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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Because it's easier for us on the outside to see how your country is being taken over by Commies and how the media and democrats collude and treat your elected President like shit and have done since day 1. Not to mention the bogus conspiracy claims. I imagine for people inside the system consuming that poison media 24/7 it's harder to see
  2. lmao an American talking about shithole politics. You should had an election stolen, welcome to the third world son.
  3. Just proves my point. The left were like rabid dogs waiting to pounce, you could tell how agitated they were. We could see it yesterday too, as soon as the video is shown that woman gets all agitated. It's creepy, it's like everyone on the left is possessed...or perhaps just brainwashed. They immediately go wild on the person they disagree with, start making up false claims (debunked 39 times etc) and get visibly agitated.
  4. Why not? they let China lie without consequences, they let the media lie without consequences, hell Twitter themselves lie like crazy.
  5. lol doesn't surprise me that the left are like rabid dogs waiting to tear the witnesses apart. People who swore under oath, unlike the democrats there. Notice how nobody attacks how unhinged the left were in that hearing especially the black woman.
  6. Its been 7 years....7 YEARS!!!! How the fuck is that shortsighted???
  7. A new forza? oh boy oh boy oh boy forza horizon 5, maybe we will get forza 9 next year too <3 nothing better than another forza game this will surely turn around xbox's fortunes!
  8. How many times can a man be wrong about everything before he acknowledges it? How many more times must you be wrong before you realize that the problem lies with you?
  9. I didn't think any console could flop harder than xflop done and yet here we are.... I expected this console to be trash but fuck me it has even surpassed all my expectations of shittyness.
  10. lemshit propaganda No games in over 7 years "BUT ITZ ALL GOING TO CHANGE JUZT AR0UND DA CORN3R GUYZ!1111!!!@
  11. There's no debate xbox series x is one of the biggest flops of all time.
  12. lemijHBK FlopBHBR! Shitbox always disappoints
  13. Xbox sucks so bad lemmings were forced to get corona to entertain themselves because they couldn't get any games
  14. I don't normally chime in but I have to say it's obvious lemij is grasping at straws here. Xflop sucks so bad, its completely failed to live up to expectations and now one of the few things it could try to flaunt is being taken away from it too.
  15. One console gets 4k, the other gets ray tracing, neither seem to run smoothly in those modes. So optimally you'd likely play both at 1080P/60. Either way not a good look for xflop since lemshits told us it would pound the PS5 into submission. Everything so far has ranged from inferior to roughly on par.
  16. You're done with consoles because xbox fucking sucks and microshit dropped the ball if xflop was a success you'd be slobbering all over it. On a side note, dud rising 3
  17. lol at the excuse "we're a little bit behind". In the words of Reggie "not my problem It doesn't matter what their excuse is or what their promises are, fact is lemshits are the ones suffering with poor quality multiplats right now and since they have no exclusives it's not a good look. Granted anyone dumb enough to buy an xflop deserves it but still... It also doesn't bode well for xbox long term. Lemmings would have had you believe the power gap between xbox and ps5 was so large it would be able to brute force the best version of games and yet not only does it NOT ha
  18. Oblivion has its issues but it always held my attention longer than skyrim.
  19. they just need to throw in the towel and stop making new consoles. Just declare xbox dead already and take your shitty gamepass to other systems or better yet leaving gaming altogether.
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