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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 4 hours ago, jehurey said:

    did you subtly try to change the metric from HOSPITALIZED to TRANSMISSION?


    Did you honestly think that was going to work?


    We were told that vaccinated people can still spread the Delta variant from the very beginning.


    How is the narrative being changed?

    Delta variant isn’t that bad and it makes up the majority of cases here. You said yourself vaccinated people can still get it, so why am I bothering to take 2 experimental vaccines then which have actually been killing people? I’m pretty sure I’ve had the delta variant recently and if so I would have anti bodies now. There’s a higher chance of the vaccines killing me than the delta variant LOL but yeah I’m supposedly the idiot.


    Not going to trust people that have told outright lies all year. Now THAT would be stupid.

  2. 6 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Look at all these "sheep" hating on the steam deck. 








    Context is key my little lamb


    There’s a difference between GD saying “its not a looker” and a number of sheep cracking jokes about how it looks while telling us how sleek some Fisher price my first tablet device looks. Theres a difference between Twinkie being disappointed over no OLED and Jerry talking about how they had “compromised the REAL CONTROLS” because the sticks were too high despite telling us the wii u was the future or gaming, let alone the Wii.


    There’s a difference between people with no previous bias giving criticism and a flock of rabid sheep working together to throw out petty insults and excuses that make then sound like butthurt children.


    I agree with you it’s not going to be a blip on the radar so then the question remains why are the sheep so touchy about steam deck?

    • dead 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Who are these "sheep" you're referring too who had those critiques?   The majority of the criticism in this thread are from non sheep. 


    Saucer, Twinblade, GD, Gelita and Hotsauce? ..... hint hint non of those are sheep lol


    Or is you so simple minded you think if someone is critical of this they must be a sheep? 



    I believe those 3 were from Saucer, jerry and cooke. All sheep. All the other sheep in here seem to be making the same noise but I was too lazy to go back a few pages to look for yours :reg:

  4. 17 hours ago, lynux3 said:

    Winblows :mj: 20 year old POS kernel and they’re no doubt carrying it over to Winblows 11. I left winblows as a main in the dust years and years ago. Welcome to a real OS. :juggle:

    All these years and I never put 2 & 2 together with your username :tard:

  5. Man the sheep are really threatened by this thing. Why? it won't come close to Switch sales. Is it just pride?


    There's no point denying it, the fact that the whole crew is in here throwing out some really petty excuses and insults tells us all we need to know.


    "it looks bad"


    Really? compared to the Fisher Price bright coloured plastic look of the switch? if we're judging consoles on how sleek they look like PSP > DS and PS VITA >>>>> 3DS with its postage stamp sized screen right?


    "the analogue sticks are up high"


    Like the WIi U gamepad and pro controller? you were sucking that dick for an entire generation


    "a PC makes for a shit handheld"


    Funny when PSP and Vita were on the market sheep said a console makes for a shit handheld but that all changed when NIntendo did it. We all know if NIntendo had a PC/handheld system sheep would be all over it. Heck look at smartphones.


    These excuses are really bad sheep and they just make you look butthurt.

    • dead 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Nah... you guys just keep spreading it amongst yourselfs until it mutates even further and natural selection takes care of you clowns. 

    most transmission is among the double vaccinated at this point :reg:


    and the UK is well beyond the initial vaccination targets or herd immunity. Well beyond the first few, the number they were throwing out grew every month. 30 - 60%, 75%, 80%, 85% :mickey: hey look the science changes every month based on the narrative they need to push. Now it seems that nothing but 100% vaccination will do.


    Lets all trust the people that have lied all year :grimaceleft: makes perfect sense. Always trust liars especially when it concerns injecting rushed to market experimental drugs.

  7. 17 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    the Nintendo Wii was double the cost of the other hardware?


    (man, its so easy to pull a thread and watch the whole thing unravel)

    Come on Jerry you know it's about more than price. You're trying to focus on this one point now to save face, but we all know if nintendo was in this position the sheep would be defending it at all costs.


    and yeah the WIi was overpriced. It was a last gen system at a next gen price. Shit cost almost as much as the 360 and yet og xbox games still looked way better than most wii games.

    • Geese 1
  8. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    because its costing double the price of certain Switch models.


    and its releasing in late 2021, basically 2022.


