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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 4 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    So instead of using two perfectly fine operating systems you decided it was a better decision to downgrade to something that has no security protocols anymore and all of your information is at severe risk. Rocket scientists up in here.

    They are far from perfectly fine and a lot of people hate W10 and if you’re using W10 chances are your information is at risk anyway.

  2. 2 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:

    This will be the same as the RROD.

    The chip is the same, but with less overhead.

    Fan is also the same.

    This console will overheat, unless Sony has also downclocked the chip speed.

    Yeah Sonys engineers (who are so much less intelligent than you btw) pulled out the heatsinks to save a few bucks and the bosses at Sony just decided fuck it, saving a bit of money on heatsinks will more than make up for the PR disaster that would be RROD2 - a disaster which cost Microsoft more than $1 billion to fix.


    If only Sony hired someone with brains as big as yours they could avoid this oncoming disaster but alas I fear it may already be too late.

    • Haha 2
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  3. @DynamiteCop

    Of course you think it’s fine, it’s a Microsoft product. When your updates are a laughing stock amongst users, and when you have such a high number of people holding onto the old version because they don’t want the current/new version then all signs point to Windows 10 being far from “fine”.



    I’d say that is Windows 10. They track so much via telemetry reporting to Microsoft thousands of times per day but it sure as hell isn’t for the benefit of the user given how bad their updates have become. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    Embarrassing. MS got fleeced bad only for the game to flop on Xbox and arrive a year later with more content on PS4 :kaz:.


    If only they had used that money to fund two AAA IPs but MS sucks at making their own games so I'm not surprised SE took advantage of them. The only bad thing that came out of the deal is that TR never recovered after flopping on Xbox and it pretty much killed any hope of success for the trilogy after it failed on Xbox.

    Everything Xbox touches turns to shit. It is cursed.

    • Like 1
  5. 16 minutes ago, Remij said:


    lmao... you're being so ridiculous.


    MS is deceiving people into registering?  lmfao... you're arguing about THE DUMBEST SHIT man...


    You need an account for everything these days... and windows asks for your MS during post setup... not install. lmao.. just like anything else.


    And again, you think I'm making excuses but it's simple facts... Windows has tons of legacy baggage that Apple and Google don't have....


    And what problems are you constantly having?  Jesus... I use my PC all the damn time and I'm always on the latest experimental builds and I don't seem to have issues you like constantly do...


    Win 8 was shit.... for a lot of reasons... Win 10 is far past that.. stop holding old ass shit against it.  Windows 10 is fine now, and Windows 11, as I've been using it.. is just as solid if not more so.


    But read your post again, especially the last one... and try to tell me again you're not being over dramatic :D 

    You didn't need an account for windows before, windows isn't a smartphone. The reason they do this is not for your benefit, it's for theirs and rolling over and accepting it because "everyone else does it" is why corporations can get away with so much. They don't give people the option of registering or signing in or not, they try to hide that option. It starts out with deceit by a trillion dollar corporation, Microsoft is wealthy enough they don't need to be like this but they really don't give a fuck. Much like with 360 and the RROD they didn't give a fuck. There's a reason Lemmings have the name Lemmings.


    I don't care what excuses Microsoft has for their OS being shitty I'll say it again their net worth is 1 trillion dollars. They can afford to hire some of the most skilled staff in the world and set up some of the most advanced testing labs but they don't because they're cheap and don't give a shit.


    The idea that windows 10 used to be bad but is fine now is one of the biggest lies surrounding the operating system. It's much as shit as it was on day 1, with some things being improved and some things being worse. People hated it day 1 because they came from windows 7 and that was actually a competent OS. The only reason people think its ok now is because after 6 years or so they have adjusted to how shitty it is and take it as standard.


