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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Nobody cares about xflop. Let it go lemshits, it's dead.
  2. Windows is fucking cancer. 7 was the only one that was actually any good imo (didn't like XP), 10 is such a pile of shit. It's amazing how their OS is basically spyware now harvesting as much data as it can with no opt out, "it's telemetry to improve the produce and your experience!" they cry, well then how the fuck is my experience worse than ever? how do you collect more data than ever before yet end up with a worse product? Seriously the last windows update uninstalled my graphics card :| how the fuck does a multi-billion dollar company fuck up that bad? and upon researching it
  3. Have you ever looked in a mirror and considered the fact that you might be a fgt?
  4. is it really full of onlyfans thots now? I haven't used it in years. Fake profiles, people that were only there for the fun of the app (tinder is not a good app if you want to actually date), inactive profiles, and landwhales with 5 kids. I think TInder gets on the nerves of men and women. I started to realize how so many of those women seemed the same, I rolled by eyes everytime i saw "beards and tattoos " on a womans profile, or 500 profiles in a row where all the women are posing with a glass of wine. A lot of women complained about men too, apparently shirtless pics
  5. goukosan and jerry will be all over this
  6. no food, no fuel, inflation, border crisis, general tyranny from a President who was on the take from China sounds like America is in good shape.
  7. No, now accept your fucking covid infection you racist bigot
  8. stfu retard Grounded, contrast, we happy few, state of decay.....all flops. Isn't the highest score out of them a fucking 7? halo and gears haven't had anything meaningful in years. Not since Gears 3 (10 years ago) or Halo reach (11 years ago). Rare.....when was the last time Rare put out anything relevant? when was the last time Quake or Fable was relevant? You're just naming shit for the sake of it. Naming the possibilities like JonB circa 2015, and everything was either cancelled or flopped. It would be like me saying "well sony h
  9. It's actually funny how a multi-billion dollar corporation known for exploitative behaviour can buy out a huge studio and at the thought of this corporation demanding that games be withheld from other platforms, fanboys clamor and cheer for it. It's not surprising coming from you though, corporate cocksucker number 1. Microsoft is and always has been a cancer on the world and it's good to see that at the very least Bill Gates reputation may be in tatters soon.
  10. wanting to close the borders is racist
  11. lmao country is straight up going to hell but thanks BIden
  12. and somehow the cows are owned? it says people would rather pay full price than give xflop a chance. TLHBFR!
  13. Lmfao this retard Fucking trash or shit that hasn't had a good game in years. Halo and Gears are out of date garbage, fable hasn't had a decent game in about 13 years, battletoads is irrelevant in the 21st century, we happy few? fucking trash, forza is snorza, ground? lmfao, outerworlds was multiplat and trash, rage and quake 2 more irrelevant franchises as of this moment, psychonauts? again irrelevant You might as well throw perfect dark, banjo kazooie and conker in there since we're listing possibilities and not actual games
  14. "the big lie" lol, this brought to you by a CNN viewer
  15. No games No games for an entire decade
  16. I'm guessing she didn't want his poison vax
  17. The financial success of Nintendo directly correlates to how much fun I have with my gaming system.
  18. "xenophobic hate filled site" lol imagine being this retarded. It was basically Twitter but without the 20,000 pronouns.
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