    The Switch came out in March 2017. We're talking about over 4.5 years ago.


    If Nintendo came out with a Switch 2 in 2022, that only did 1.6 TFLOPS (but more than likely ran below that most of the time) and ran games still at 720p, at $400 would anybody be complimenting them?

    You mean like when everyone was bringing out HD consoles with cutting edge hardware and NIntendo duct-taped 2 Gamecubes together and sheep like yourself went crazy for it? :bena:


    Yeah I think a lot of people would compliment them tbh :]

  9. 5 hours ago, Goukosan said:



    Who said release it on the same dates as COD or Battlefield? lmfao 


    and dumbocop talking about SW mentality.... waaaay off base as usual. 


    Hey dumb and dumber.   Im saying COD and Battlefield in the past when Halo was Halo would steer clear of Halo's date...they would be the one's waiting to get Halo's date before they announce/decide theirs.


    Now it's reversed, Halo is the game that's waiting to see other games dates before announcing theirs. 


    The pecking order has changed. 







    How the mighty have fallen. Feels good man

  10. 3 hours ago, jehurey said:

    well, they're not going to add a dedicated GPU.


    Its just the APU..........thats both the CPU and GPU processor on the same die.


    And with that, the ENTIRE APU must run at a certain voltage.


    I'm not even certain they're using the newest line of AMD APU's, that would be the 5000 series.




    But those are Zen 3 based, and Valve's specs clearly says that they are using a Zen 2



    So.....its probably AMD's 4000 series. And the lowest advertised TDP for those are usually around 35W, and this unit is going to be running on 15W.


    Actually 4W to 15 W.


    Notice how it says "up to" 1.6 TFLOPS.


    Its only logical to assume that if it runs at the upper end of their advertised speeds, that's why Valve is also saying there's a battery life as low as 2 hours.

    A handheld that runs for 2 hours. So what's the point?

    Yes it very much sounds like it's based on the 4000-U series which also ran at 15W. That's what I was comparing it to. These were for ultra thin laptops so it makes sense they were picked for a handheld rather than the ones designed for high end gaming laptops. They have a lot less real estate to work with and a smaller battery.


    Valve has a custom chip though, it's all going to depend on the graphics performance of that thing but since they've built a system dedicated to gaming I would expect they have something sufficient. Also of note is that the 4000 U series ran on shared DDR4 memory, not LPDDR5 like the steam deck will.


    I think it will be fine for handheld gaming at 800P. Even if it couldn't run the latest games well.....how would that be any different to Switch? which either doesn't get games or it gets downgraded ports. Why is this being held to much higher standards than Switch? This doesn't need to offer a desktop experience because desktop steam is actually a thing. With Switch however the one unit is all you have, so if the big screen experience blows then it blows with no alternative.



  11. 3 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Jehurey hates Valve.  You can disregard anything he says about it.. lmfao

    I remember people hyping the hell out of these AMD zen processors and all that nonsense a few years back. One of them was probably you :D


    But yeah seeing it in action it's really impressive. I always had a bad impression of laptop processors and the like but these Ryzen zen 2 processors have a lot of potential, easily enough for a handheld games machine when paired with a GPU.


    It really feels like the sheep are a bit unhappy the NIntendo Pro only ended up being an OLED screen and then Valve announces this. They had penis envy with Vita for years even though it flopped.

  12. 1 hour ago, Remij said:

    I think it will run AAA games just fine for a couple years yet.


    The power it has for the resolution it requires is quite good.. and yes, as long as people aren't expecting high and ultra settings for everything, then I don't see why it won't be.


    This current gen is taking longer to transition than people will want to admit.  Sony still releasing PS4 versions of their exclusive games too.  Like I said, there's nothing done currently which couldn't be done on last gen devices, and made to scale... of which on PC you have increased flexibility to do.


    Of course there are going to be big games that it will struggle with/not run at all.. but I'd say the VAST majority of people buying this thing are doing so to play the library they already have on the go, and not as some next gen powerhouse expecting to run all of the newest games perfectly.

    That's the thing you can always turn down settings if needed, who cares about processor heavy shit you'll barely notice on an 800p 7 inch screen? :]

  13. 1 hour ago, jehurey said:

    that device can be connected to an electrical socket, and therefore, the APU in that thing can be clocked higher.


    what you guys are not getting is that Valve got a 4-core APU from AMD, probably one of the lowest ones from their most recent line.


