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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. Just now, jehurey said:

    Games from real, professional studios and publishers?


    Is Call of Duty on the default OS?


    Or are you talking about nameless indie crap?




    Does that come at no extra charge?

    Omfg he’s trying the “real games” schtik :D


    This from the person that tried to convince the forum Wii shovelware was just as good as any PS3/360 game.


    Sheep hating on indie games now despite the fact that for most Switch gamers, indie games were one of the best things about the device. Like look around, most switch games are loving indie games.

    • dead 1
  2. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    No, you actually don't because the entire steam library is not available on its built-in OS.




    So go ahead. Do all your comparisons from this point forward with a $400 Valve Deck with no games versus a $300 Switch.

    Even if you take out the games that don’t work on SteamOS (which is a minority), it has a larger library of games than any console. By far.


    Nice try but denied.

  3. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    If you are trying to access an existing game library...........it literally would have required you to have purchase a prior gaming PC and purchase all of those games.


    So, its not a standalone device.


    If you have never gamed on PC before.........EVER.


    Is the Steam Deck still as attractive? Yes or No?

    Its arguably more attractive if you’ve never played on PC before :| Steam has a fucking huge library and many low cost games.


    If I didn’t have a PC I would be all over this.

  4. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:



    So, the barrier to entry is having already paid thousands of dollars worth of pre-existing hardware and games.


    You cannot try and advertise "BUY it, just turn it on, and play hundreds of steam games"............without explaining the costs behind that benefit.


    Its not much of a standalone device out of the box, unless you have a PC and year's worth of games already prepurchased.


    Don't get angry because I'm point out ACTUAL FACTS.

    Who the fuck hasn’t had a steam account for like 10 years by now?? 

    omg PS4 isnt free cus u need to factor in the cost of a house to play it in!!! Lololol TCHBO!


    This is where we’re going on. Jerry checking taxes and shit to make sure hes factored in every penny 😂

  5. 4 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Yep.  And everything you said was spot on.


    Jerry's a clown ass motherfucker... and the entire forum knows it.

    Full fledged PC in a sleek handheld form, connects to your existing Steam and Gog libraries on day 1 giving you access to thousands of games, huge emulation potential……and somehow this Clown is arguing that his Fisher Price handheld is better 🤣


    360p was fine for 5 years but now all of a sudden if you don’t have at least 1080/60 on a handheld it’s not worth playing.


    Here we go round the jerry-go-round

  6. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    So..........in order to ENJOY the Steam Deck............you have to have purchased $1000+ worth of separate PC hardware.


    Are you successfully making the argument that Steam Deck playing Doom Eternal at 30fps at medium settings and only lasting 2 hours battery life is............................ENJOYABLE??????


    Yes or No?

    You’re fucking retarded :D


    You don’t need to have $1000 worth of PC hardeare.


    Here’s the point I’m trying to make.


    Is Doom Eternal 30fps at medium settings (which is bullshit btw) enjoyable…




    For someone who insists on 4k 120fps? Probably not.


    For someone like you who enjoyed Doom Eternal on switch




    360p, 30fps, lowest settings


    Yeah Jerry I’d say someone in your shoes would enjoy it very much 😊


    I can’t believe we’re even having this discussion :D fuck me 360p and 30fps and the sheep are sat here bitching about the Steam deck :kaz:

  7. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Then there's a over $1000 barrier of entry for you to enjoy Steam Deck.


    Thanks for admitting.


    It doesn't compare to the Switch. And it clearly won't be as successful as Switch, if that's the case.

    This Clown is seriously retarded :D


    In typical Jerry fashion you need to misrepresent what others are saying to try and gain a win.


    IF - IF - IIIIFFFFF YOU, yes you Jerry are not happy, with the way that games perform on the Deck then you CAN (but not must) play them on stronger hardware with the same Steam account, 


    You do NOT neeeeeed to do it, but it is a choice if you are truly unhappy.


    On Switch you can’t do dick. If you get a gimped port like Witcher 3 that’s it, that’s your lot. Either play it gimped or buy it for a different system.

    As you and goukosand had no issue with the absolute state of Switch ports then no jerry, theres no $1000 barrier to entry for you, The steam deck would actually be a big upgrade for you.


    As for price now that you mention it, you forget that if you bought a switch at launch and wanted a handful of games to play it on those are $60 a pop. 5 games to play on your new system and you just added $300 to the hardware. Then you have your online subscriptions too (lmao)


    If I actually bought a Deck I’m going in with hundreds upon hundreds of games day 1 and it won’t cost me a penny, and since it’s Linux there will be tons of free and open source software too.


    You’re on drugs if you think Switch can compare to the Steam Deck.

    • Geese 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Uh yeah dude................Witcher 3 also has shared file saving between Switch and PC.


