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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. This is probably a bit late after the SteamOS hype but I've been using Pop os for a few weeks now since the latest update 21.04 and it's a lot of fun. Allow me to explain...


    After one final shit update too many I decided to do what I should have done a long time ago, I got rid of the malware on my PC.....and by that I mean Winblows 10 :reg: hands down the worst, shittiest, most piece of crap operating system I've ever used. Like everyone I felt like I was there by force and not by choice. Of course something so shit could only come from Microsoft, of course it had to be one of their products.


    So I yanked it out and decided to give Pop os a try and see what the hype was about as it's gaining a reputation as being one of the best os for gaming.


    The desktop is highly customizable but here are some examples of what generally looks like.





    The install takes just a couple of minutes unlike the 30 minute slog that is the Winblows install.  The OS itself just feels snappier, faster and more responsive than windows ever could. This is true of most/all linux distros though it's not exclusive to pop.  It doesn't feel bloated and fat like the landwhale that is windows 10.


    The game compatibility impressed me the most. I was initially worried about losing some games but Proton is like witchcraft, the sheer number of games that work is astonishing and I'm lucky in that most of the games that don't work (which is normally due to anti-cheat or invasive drm) weren't games that I cared about anyway.


    A lot of games are natively supported on Linux. Indie games especially. Luckily for me the Civ games were too and I still go back to play Civ 5 a hell of a lot. The funny part about this is I used to play CIv 5 on windows 10 on max settings DX12? on my old 970, then my PC broke. I got a new one with an AMD card and for some reason the latest Direct X version was locked out and I had to use the previous version, this locked me out of being able to use max settings as some features were disabled or locked to medium. Better GPU but locked out of max settings :|  After installing LInux I installed Civ 5 with the same AMD card, except now there's no direct X it's opengl or vulkan and once again I can now access max settings :glad: so same card but one OS locks me out of max settings and the other lets me use it. Basically it's just more shitty proprietary Microsoft bullshit. That company is like cancer.


    I decided to try Proton out and I was expecting some issues. I was playing the Ninja Gaiden HD collection before the switchover and they aren't officially supported so I was expecting bugs but it was just click and play. No bugs, no issues, and best of all it carried over all my cloud saves <3 steam.




    I've tried a number of other games and the majority work out of the box. Some take a little bit of tinkering but these games required tinkering on windows 10 anyway. Firepro for example worked out of the box, EDF, but Batman AA required a bit of tinkering but then the steam forums are full of people saying it doesn't run on windows 10. This is a pattern that generally seems to hold true for the most part - if it works fine on modern windows it will likely work fine on Linux (outside of anti-cheat or invasive DRM), if it required some tinkering on windows or compatibility for old windows then it will likely need some tinkering on Linux too. Normally it's just copy & pasting a line of code from protondb.com to the games launch options in steam. Or sometimes winetricks or custom proton builds but they're all easy to use once you learn how to use it.


    Another thing I ike is the emulation support. I normally don't bother but the Pop shop (the official repositories, it's all free) is full of the latest emulator builds which tend to run great out of the box. I didn't know it was so easy to rip PS2 games to a HDD :D so I found some cd burner software on the pop shop and I've dusted off my PS2 collection and starting making digital copies of a number of games. They all look and run great with no messing about. The only thing you'll need is the PS2 bios as that isn't included for copywright issues.





    Finally there's the general benefits that arise from leaving windows i.e. you control your system, not Microsoft. Also no spying, far more stable and best of all no shitty rushed piss poorly made updates.


    What I like about Pop is everything is there for you. They include the driver choice in the downloads and the repositories have pretty much everything you would want for a gaming system. I wasn't a fan of the gnome desktop environment previously but on a dedicated gaming rig I think Cosmic works really well.


    Finally I'm done with winblows. Goodbye cancer os from a shit corporation with no incentive to make anything worth a damn because they have a monopoly while they desperately try to imitate Android because that's all microsoft does - copies the leader. No originally and no inspiration. I can say that on all my personal devices I am 100% Microsoft free. No winblows, no flop and I most certainly don't use any of their craptastic software.


    Any of you who hate Microsoft as much as I do and want to try something else for your gaming rig give it a try - https://pop.system76.com/



    disclaimer: the pictures in this post are not my own, I'm far too lazy to be doing that.


    • aitch 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Twinblade said:

    nintendo is so behind the times its ridiculous. The fact that is even more expensive than the switch is just complete robbery. You can get a Series S for LESS than what this thing costs :| 

    That’s because nobody wants a Series S. Xbox in general is a worthless brand with nothing of value but series s is the bottom of the barrel. 

  3. I’m not a fan of Crowder but after begrudgingly checking out what this drama was about due to non-stop talk about it (i dont care for youtube shits who inflate their importance) it seems h3 agrees to chat and then doesnt actually bother and just puts some nobody on in his place live and then they spend a while circle jerking each other about how they “pwned” Crowded.


    haha? You sure tricked him. Amazing.


    The fact that this thing is being talked about everywhere is why I hate youtube culture. A few shitty vloggers act like children and its supposedly hilarious and something major. H3 should probs kill himself tbh

  4. 2 hours ago, DynamiteCop said:

    I never had an issue with Windows 10 and I adopted it from day one. It really just feels like an extension of 7.  



    That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that. What is it with you lemkids? You don’t just suck xbox cock you gotta defend their shitty os too. What’s next, telling us how good onedrive and hotmail are?


    Windows 10 is a disaster and if it wasnt for Microsoft’s monopoly this should would have sunk years ago.