    BUT its getting downclocked because its running on battery.


    They already advertise a battery length from as long as 8 hours, to as little as 2 hours.

    It goes a little higher in at its peak boost but that's irrelevant because you don't want these things running at peak all the time anyway and they never do.


    My point was these little things pack a punch and that's the APU by itself. Based on performance I've seen, once you add in GDDR5 and an actual GPU they can easily handle games at the resolution they're aiming for. Remember how good PS4 games can be and that's on a really weak CPU.


    I'm not sure why so many sheep seem to be trying to downplay the hardware as It's not likely to be a competitor to switch in the marketplace.

  14. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:


    This thing is going to have plenty of other problems. It may seem advanced now but its going to become outdated pretty quickly. The previews are gushing over games like Doom Eternal, Fallen Order, Control, etc but those were all originally released on last gen consoles. We're gonna start seeing games exclusive to this gen soon that are going to be more demanding and I think the Deck is going to struggle with many of those.


    Its going to be a novel system for small indie games but I don't think its going to succeed at anything else.

    What do you think people will play on it?


    In my opinion this looks perfect for those that want to play indie games - just like the switch had that reputation. Also the past 2 gens of games look and hold up well enough to play on here. Personally I've been playing Ninja Gaiden HD collection, firepro wrestling, Civilization, and Batman AA recently. Not everyone only wants to play the cutting edge.


    I guess my point is I don't think the person who wants to play the latest call of duty and battlefield every year will want this. Just my opinion but why would you want those on a small screen with a touch pad? If I was buying them for steam I'd want a monitor and mouse/kb.


    I think this like switch will carve out a niche of people looking for smaller scale games, the only thing this has going against it for that is the price point.


    Don't forget that this is just steam on a desktop os. If you've had steam for a while then congrats you probably have hundreds of games already in your library. You could essentially use this like a WIiU - use the full fledged desktop PC to play the demanding games, and just use this for indie games or games more suited to a handheld. It's all part of one steam library.


    I'd probably get one but I have no use for a handheld. Thats why I don't have a switch either. However NIntendo handhelds always do well, nobody else has truly cracked that market so I don't see this setting the market on fire but at least it will always have game support no matter how it performs on the market.

  15. It's not a threat to anything but I am happy to see Valve's continued commitment to LInux and if they can address a few issues that some people have regarding game compatibility, I really think Linux will be the go-to platform for a number of PC gamers. Not the majority but with how far Linux gaming has come in 10 years I think there is going to be a large enough shift that it gets noticed. Most likely from the mid-range to low mid-range area. With windows it feels like MS takes more control from the user everytime and I think with all that's going on in the tech world, people will want a system they have more control over.

  16. Just now, Twinblade said:

    The emulation bit sounds interesting, but anyone serious about playing the latest Triple A games on PC absolutely needs Windows.

    Depends what you define as the latest triple A games. Most of the biggest games from the past gen work on there.

  17. 8 minutes ago, Remij said:

    LMFAO in what world does Window 10 take 30min to install? :drake: 


    Shit installs in less than 5m for me. :pavarotti:

    It spins and spins and its "gettings things ready for you" and all that jazz.


    It's like 5x what a linux distro takes, and that feeling carries on throughout every day use of the machine. Winblows doesn't do things, it always needs to do background things. Like on linux you update and its done, on windows you got to have the 5-30 minute shutdown with the blue screen telling you it's updating.


    windblows is just poorly made because MS don't give a shit anymore they're all about services and ads now.


    We need a new faction, the Penguins so that us real hermits don't have to share space with xflop half-breeds like yourself

  18. On 2021-07-14 at 7:18 PM, bhytre said:

    Should be a 6 tbh, most boring Zelda game ever created. 

    I remember playing 1 hour tops when I stubbornly wanted to finish it but it was all I could stomach in one session. 

    Also Fi is an annoying piece of shit whore, fuck you Fi, FUCK YOU :will:

    yeah i thought TP was bad but at least I managed to finish that, I tried this twice and both times I was too bored to go beyond the first dungeon and it was a challenge to even keep playing up to that point.

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