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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 13 hours ago, Goukosan said:

    Lmfao you cannot be this stupid.... 😂🤣

    Just proves my point. The left were like rabid dogs waiting to pounce, you could tell how agitated they were. We could see it yesterday too, as soon as the video is shown that woman gets all agitated. It's creepy, it's like everyone on the left is possessed...or perhaps just brainwashed. They immediately go wild on the person they disagree with, start making up false claims (debunked 39 times etc) and get visibly agitated.

  2. 28 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    The shortsightedness of you idiots is continually amusing. Microsoft is the third largest developer owner and publisher on Earth now, and you think your dumb little "no games" schtick isn't going to come back around and mercilessly stab you to death?



    Its been 7 years....7 YEARS!!!!


    How the fuck is that shortsighted??? 

    • Haha 1
  3. 40 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    I'm not talking to you, idiot.


    P.S. The PS5 failure rate is easily 10:1 that of Series X which was the point all along. The PS5 hardware wasn't ready, we never talked about software so quit trying to manipulate things you ugly fgt.

    How many times can a man be wrong about everything before he acknowledges it?


    How many more times must you be wrong before you realize that the problem lies with you?

  4. 59 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No...........that sentence actually doesn't make any sense.  LOL


    Poor guy is literally typing anything at this point........what are the chances that he went out of his way to find a 4 weeks old youtube video, and make this entire thread to pretend he is posting NEW information........entirely to try and get at me.


    I don't really need to speculate, I already know he made this entire thread to try and get at me.  And I love it. He's really in a bad mood today.

    I don't normally chime in but I have to say it's obvious lemij is grasping at straws here. Xflop sucks so bad, its completely failed to live up to expectations and now one of the few things it could try to flaunt is being taken away from it too.

  5. 2 hours ago, Remij said:

    It's why I'm done with consoles.  Not just Steam... but all the other ones too.  Dude get on Epic Game Store if you aren't already... free games every week.. and a lot of them are damn good games too.. not just junk.  I have well over 120 free games from EGS.


    I like just having one platform.. im tired of owning 2-3 consoles I barely play anymore while having a PC that shits on them.



    You're done with consoles because xbox fucking sucks and microshit dropped the ball :kaz: if xflop was a success you'd be slobbering all over it.



    On a side note, dud rising 3 :mj:

  6. lol at the excuse "we're a little bit behind". In the words of Reggie "not my problem :reg:


    It doesn't matter what their excuse is or what their promises are, fact is lemshits are the ones suffering with poor quality multiplats right now and since they have no exclusives it's not a good look. Granted anyone dumb enough to buy an xflop deserves it but still...


    It also doesn't bode well for xbox long term. Lemmings would have had you believe the power gap between xbox and ps5 was so large it would be able to brute force the best version of games and yet not only does it NOT have better versions, it doesn't even have versions on par with the PS5 games, the xbox games are significantly behind their playstation counterparts. Xbox needs to achieve parity before anything else. 


    Xbox was just more microsoft lies, hype and false promises.

  7. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    If you say so, but the fact of the matter is a lot of the later Xbox library is built future proofed. To add to this the console automatically adds 16x AF which goes a long way to better texture detail PLUS the system also adds HDR to games which never had it. 


    So you've got better performance, higher resolutions, better texture filtering, and HDR which never existed prior. Why would you not want to engage in software which has all of these benefits? It's transformative, I don't care which side of this imaginary line a game released on, a game is a game. 



    PC has allowed better performance and higher resolutions over time for years now :grimaceleft: 

  8. Just now, DynamiteCop said:

    No, I tried Mortal Kombat because I saw it got an upgrade for Series X, and then I tried Titanfall 2 because I knew it was a 60 FPS title with dynamic resolution and wanted to see how it looked/performed. I ended up sticking around and playing them.  



    Yeah because when a new console comes out I don't think of playing a shiny new game built from the ground up for it, I think of going back to a 4 year old game to see how the dynamic resolution holds up


    You're playing them because xbox has nothing else. If you weren't playing these you wouldn't be playing your xbox.

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