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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Depends what you define as the latest triple A games. Most of the biggest games from the past gen work on there.
  2. It spins and spins and its "gettings things ready for you" and all that jazz. It's like 5x what a linux distro takes, and that feeling carries on throughout every day use of the machine. Winblows doesn't do things, it always needs to do background things. Like on linux you update and its done, on windows you got to have the 5-30 minute shutdown with the blue screen telling you it's updating. windblows is just poorly made because MS don't give a shit anymore they're all about services and ads now. We need a new faction, the Penguins so that us real hermits do
  3. yeah i thought TP was bad but at least I managed to finish that, I tried this twice and both times I was too bored to go beyond the first dungeon and it was a challenge to even keep playing up to that point.
  4. same, it was full of lemshit ownage
  5. lemij defending this because it's shiny and new once a new switch comes out he'll start ripping on it. Oh and anyone that installs windows 10 or 11 on this thing deserves the gulag.
  6. This is probably a bit late after the SteamOS hype but I've been using Pop os for a few weeks now since the latest update 21.04 and it's a lot of fun. Allow me to explain... After one final shit update too many I decided to do what I should have done a long time ago, I got rid of the malware on my PC.....and by that I mean Winblows 10 hands down the worst, shittiest, most piece of crap operating system I've ever used. Like everyone I felt like I was there by force and not by choice. Of course something so shit could only come from Microsoft, of course it had to be one of their pro
  7. lol sheep are shook ITT "a number of popular online games don't work on it" Well you guys have been skipping most online games for decades now so I'm sure everyone else can cope too
  8. When you have no games all you can do is hope nobody else gets games either
  9. I got one of these with a Ryzen 5 6c and I can tell you they punch above their weight given the size. It's only limiting factor is no dedicated graphics and no GDDR5, throw that in as Valve has done and they will handle the 1200 x 800 resolution easily.
  10. "Handheld with no exclusives" Probably the biggest fucking gaming library out of any system out there but it doesn't have a Mario game every year therefore it sucks. That's not to mention the emulation potential. I don't care for it because I don't need steam on a handheld but as a gaming device this would be great.
  11. Probably better than Kirby….I mean Mario hat switch game
  12. That’s because nobody wants a Series S. Xbox in general is a worthless brand with nothing of value but series s is the bottom of the barrel.
  13. Probably not? Check the system requirements.
  14. If you’re asking me to go down on you, the answer is no fgt :reg:
  15. I’m not a fan of Crowder but after begrudgingly checking out what this drama was about due to non-stop talk about it (i dont care for youtube shits who inflate their importance) it seems h3 agrees to chat and then doesnt actually bother and just puts some nobody on in his place live and then they spend a while circle jerking each other about how they “pwned” Crowded. haha? You sure tricked him. Amazing. The fact that this thing is being talked about everywhere is why I hate youtube culture. A few shitty vloggers act like children and its supposedly hilarious and somethi
  16. Lmfao That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that. What is it with you lemkids? You don’t just suck xbox cock you gotta defend their shitty os too. What’s next, telling us how good onedrive and hotmail are? Windows 10 is a disaster and if it wasnt for Microsoft’s monopoly this should would have sunk years ago.
  17. I'd say that applies more to W8 or W10. Personally I'd take Vista over 8 or 10 anyday. This pile of shit 11 looks set to continue everything wrong with W10. Windows 10 was not great, windows 10 has never been great. Windows 10 was loathed upon release. An utter pile of shit desperately trying to imitate mobile rushed out of the gate because 8 was being panned even harder. It had some changes to make it slightly less shit, but it's still a steaming pile of shit with no quality control. Don't be fooled by the global adoption. 7 was being phased out, 8
  18. Notice how lemij tries to claim ownage over old PS games going to PC, but has no issue with every xflop game being on PC day 1?
  19. what's with all the Halo sig/avatars? it's like I've traveled back to 2004 :kaz: Give it a rest lemshits you old farts. This is like when your parents would listen to disco. It's dead, and it's shit, and it was never good. Let it go already.
  20. Oh man it is the devs that made Samus Returns what a pile of shit that was.
  21. NInja Gaiden collection, BEST ON PC as substatic would say. Finally it only took 17 years. Fun game but it's shocking how bad the camera really was :D
  22. I'm going the other way, I think inviting all these big tech companies into your life and letting them track your every movement is going to end up being a big mistake. We're already seeing this in the current day, I'm opting-out from this point forwards. There's not a chance I'm having one of those microphones in my house either like alexa or whatever the fuck the rest are called. I wanted a wrist heartbeat monitor recently and it was almost impossible to find one which didn't offer blutooth, GPS tracking, and a lot of other bells and whistles. The fuck do I want another creepy d
  23. lol it was the only good thing about it. A game so bad you'd swear it was made for xbox.
  24. It's funny how fanboys cheer for this, too fucking stupid to see the bigger picture. The fact that a billion dollar company can come along, buy up a well liked publisher and just say to all their fans and customers "hey fuck you, you want their new product? you gotta buy our $500 piece of shit box". They're not paying to create new games, they're just paying to deny the games to everyone else. This isn't an xbox thing the same applies to every company. Like facebook buying oculus which people funded, then tying it to their shitty service, then forcing people to create a data harves
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