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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. How strange, this seems to be the only Switch thread on the forum where Jerry & Gouk aren’t involved in a jerry-go-round Can’t play Doom at 800p/30fps but hyped for a game at 342p/25fps. Sheep
  2. Is this all you add to threads these days?
  3. I’m not surprised. The characters look exactly how I would expect from a company run by middle aged white men who want to play it safe and tick all the boxes to avoid controversy.
  4. Imagine hiding behind Xflop have you no shame?
  5. 342p, thats lower than old school youtube at 25fps too. Jerry and Gouk can’t play Steam games at 800p but they got no problem with this 4.0 garbage at 342p lmfao sheep the most bias of all fanboys
  6. Fucking flight sim on a console no less So xbox has no exclusives and its still relying on the stale old HALO/FORZA routine that was tiresome back in 2009 let alone 2021 Why should anyone own an Xbox? Also a fucking 7.0 is very possible for Halo so lets not get ahead of ourselves Deeno. As gouk said its good by xbox standards but thats because you’ve had no games for an entire decade. For any other system this would be a dry period.
  7. When ya gotta go ya gotta go
  8. Looks trash and Samus Returns was straight up balls. Metroid is dead.
  9. Their excuse is that you can play it outside or on the toilet. We know people don’t play Switch outside so it seems the only reason is to play it on the toilet. How fitting, playing shit on the shitter.
  10. Desperate Struggle sounds like a fitting title, desperate struggle to make a good game It’s ok though Jerry assured us that in this specific case, for this one game, review scores don’t matter.
  11. They’re an even worse Microsoft, this is woke social justice Microsoft. The games are worse than ever, its not just uninspired soulless junk anymore now you have wokeness thrown in. All they can do is throw money around and hope one of their acquisitions gets lucky but so far they’ve all made trash. If you’re the kind of idiot that thinks Bethesda games are good then maybe it will be a good gen for you but many of us here are too experienced with games to care for a Bethesda game.
  12. The game looks like shit but has higher sys req than better games. Its not surprising because everything about this game suggests its poorly developed. Its essentially the windows 10 of videogames. Bloated, poorly programmed garbage thats relying on its name to sell. I wouldnt be surprised if it was outsourced to India
  13. Thats what happened with PS4 and PS3 if you remember. Cows were saying just wait while lemmings were boasting about junk flops like Dud Rising, Ryse son of rome, Killer instinct, The outfit, saints row 1, etc etc and look how those gens turned out. Microsoft always blows its load early. They hold back games from the previous console, effectively leaving it abandoned, and make a few third party deals, release an initial wave of games (most of which are trash) in order to sucker people into buying the console and then after they’ve blown their load its down to Halo/gears/forza rehash
  14. I forgot this trash wasn’t even exclusive and why does it require hardware made within the past 2 years when the game itself looks like it’s from 2007? Shit port incoming
  15. Sheep pad their lists more than lemmings. Imagine actually thinking that Switch is a better system than PC
  16. Why don’t you name me all the games xbox has had over the past decade then? Just for kicks. Starting from just after Gears 3 which I believe was 2011, name me all the games from then up until now
  17. Xbox ain’t winning shit kid. You’ve had no games for a decade now, your shitty system is the biggest embarrassment in the industry. Corporate soulless trash.
  18. Wow a game with good pixel art in 2021, who would have expected that? Most games either go with that ugly as hell internet flash game style or they go with the NES look
  19. Lets not pretend this forum exists in a bubble free of politics. When someone like liquid with his posting history starts flinging around incel it’s obvious where he’s coming from. How about just not trying to brand everyone you disagree with an incel or a Nazi? Just a thought.
  20. And soyboys tend to be incels. You know its kind of funny, this incel thing comes from pickupartist culture. The left look down on incels as people who cant get laid, while they pretend to be sleeping with a new woman every week. It kind of goes against the lefts “respecting wamen” facade does it not? That a mans worth is in how many women he can use as nothing more than sex objects, that women are to be used as just notches on a bed post a man can use in online pissing contests. Once again if “your side” didnt have double standards they would have no standa
  21. Ugh. That isn’t the actual xflop UI is it? Its been horrendous since 2008.
  22. The left still branding everyone they disagree with the incel boogeyman. ”everyone I disagree with politically is an incel or a Nazi” am I right? Soyboys would be better off being incels, everytime you see them with a woman its some fat 400lb blue haired bearded shebeast they share with 4 other guys lmao
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