    What problems was I having? none I know how to use a computer I've used them for decades. The problems all appeared when Microsoft started downloading new code onto my computer. All my problems stemmed from windows updates. I know every OS will have a few people who complain "the update broke my PC/Phone" etc but I've never seen it on the scale that Windows 10 has it. Normally it's a small fringe minority outside of a botched update but with windows 10 it's endemic.  Now I know what you're thinking "I have no problems I'm sure these people are just doing something wrong" but look here's NVIDIA telling people not to touch this broken windows update from April this year:




    Is NVIDIA wrong? or full of people who don't know what they're talking about? For what it's worth I I'm pretty sure that was the same update that really did a number on my PC. You know what's fucked up? I can find stories from 2016 about windows 10 breaking GPUs too. They have the same shitty bugs they've had for 5 years.


    I mean just look at this shit








    Windows 10 updates have had a very bad reputation for a long time. They're terrible, and Windows 7 was never this bad.


    Here's a video that goes a little more in depth; spoiler alert - Microsoft has changed how they test and release updates which is why this problem is so much more prevalent in Windows 10 than any previous version of windows. In short YOU are the beta tester.




    The updates used to take forever when windows 10 was first released but at least they mostly worked. Now they don't take as long but they're fucking busted. Windows updates have become even worse and feel even less tested than ever before I feel. It's funny they're forcing more telemetry than ever before on users and yet somehow their product is the worst its ever been? so then whats the point of the damn telemetry clearly it's not doing anything beneficial for users.


    In short the broken update earlier this year was the final straw for me after years of a shitty product. I switched to Linux and I've never been happier. Run by people who could never dream of having the money Microsoft has yet is much more stable, reliable, well made, and you don't have that fear run down your spine everytime you see the update notification and wonder how badly they're gonna screw up your system this time.


    Also microsoft office is worse than ever on windows 10 but don't even get me start on that :reg:

    • dead 1
  6. 20 minutes ago, Remij said:

    No.. I'm not blinded by anything.  You're just being ridiculous with your hate ATM.  I'm not saying Win 10 is perfect... 


    And I'm very well aware that their testing has changed.  That's the whole reason insiders exist.. is to test "internally" on a much wider scale.


    The fact is that Windows is an unwieldy beast.  There's so much legacy code, of course it's not as easy to change or fix something on a dime.


    But there's the point... People wouldn't use Windows 10 if MS didn't have a monopoly you say... but the fact is that people KEEP using Windows because they want to... They don't WANT to change what works...


    Windows 11 is still MOSTLY Windows 10 in its core... it's mostly just a UI update and cleaning up some of the legacy stuff that's there.  I can pretty much guarantee this will be one of the easiest most painless "Windows version update" that has ever existed.

    Ah yes Windows insider, sign up to beta test the product for them because they're too fucking cheap to pay for real testing.


    You keep making excuses for them not being able to fix things. They have a net worth of $1 trillion dollars :| this isn't some struggling indie. There's absolutely no excuse for windows 10 to be as bad as it is. Windows itself has always been poor but it really shit the bed with 10. Apple doesn't have these problems, Google doesn't have these problems, Microsoft simply doesn't give a fuck because 1) it exists only to exploit its customers and 2) it has a monopoly. Think about it windows install starts with them trying to deceive people into registering an MS account, when your OS starts with a company trying to deceive you that's the kind of relationship you can expect throughout.


    People don't use windows 10 because they want to they use it because they feel like they have to, either they need software which is exclusive to windows or they don't know about/don't feel confident enough exploring other options.


    That's why everyone skipped windows 8 because it was shit. If you remember a lot of people wanted to skip windows 10 too but MS said it was here to stay and they pulled the plug on W7. That's why windows 7 -> 10 adoption was slow and up until the past few years a lot of people were sticking with 7. Windows 7, windows xp etc neither had people clinging onto the previous version for so many years like Windows 10 did. People did not want to upgrade to windows 10 until the updates for 7 stopped because windows 10 is pure shit.


