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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 16 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    That's alot of words to say you have no evidence😂🤣😂


    I hope you donated a few hundred pounds to Trump's election defense fund that he put up... where all the money goes to his pockets so he can scam. you clowns one last time before he leaves office... lmfao. 



    and finally to recap this election "fraud".... "stop the count" in states that Trump was losing..... "count all. the votes" in States Trump was winning. 


    Election fraud only apparently happened in any state that Trump lost, any state he won had no fraud. 


    Not only that, all the Republicans that WON and GAINED SEATS IN THE HOUSE on the same ballot that Trump lost on... apparently there was no fraud in regards to that... But on that very same ballot there was fraud because Trump lost 😂🤣😂🤣


    Trump has coattails but no coat. Biden defies statistical odds and all logic and reason but I'm sure his victory is legit, people are obstructing evidence at every turn but I'm sure they have nothing to hide :grimaceleft: for what it's worth there was a large number of votes noticed with only Biden on them and nobody else.


    But yeah left is now accusing republicans of voter fraud too...






    This fgt apparently also blocked a bill that focused on election security last year. Evidence mounting that he's on the take. Either way seems your elections are fucked up and perhaps you should join the rest of the civilized world and get rid of those controversial electronic voting machines.


  2. On 2020-12-18 at 2:28 PM, Vini said:


    lmao how come nobody says this about country singers, rockstars and popstars only rap really


    I hope Em continues to spit well in his 70s. He's not even 50 yet. 


    Embarrassing your favorite rappers for half a century.


    Because popstars hang it up long, long, long before that? and because rockstars tend to fade into the background long before that?


    Eminem looks ridiculous here, like he's just glued pubes to his chin. His voice is awful too, there's no authenticity in this now. He's just an irrelevant dated fag trying to remain him and popular.

  3. 15 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Hey, maybe you have some evidence.  Trump and his team badly needs it, they had ZERO evidence in court.   That's why all the cases got thrown out...LACK OF EVIDENCE. 


    But since you have some, please provide it to Trump and his team.... you can save his presidency :salute:

    This is where you're wrong. Again the media is lying to you and you're swallowing it hook, line and sinker. The cases were thrown out for procedural reasons, not a lack of evidence. This was also testified under oath.  It's obvious the courts don't want to be involved hence why they're flip-flopping from "can't do it before the election" to "can't do it after the election". They're giving out every excuse in the book and contradicting themselves.


    If the Trump team was lying why have they been fighting so hard to get access to evidence? why have the Democrats or local government being putting up so much resistance to stop them from simply taking a look at the machines? or trying to stop the audit results from getting out? why is Nevada ignoring a subpoena?


    If you're lying you don't chase the evidence. If you're innocent you don't hide the evidence.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 15 hours ago, Goukosan said:


    Softcore porn first Lady, lied about having a college degree and can barely speak English.... those are FACTS. 


    Meanwhile the right is actively attacking Jill Biden for having a bachelor's, Two Masters and a Ehd.... all while ignoring the current first Lady. 


    Fucking Hypocrites 😂🤣



    You're a disgusting fucking racist

  5. On 2020-12-13 at 4:18 AM, Goukosan said:



    for you it is 😂🤣

    This fucking clown :lul:


    Swallows the narrative hook, line and sinker. After being told it was wrong, still doesn't listen to the people who were right in the and instead continues to swallow the kind of shit he reads on Facebook because being "right" is more important than being right.


    This is the person who fully believed the Russia hoax for 4 years even though in the end as we called it, it all ended up being bullshit :reg:


    How many times do you need your media to lie to you and cover up the truth before you realize you're being brainwashed and taken for a fool?


  6. On 2020-12-09 at 6:42 PM, Delita said:

    Former stripper, once incarcerated felon and the key witness to voter fraud in Rudy’s case is saying the obamas funded China to make COVID-19 in wuhan, and also funded the impeachment of Donald Trump. Also says she won’t be quarantining after being in direct contact with Rudy Guliani as well as that other attorney girl who’ve now both tested positive, unless only Trump tells her to. 

    Were officially through the looking glass now.




    Rudy Giuliani Voter Fraud Witness Peddles Conspiracy About Obama, Wuhan Lab

    Its funny how the left are constantly sticking up for sex workers, will go the mile for convicted felons, and believe crazy shit like a man saying he's a woman.....makes him a woman and that there are over 70 genders, yet they see something similar from a conservative and its "nope, shes crazy"

  7. I hadn't heard. Normally I'd be glad it's not xflop exclusive for once but at this point I expect it to be typical made for gamepass shovelware. Those aren't real games. Outside of that MS games are generic, soulless, uninspired SJW garbage anyway. Looking at the trailer I can already see the climate change narrative. I fully expect Jo Dark to be sticking it to the patriarchy in this one along with some feminist one-liners.

  8. On 2020-12-04 at 8:31 PM, DynamiteCop said:

    When this inevitably role reverses I'ts probably going to be the funniest thing to ever happen on this forum, and you will never hear the end of it.


    You guys are prematurely celebrating and it's going to be a disaster for you.

    Even IF that happens, and it's a bif IF, since xbox needs to achieve parity with PS5 not just surpass it, but even if that happens Cows will no doubt be rolling in exclusives then why lemshits have none. PS5 will still be the console to own.

  9. This spineless fgt :D if xflop wasn't such a momumental flop and had the best version he'd be all over this forum sucking xbox dick still like he has done for months, but since it is a complete and utter failure he hides behind PC. Fucking kill yourself already.

    • Haha 1
  10. On 2020-12-05 at 4:11 AM, Delita said:

    Why are all the right-wing people on this forum non-American lmfao.

    Because it's easier for us on the outside to see how your country is being taken over by Commies and how the media and democrats collude and treat your elected President like shit and have done since day 1. Not to mention the bogus conspiracy claims.


    I imagine for people inside the system consuming that poison media 24/7 it's harder to see :reg:

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