    If the Steam Deck fails as a handheld.............you don't get to claim your PC as an inherent ACCESSORY to a Steam Deck.


    That's laughably stupid.

    Switch and PC are different systems though. You don't need to buy games a second time if you switch between Deck and PC as it's one account. If you buy the game on switch and don't like it then you have to pay out again for the PC version. It's more than just transferring a save file - which not many games support anyway.


    But regardless, if you've been happy with low res Switch ports for the past 4 years Jerry then you'll be more than happy with the performance of the steam deck. Chin up old boy.

  9. 9 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    The Steam Deck is an awesome device, because if you just have trouble.............all you have to do is log off and continue playing games on your expensive PC!!!!!


    What a fantastic handheld.:gabelol:

    No retard you don't have to, you have choice. If.....IF you aren't happy with the performance of a particular game, you can try it on stronger hardware via the same account.


    Whereas IF you aren't happy with the performance of a game on Switch....then you either don't play it, or you come here and try to convince others how good your version is like sheep did with doom and wolfenstein.


    lmao you're so see through Jerry. "i don't care how shit my game is im just happy to be playing it in bed" - literally every sheep here this entire generaiton but now no we need to compare handhelds to PCs and the latest consoles to judge whether that particular version of a game is worth playing.


    Remember when you used to tell us that motion controls were the future? :ccruise: shame you don't fuck off like you did during the Wii U gen and late WIi era.

  10. This about sums up the complaints regarding the steam deck:


    - It’s too big

    - It’s too heavy

    - It’s battery life is too short

    - It’s not powerful enough for AAA games


    - I want full size desktop GPU/CPU performance in a system no bigger than Switch and I want the battery to last 8 hours :grimaceleft:

    I’m pretty sure the AMD Prism stock cooler alone is half as big as the Steam Deck :D don’t even get me started on the size of graphics cards. THHBO because Valve can’t perform miracles.

    Here’s why Steam deck performance matters less than Switch - because on Switch thats it. You’re a Nintendo gamer? All you get is handheld processing power for the generation. You either play gimped Doom or you don’t play Doom at all.


    With Deck if you’re not happy with the performance in Cyberpunk you can just log into your steam account and play the game on a desktop PC at 4k 200fps or whatever you want. It’s one account transferable between many devices. The Deck to me is just an option for PC gamers to have something they can play perhaps in more convenient settings depending on their needs.

  11. 3 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Goukosan waited months to get some trash port of DOOM Eternal on Swhit running at 576/720p and looking like a PS3 game. :kaz: 


    DOOM Eternal | Switch VS PS4 | Graphics Comparison & FPS - YouTube


    And most Sheep defended their shit ports of Witcher 3 and Wolfenstein like it was some kind of achievement. :rofl:





    So don't worry Sheepies, Steam Deck graphics should be just fine by your standards. Not exactly hard to beat a bunch of blurry, low res, low FPS ports with missing details, textures and shaders.


    The Sheep have been THREATENED. 








    Its the sheep hypocrisy.


    “Nobody wants a handheld for dumbed down console games” they cried during the PSP era, only to flip-flop for Switch.


    Now its “nobody wants low settings PC ports” even though they’ve had gimped versions of Doom and Witcher which they assured us were perfectly playable. In fairness they probably were perfectly playable, especially on a small screen….so I don’t get why the Deck is held to higher standards.


    A handheld can only ever be so powerful while remaining so small or slim. They went with an APU designed for very slim and light devices with a low power draw. It makes sense but there’s clearly a limit. Even if this couldnt run the biggest AAA games Steam had the best selection of indie games anyway, which is more hypocrisy because Switch became known as an indie machine aside from the yearly Nintendo rehash so why this isn’t acceptable for the Deck I don’t know.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Remij said:

    And it's fucking HILARIOUS watching these dipshits ACT like they do.  


    No self respecting 30+ year old is going to be gaming on the go like that... LMAO what the fuck iz u doin with your life if you are? :hest: 


    At home... sure, play that shit... and on the toilet.. fuck it why not?  But REALLY, you're playing more than 2 hours "on the go"... lmfao don't give me that shit.  Them shits is always near a plug.


    And dude, you absolutely OBLITERATED the sheep with your facts.  The library on day 1 DEMOLISHES the Switch..  And you'll be able to emulate all the best Nintendo games anyway :kaz: 


    They DED :deadronda:

    Not only does it have the biggest library day 1 but I would assume most people here have over 500 games on Steam already and that’s a lowball figure. I’m close to 1000 already and I’ve slowed down a lot the past few years. Take away the trash that gets handed out for free, and a number of games that just wont work on it and that still leaves hundreds of games I’ll own and be able to play on day 1. Nothing else compares. The only thing that would come close would be a 1st gen PS3 with the full PS1/PS2 backwards compatibility but even then I would bet more people have more on Steam.