    $1 trillion dollars and you're acting like I'm being unfair and Microsoft is hard done by. As the saying goes you don't get rich by being generous, and in this case microsoft doesn't get rich by spending money making a good OS, hiring good developers and paying for good testing, they cheap out on making a good os, exploit their monopoly, pull every dirty trick they can to bury the competition, they're just a really shitty disgraceful company and they always have been. One of the most evil tech companies out there, perhaps the most evil.

  7. Just now, Remij said:

    You're being ridiculous

    You’re blinded by your love for Microsoft.


    It’s well known that Microsofts internal testing isn’t as robust as it used to be, that really shows in Windows 10 as none of the updates feel reasonably tested. No other OS has such a large scale of people experiencing problems with its updates and its so bad that Microsoft has to rollout in stages because they have no confidence in their own products.


    If Microsoft didn’t have a monopoly nobody would use Windows 10. That’s why so many were clinging onto W7 until the bitter end. No other OS has people that afraid of upgrading.


    I don’t see anything changing for W11. Microsoft has its monopoly which isnt going away anytime soon, why should they change? But hey they’re finding more ways to tie to into their shitty eco system or harvest your data for Bing ads.

  8. 3 hours ago, Body Count said:



    game is a sales catasrophe, yikes!


    Gamepass did it again! Another dev and game dead!

    Microsoft is toxic as a publisher. I see it and I switch off, likewise for any developers owned by them. When I see Microsoft I immediately associate it with dull, boring, corporate cookie-cutter games, it seems the general public feel the same.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



    You want my attention so bad you had to lie twice to get it? You miss me that much? :drake:


    Not once have I hated on the specs of the deck, said several times is a great device for enthusiasts.  You're still confused as why I'm not a slight bit threatened by the Deck I see.


    And Slow Jonny is still trying to desperately plead for a response... What's that like 4 to 5 threads with posts begging for me to acknowledge him:umad:

    Of course we wanted your attention. There’s like 2 pure sheep left on the forums and this is one of the biggest flops of the year. What fun is laughing at a flop if the faction it belongs to aren’t there to hear it? :trump2:


    The resolution thing was Jerry true but to be honest you’re pretty much Jerry-lite these days and his official sidekick so you get lumped together.

  10. 9 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:


    lol Did anyone bring up race or gender or politics before he and Saucer did? Just like you do all the time? What is there to add to an already shitty conversation with idiots? Ever since Gamergate white men in the geek sector have grown increasingly petulant over any perceived loss of status, presence, or praise. Like this niggas reaction to a trailer is "the soys are whining about white angel princes again" nonsense. 


    Or discounting the fact that even at face value, the sheer lack of self awareness and stupidity to say "How is this cultural appropriation? Its white guys making a game about non white men and women!" and immediately not do the mental 1+1=2 on it? Like do you not actually know what cultural appropriation is? I'm not even saying this is cultural appropriation, like that never crossed my mind until you brought it up. But then you're so invested in the fact that you think some white men weren't being credited enough for heroically creating non-white guy characters you got caught up in a moment or something. Then he had a similar meltdown to yours where he ends with the "reverse racism" money shot. 

    The only one melting down here is you. I don’t Saucer took it as seriously as you did. Shit its just a game with no love or passion behind it, its made just to make as much money as possible and probably ran through focus groups and mostly designed by their marketing department. Let it go.

  11. 8 hours ago, Hot Sauce said:


    Not a very good internet historian if you think Nfactor was a sheep when he was making those leaderboards lol

    He certainly wasn’t a Cow. He just cucked to every demand the forum threw at him, and the forum was predominantly lemshit in those days.


    Thats why you had Xbox padded out with XBLA games every year. As if some 5 minute newgrounds flash game pile of shit was equivalent to a console full of AAA exclusives.

  12. 5 hours ago, Saucer said:


    Not sure if you're serious.




    I’m not surprised. The characters look exactly how I would expect from a company run by middle aged white men who want to play it safe and tick all the boxes to avoid controversy.

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