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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. TLHBO

    Steam Deck HBR

    But why? Might as well play an Ngage if you’re gonna play a system with no games
  2. “Ahahaaha sucks for you guys with next gen games to download, my PS3 era games are so much smaller” Lol didnt sheep have shit where the games didnt even fit on carts and had to be downloded? Lmao
  3. At the end of the day, it’s still just another Snorza game
  4. So tempted to pick up on the “drive that false narrative” part but I don’t want to bring politics into this :ben: so I’ll just drop it here. I don’t even care about steam deck anyway. Its in the same boat as Vita to me in that the system itself looks great but I’m not spending hundreds on a handheld I’ll never play. I think the market will reflect this like they did with Vita. The benefit the deck has though is that its always going to have that game support and heck even if Valve abandons the os you could install another distro and keep this thing going for years.
  5. Delta variant isn’t that bad and it makes up the majority of cases here. You said yourself vaccinated people can still get it, so why am I bothering to take 2 experimental vaccines then which have actually been killing people? I’m pretty sure I’ve had the delta variant recently and if so I would have anti bodies now. There’s a higher chance of the vaccines killing me than the delta variant LOL but yeah I’m supposedly the idiot. Not going to trust people that have told outright lies all year. Now THAT would be stupid.
  6. Context is key my little lamb There’s a difference between GD saying “its not a looker” and a number of sheep cracking jokes about how it looks while telling us how sleek some Fisher price my first tablet device looks. Theres a difference between Twinkie being disappointed over no OLED and Jerry talking about how they had “compromised the REAL CONTROLS” because the sticks were too high despite telling us the wii u was the future or gaming, let alone the Wii. There’s a difference between people with no previous bias giving criticism and a flock of rabid sheep working tog
  7. I believe those 3 were from Saucer, jerry and cooke. All sheep. All the other sheep in here seem to be making the same noise but I was too lazy to go back a few pages to look for yours :reg:
  8. All these years and I never put 2 & 2 together with your username
  9. *multi-billion dollar corporation goes around buying games to pull them off rival platforms and keep them out of the hands of players* *supposed gamers* "yay this will increase revenue of this multi-billion dollar company and force players to buy their proprietary system or go without. yaaaaay." :| lemshits you can't see the woods for the trees
  10. Man the sheep are really threatened by this thing. Why? it won't come close to Switch sales. Is it just pride? There's no point denying it, the fact that the whole crew is in here throwing out some really petty excuses and insults tells us all we need to know. "it looks bad" Really? compared to the Fisher Price bright coloured plastic look of the switch? if we're judging consoles on how sleek they look like PSP > DS and PS VITA >>>>> 3DS with its postage stamp sized screen right? "the analogue sticks are up high" Li
  11. most transmission is among the double vaccinated at this point and the UK is well beyond the initial vaccination targets or herd immunity. Well beyond the first few, the number they were throwing out grew every month. 30 - 60%, 75%, 80%, 85% hey look the science changes every month based on the narrative they need to push. Now it seems that nothing but 100% vaccination will do. Lets all trust the people that have lied all year makes perfect sense. Always trust liars especially when it concerns injecting rushed to market experimental drugs.
  12. lol we all knew this was coming. How's this gonna end Jerry, you want us to wear gold stars so you can easily identify us? have us hauled away to camps?
  13. oh shit I just noticed that theres a jerry-remi -go-round starting :D well I'll leave you two love birds to it.
  14. Come on Jerry you know it's about more than price. You're trying to focus on this one point now to save face, but we all know if nintendo was in this position the sheep would be defending it at all costs. and yeah the WIi was overpriced. It was a last gen system at a next gen price. Shit cost almost as much as the 360 and yet og xbox games still looked way better than most wii games.
  15. Reminder, xbox hasn't had an AAA exclusive in 8 years, and it hasn't had a real AAA exclusive for even longer.
  16. You mean like when everyone was bringing out HD consoles with cutting edge hardware and NIntendo duct-taped 2 Gamecubes together and sheep like yourself went crazy for it? Yeah I think a lot of people would compliment them tbh
  17. How the mighty have fallen. Feels good man
  18. Yes it very much sounds like it's based on the 4000-U series which also ran at 15W. That's what I was comparing it to. These were for ultra thin laptops so it makes sense they were picked for a handheld rather than the ones designed for high end gaming laptops. They have a lot less real estate to work with and a smaller battery. Valve has a custom chip though, it's all going to depend on the graphics performance of that thing but since they've built a system dedicated to gaming I would expect they have something sufficient. Also of note is that the 4000 U series ran on shared DDR4
  19. I remember people hyping the hell out of these AMD zen processors and all that nonsense a few years back. One of them was probably you But yeah seeing it in action it's really impressive. I always had a bad impression of laptop processors and the like but these Ryzen zen 2 processors have a lot of potential, easily enough for a handheld games machine when paired with a GPU. It really feels like the sheep are a bit unhappy the NIntendo Pro only ended up being an OLED screen and then Valve announces this. They had penis envy with Vita for years even though it flopped.
  20. That's the thing you can always turn down settings if needed, who cares about processor heavy shit you'll barely notice on an 800p 7 inch screen?
  21. It goes a little higher in at its peak boost but that's irrelevant because you don't want these things running at peak all the time anyway and they never do. My point was these little things pack a punch and that's the APU by itself. Based on performance I've seen, once you add in GDDR5 and an actual GPU they can easily handle games at the resolution they're aiming for. Remember how good PS4 games can be and that's on a really weak CPU. I'm not sure why so many sheep seem to be trying to downplay the hardware as It's not likely to be a competitor to switch in the market
  22. What do you think people will play on it? In my opinion this looks perfect for those that want to play indie games - just like the switch had that reputation. Also the past 2 gens of games look and hold up well enough to play on here. Personally I've been playing Ninja Gaiden HD collection, firepro wrestling, Civilization, and Batman AA recently. Not everyone only wants to play the cutting edge. I guess my point is I don't think the person who wants to play the latest call of duty and battlefield every year will want this. Just my opinion but why would you want those on
  23. Netflix movies all suck ass so I'm not sure I would expect anything good from them for gaming. Maybe a few of those loli rape sims for the Cuties crowd I think I'd rather use game pass than netflix and you all know how much I hate Microsoft
  24. It's not a threat to anything but I am happy to see Valve's continued commitment to LInux and if they can address a few issues that some people have regarding game compatibility, I really think Linux will be the go-to platform for a number of PC gamers. Not the majority but with how far Linux gaming has come in 10 years I think there is going to be a large enough shift that it gets noticed. Most likely from the mid-range to low mid-range area. With windows it feels like MS takes more control from the user everytime and I think with all that's going on in the tech world, people will want a syst
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