from perfectly fine and a lot of people hate W10 and if you’re using W10 chances are your information is at risk anyway.
  6. Yeah Sonys engineers (who are so much less intelligent than you btw) pulled out the heatsinks to save a few bucks and the bosses at Sony just decided fuck it, saving a bit of money on heatsinks will more than make up for the PR disaster that would be RROD2 - a disaster which cost Microsoft more than $1 billion to fix. If only Sony hired someone with brains as big as yours they could avoid this oncoming disaster but alas I fear it may already be too late.
  7. Trash games and the first few have dated terribly. If they’re going to port games to PC I’d rather have Spider-Man or Bloodborne, or at least a Killzone collection so I can finally play Killzone 2 maybe without the input lag.
  8. @DynamiteCop Of course you think it’s fine, it’s a Microsoft product. When your updates are a laughing stock amongst users, and when you have such a high number of people holding onto the old version because they don’t want the current/new version then all signs point to Windows 10 being far from “fine”. @jehurey I’d say that is Windows 10. They track so much via telemetry reporting to Microsoft thousands of times per day but it sure as hell isn’t for the benefit of the user given how bad their updates have become.
  9. Until I hold the cold, shrivelled heart of Bill Gates in my hand this war against Microsoft will persist.
  10. You didn't need an account for windows before, windows isn't a smartphone. The reason they do this is not for your benefit, it's for theirs and rolling over and accepting it because "everyone else does it" is why corporations can get away with so much. They don't give people the option of registering or signing in or not, they try to hide that option. It starts out with deceit by a trillion dollar corporation, Microsoft is wealthy enough they don't need to be like this but they really don't give a fuck. Much like with 360 and the RROD they didn't give a fuck. There's a reason Lemmings have the
  11. Any of these whores that take money from Microshit or Epic to keep games off other stores for a year can go fuck themselves.
  12. Ah yes Windows insider, sign up to beta test the product for them because they're too fucking cheap to pay for real testing. You keep making excuses for them not being able to fix things. They have a net worth of $1 trillion dollars :| this isn't some struggling indie. There's absolutely no excuse for windows 10 to be as bad as it is. Windows itself has always been poor but it really shit the bed with 10. Apple doesn't have these problems, Google doesn't have these problems, Microsoft simply doesn't give a fuck because 1) it exists only to exploit its customers and 2) it has a mono
  13. You’re blinded by your love for Microsoft. It’s well known that Microsofts internal testing isn’t as robust as it used to be, that really shows in Windows 10 as none of the updates feel reasonably tested. No other OS has such a large scale of people experiencing problems with its updates and its so bad that Microsoft has to rollout in stages because they have no confidence in their own products. If Microsoft didn’t have a monopoly nobody would use Windows 10. That’s why so many were clinging onto W7 until the bitter end. No other OS has people that afraid of upgrading.
  14. Windows 10 felt like one of those craptastic slav games you see on Steam for $1. Poorly programmed, badly designed and only exists to exploit you. In fact I’d actually trust one of those “developers” to install software on my computer before trusting Microsoft again.
  15. Honestly Dark Souls was trash. Quite possibly the worst camera I’ve seen in any videogame after the PS1/N64 era and it gave rise to one of the most insufferable fanbases of all time where any criticism of the game = git gud.
  16. Microsoft is toxic as a publisher. I see it and I switch off, likewise for any developers owned by them. When I see Microsoft I immediately associate it with dull, boring, corporate cookie-cutter games, it seems the general public feel the same.
  17. 74 average and that’s with all the sheep sites keeping it afloat. So it’s much lower in reality. Switch just doesn’t have the hardware for open world games and Suda decided to get woke and go broke
  18. Look you sheep hyped a game and it flopped. Get jerry in here, take your punishment like men and then we can all move on.
  19. Liquid needs to stop reading resetera, it’s radicalising him.
  20. Of course we wanted your attention. There’s like 2 pure sheep left on the forums and this is one of the biggest flops of the year. What fun is laughing at a flop if the faction it belongs to aren’t there to hear it? The resolution thing was Jerry true but to be honest you’re pretty much Jerry-lite these days and his official sidekick so you get lumped together.
  21. The only one melting down here is you. I don’t Saucer took it as seriously as you did. Shit its just a game with no love or passion behind it, its made just to make as much money as possible and probably ran through focus groups and mostly designed by their marketing department. Let it go.
  22. He certainly wasn’t a Cow. He just cucked to every demand the forum threw at him, and the forum was predominantly lemshit in those days. Thats why you had Xbox padded out with XBLA games every year. As if some 5 minute newgrounds flash game pile of shit was equivalent to a console full of AAA exclusives.
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