  5. On 2021-06-24 at 4:03 PM, Ike said:

    Vista 2.0 :tom: 

    I'd say that applies more to W8 or W10. Personally I'd take Vista over 8 or 10 anyday. This pile of shit 11 looks set to continue everything wrong with W10.

    On 2021-06-24 at 4:11 PM, Goukosan said:


    Windows 10 was great... don't see 11 pulling a Vista. 

    The Office Lie GIF


    Windows 10 was not great, windows 10 has never been great.


    Windows 10 was loathed upon release. An utter pile of shit desperately trying to imitate mobile rushed out of the gate because 8 was being panned even harder. It had some changes to make it slightly less shit, but it's still a steaming pile of shit with no quality control. Don't be fooled by the global adoption. 7 was being phased out, 8 was dead, 10 was obviously here to stay whether people liked it or not, and when pushed with the end of support for 7 and a free upgrade to 10 people felt like they had no choice to upgrade.


    Windows 10 is abysmal. It seems irrational to hate an OS and yet here we are.


    On 2021-06-24 at 8:07 PM, jehurey said:

    They're almost committing a form of false advertising.


    They were literally talking about this upcoming feature a few months ago, so everybody understood it to be for the current iteration of Windows.


    Yeah it may be a free upgrade, but chances are they are trying to make money the way Google and Facebook make money by intruding on your privacy and tracking everything you do.


    Any mega software corporation that is giving you software for free............has found another way to make money from you using their software. And that usually means tracking and advertising.


    Windows 10 probably made it a little too easy for opting out, and they're trying to "fix" that. Tracking you at the OS level. Wouldn't surprise me if we see Android or Third-Party Xbox game advertisements INSIDE the Start menu.

    Because that's Microsoft in a nutshell, just imitate the leader. They spent years trying to imitate PlayStation, then WIi comes along and MS instantly changes course and tries to imitate the WIi. Well WIndows was once the de factor computer experience but now that title belongs to IOS and Android. So along comes Microsoft with an OS that has lots of invasive tracking, its shitty online services heavily tied in and pushed everywhere, an app store full of complete junk and only exists to push ads, and.......it's all centered around an advertising ID unique to your device. Hmm, sounds like mobile operating systems, especially Android. They even had the shitty voice assistant lmao


    Of course Lemij left out the part about W11 making a Microsoft account on sign up mandatory for the Home version :reg: so yeah it's all about dat ad revenue.

  6. I'm going the other way, I think inviting all these big tech companies into your life and letting them track your every movement is going to end up being a big mistake. We're already seeing this in the current day, I'm opting-out from this point forwards. There's not a chance I'm having one of those microphones in my house either like alexa or whatever the fuck the rest are called.


    I wanted a wrist heartbeat monitor recently and it was almost impossible to find one which didn't offer blutooth, GPS tracking,  and a lot of other bells and whistles. The fuck do I want another creepy device with GPS tracking anyway? :|


    I had to go with this old ass, ugly looking medical strap as it was the only one that just....you know....showed heartrate, rather than adding on 50 other features and demanded a connection to my smartphone and an app download.

  7. It's funny how fanboys cheer for this, too fucking stupid to see the bigger picture. The fact that a billion dollar company can come along, buy up a well liked publisher and just say to all their fans and customers "hey fuck you, you want their new product? you gotta buy our $500 piece of shit box". They're not paying to create new games, they're just paying to deny the games to everyone else.


    This isn't an xbox thing the same applies to every company. Like facebook buying oculus which people funded, then tying it to their shitty service, then forcing people to create a data harvesting fb account just to access the service.


    You're all so caught up in the fanboy war you cheer as mega corps bend you over and fuck you in the ass. Can't say I'm surprised these days, sucking off multi-billion dollar corporations seems to be all the rage.


    In this case piracy is 100% justified. Fuck these people, not like any are going to go hungry anyway Microsoft will be paying them regardless.


    Personally I'm just glad I found their games to be hollow and not very exciting. I don't feel like I'm missing out here. I still haven't finished fallout 4 or skyrim, played a few hours and got bored :killzone:

  8. Windows is fucking cancer. 7 was the only one that was actually any good imo (didn't like XP), 10 is such a pile of shit. It's amazing how their OS is basically spyware now harvesting as much data as it can with no opt out, "it's telemetry to improve the produce and your experience!" they cry, well then how the fuck is my experience worse than ever? how do you collect more data than ever before yet end up with a worse product?


    Seriously the last windows update uninstalled my graphics card :| how the fuck does a multi-billion dollar company fuck up that bad? and upon researching it seems they have put out updates this bad a number of times over the years!


    Microsoft is just another shitty data harvesting ad company now. You don't get a product anymore, you get a service. That's why you end up with this Frankenstein beast of a system, where it's trying to connect you to 50 different services, wants you to sign in online which connects you to 50 other things, half wants to be a desktop and half wants to be a mobile device, resorts to fucking glorified phone apps over programs because it's easier to push your shitty ads this way. I get everyone is doing things this way now but the other experiences are much better at it, microsoft just took all their oldl shit and tried to slap it together and it's horrendous. Hey our updates fuck up your gpu but oh look we installed a new weather and news app on the task bar for you to compensate :ccruise:


    Windows and Microsoft were always bad but now it's genuine fucking garbage. I'm not surprised one bit microsoft shits out the absolute worst products, xbox, zune, GFWL, windows mobile, all were trash and now all are fucking dead and irrelevant.


    Lets be real people only put up with windows because they have to for things like gaming. I've been trialing Linux for general desktop use and aside from the steep learning curve, it's a much more pleasant experience. Hopefully Valve can keep improving gaming compatibility and one day we can ditch windows entirely.

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