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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 1 hour ago, Twinblade said:

    Yeah this is what i've been saying. If it can't run last gen games that well then how exactly is it going to hold up when we start getting current gen only games? Its timing is just bad, if they had held back and revealed it a year or 2 from now with more future proof hardware, it would have been a more impressive device.

    It’s on the platform which the most indie games of all lol and thousands of older games that will run on it. It might end up missing out on some of the biggest AAA games, but that’s kind of how Switch went too. The downside obviously being it wont have its own major exclusives but instead it will have access to the biggest library of games.


    I dont know what you people expect. Its like you expect a handheld to be on par with the latest console hardware.

  2. 55 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Don’t forget about liberals swearing they wouldn’t take a vaccine developed under the Trump administration. Now they’ve made it their agenda to get as many people as possible vaccinated.

    The left flip flops so much it’s hard to keep track.

    If the left didn't have double standards they would have no standards at all :shrug:


    12 hours ago, jehurey said:

    no, their "unnamed sources" were to deal with White House leaks.


    And now, those sources have made themselves public and even released books...............THEY PUTTING THEIR NAMES on them.


    They are verified.


    Also.............the "unnamed sources" that were leaking information, were leaking things that absolutely HAPPENED, thus proving the "unnamed sources" correct.


    Let me give you an example............NYT and Washington Post had an unnamed source, TWO of them in fact, verify that HR McMaster was quitting and leaving.


    Trump called them liars repeatedly, said they pulled it out of their ass. he even had HR McMaster go out and do a press conference to say that it was ludicrous.


    two weeks later, HR McMaster quit and left.


    So..............the NYT and WaPo have credibility. They've earned it.


    The dumbass youtube videos that you watch, have no credibility.

    NYT & wapo have credibility........


    *rubs forehead*


    Ya know what, I'm going to bail out before I end up on a long ride on the jerry go-round.

  3. 3 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    This looks like uninspired garbage tbh. Halo has only ever had a few good iconic designs in its history. Outside of the actual Spartan/ODST designs and some of the ships, it just looks like some kind of randomly generated generic sci-fi shooter assets. 

    This post is so confusing


    You say it looks like uninspired garbage but what did you expect from a Halo game?



    it just looks like some kind of randomly generated generic sci-fi shooter assets.

    that's literally all Halo has ever been lol

  4. 3 hours ago, jehurey said:

    the mainstream media posts sources, and verifiable facts.


    let me know when you have those.

    lmao no they don't, we see "unnamed sources" every time they want to run a smear campaign, and they sure as hell don't deal in facts. Calling yourself a fact checker does not a fact checker make :reg: how many times have we seen them flip-flop on their own so called "facts" this past year?


    did the wuhan lab have anything to do with covid? no of course not right wing conspiracy theory our fact checkers confirmed it.....oh wait a minute!  do masks work? no, oh wait now you're literally a murderer if you don't wear one, is covid is even something to worry about? no right wing conspiracy theory, oh no NOW ITS LITERALLY THE MOST DEADLIEST DISEASE EVER!!


    Keep drinking that kool-aid Jerry. Next you'll be telling me that we've always been at war with Eastasia :freeben:


  5. On 2021-06-25 at 3:01 AM, Twinblade said:

    Yeah because hes done such a great job on the economy so far right? highest gas prices in years, record breaking inflation, terribly slow economic recovery, paying people to stay home, insulting death tax, country is no longer energy independent (and thousands of high paying jobs in that field axed as a result).


    He's on track to become one of the world presidents in U.S. history.

    I don't know why you bother, this sub-forum is just an echo chamber of the same few people who believe without question what the mainstream media tells them. It's basically resetera lite lol

  6. Quote

    Male employees proudly come into work hungover, play video games for long periods of time during work while delegating their responsibilities to female employees, engage in banter about their sexual encounters, talk openly about female bodies and joke about rape.

    Sounds like pretty standard behavior for an office?


    Not saying it's right but too many people are usually too pussy to complain. Good for them for doing something about this.


    Also in fairness if you ever get a group of women together their sexual banter will ALWAYS put male banter to shame.



    High-ranking executives and creators engaged in blatant sexual harassment without repercussions.

    I can tell you this. Just as pedos are drawn to positions like teachers or sports coaches, and bullies/control freaks are drawn to positions like police or security, sexual predators are drawn to positions like management and upper management.

  7. On 2021-07-29 at 2:45 AM, Goukosan said:

    "They're all virtue signaling... Non story":pffft:

    Well it could be argued to a degree. Whatever has been going on there would have been easy to see, and nobody staged any kind of walkout or protest until now.


    I'm not surprised by a lack of walkout of huge action, pretty much every company has corruption and will always punish the employees that go against it, but you think some would have blown the whistle anonymously or something.

  8. 52 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    I only posted ONE example of Twinblade's and others critique.... they had more. 


    But look at you trying to hand wave away the majority of the criticism to try to make the narrative that sheep are somehow scared of steam deck..... you're further proving my point that you are desperate to paint that picture and drive that false narrative 😂🤣

    So tempted to pick up on the “drive that false narrative” part but I don’t want to bring politics into this :ben: so I’ll just drop it here.


    I don’t even care about steam deck anyway. Its in the same boat as Vita to me in that the system itself looks great but I’m not spending hundreds on a handheld I’ll never play. I think the market will reflect this like they did with Vita. The benefit the deck has though is that its always going to have that game support and heck even if Valve abandons the os you could install another distro and keep this thing going for years.

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