    Sheep are acting like this is Vita 2 and if it doesnt have exclusives built for it then its dead with no games 🙄


    Emulation of Nintendo systems  lmao you’ll be able to have ALL the NES/SNES/N64 classics available day 1 rather than being drip fed whatever scraps Nintendo throws your way. It will have Gamecube support before Switch too even though Sheep are begging for it. I tried GC on a Ryzen 4500U, Starfox Adventures was a little choppy when pushing for 60fps but you can probably tinker with that or go for 30 as a lot of games intended anyway. The games are definitely playable and I’m guessing the Deck will have more clout to it than my APU. No idea how other emulators would fare on it, I guess we will have to wait and see.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Switch wasn't touted to be as powerful as a One X dip shit, so obviously if steam deck can't run last gen games properly then of course there would be performance concerns..... :umad:



    Those performance concerns were raised by a non sheep (JonB) and again you try to dodge steam decks performance concerns by bringing up Switch's.  As if that somehow negates Steam decks performance concerns.  



    Fact - Steam deck is not a threat to Switch or any mainstream system for that matter. 


    Fact - Steam deck will have little to no games built from the ground up for it. 


    Fact - its a machine for enthusiasts, who will get the most of it.  Outside of that niche it will be DOA. 


    You keep projecting the all of the cristism of steam deck on sheep when those weren't even raised by sheep.. 

    You're doing that as a tactic to not actually address those cristisms raised by non-sheep. 


    And did you seriously say where was the the performance concerns for Switch? did you see you made this thread?  Have you missed all of JonB's performance concerns threads for Switch for the last 4.5 years? 


    Have you been living under a rock? 


    None of that pushback you gave applies to JonB, Twinblade etc. 


    Nice try though. 


    People like slow jonny ripped on Switch performance from day 1, asking how it was going to handle next gen games.


    Switch either didn’t or it received incredly downgraded ports. Sheep didn’t care, sheep were happy with their product. Why then should anyone care if the Deck can’t support these games fully? At least it can try since all will be available, and settings can be configured.


    Your top fact confirms what we already knew. Sheep are feeling threatened. Everybody here has already said it won’t be a threat to Switch. It will not outsell the Switch, it will not steal games away from the Switch, so why then are sheep acting like it will? Why do you need to reiterate what we already know? Its like sheep are feeling emasculated by having a more powerful handheld on the market. Relax I’m sure Switch 2 isn’t that far away.


    Your second fact about no games being built for it….umm does it matter? People are acting like this is a Vita. The advantage of Deck is that support is built in and guaranteed. It will always have games as long as Steam exists. Hell it has Gog too.


    Sure it won’t have any exclusives built from the ground up but people here rip on PC for that too which either has its exclusives ported eventually, or the games that remain exclusive are often “nerdmit” mmorpgs or strategy games. However ask our friend @Substatic and he will confirm that hasn’t stopped PC from winning year after year after year and having the most games.


    And lastly yup it’s a niche for enthusiasts nobody is denying that and nobody is saying otherwise but for enthusiasts it has a hell ot a lot to offer. Was the Wii U not a console only for a niche? And sheep loved that right?

    • Upvote 1
  14. 21 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



    JonB, Voidler, Twinblade and the diplomat are sheep?   You skipped right over the performance and battery life concerns and went right into your fasle narrative building again :umad:

    Where were the performance concerns when it came to Switch?


    So Steamdeck might not be able to run the most demanding games that well. You can still adjust settings to increase performance, with Switch you just didn't get the games at all and this applied to a hell of a lot of games from that generation .


    Fact - On day 1 Steam Deck will have a larger library of games that Switch will ever have

    Fact - On day 1 Steam Deck will have more apps and be capable of doing more than the Switch ever will


    You can't win this. :cmpunk1:


    As for battery, we saw with Switch that sheep don't leave the house to play games so what does it matter.

    • dead 1
  15. 5 hours ago, jehurey said:

    I mean, when you think about the fact that Nvidia created and MANUFACTURED the Tegra X1 back in the summer of 2015. And they sold Nintendo their UNUSED stock of Tegra X1 processors back in 2016, and Nintendo didn't release the Switch until March 2017.


    We're really not even talking about 4.75 years difference in hardware.


    These AMD 5000 series APU's just came out within the past two months.


    We're literally talking about Tegra X1's that were manufactured in Summer of 2015 versus AMD 5000 series APUs that were manufactured in Summer of 2021.


    Hardware processors that are literally six years apart in terms of manufacturing date.


    And that's the best the Steam Deck can do over the Nintendo Switch?  That's a failure.

    Looking pretty insecure there Jerry.


    Why are the Sheep so spooked by this device? 

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