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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 39 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    I'm playing new, old that I never played which now top out at their peak rendering parameters, and older games which have been ported and optimized for the new console.


    You fags clearly aren't gamers. You have 45 hours of content from new* games to choose from and nothing on the near future horizon. You're fucking bullshitters, most of you will get maybe one or two of the new offerings and will be mixing those up with older games in your backlog. 


    You're not fooling anybody. 

    So you ignored these games for years but now all of a sudden you decide you want to go back and play them?


    Just admit it - you're playing them now because there's nothing else to play on your shiny new xflop. You don't have a choice.


    There's nothing wrong with replaying older games on a new console. Of course there are going to be dry spells in the early days. The difference is that you have nothing BUT old games, not only that but this is the second time you've been conned like this. You all hyped up xbox one x back in 2017 and what happened? you all ended up going back to year old ports. so $500 for xbox one x just to play old games, $500 for xbox series x just to once again play old games.


    You haven't had new games worth a damn in around a decade on xbox. Its just $500 for whatever new piece of shit microsoft is throwing at you and you dont have a fucking thing to play on any of them, somehow lemshits are so retarded they can't see how they're being robbed in broad daylight.


    Should have just got them on PC years ago and you could have upped the resolution yourself lmao

    • Haha 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Vini said:


    No because they were transparent on what they're doing. XSX is the most powerful console on the market. XSS is a lite version that's gonna be $199 next year to cater to Switch buying casuals


    Why would I have a problem with that?


    If Sony was doing this instead of MS we would never hear the end of it from the lemshit faction.


    It will be interesting to see the ratio of S/X owners over the next few months

  3. 3 minutes ago, Vini said:


    Are cows really gonna claim ownage over series S? It's got lower teraflops than the Xbox One X nobody ever claimed it was a next gen system. It's a secondary or casual system


    So the company you fuckers nuthug all day and shill for puts out an absolute stinker of a system thats weaker than their previous offering and will likely hold back xbox as a whole and somehow this is fine? it's just microsoft setting the bar low. They have no standards.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Goukosan said:


    Oh I did. 



    I remember Remij got sooo mad when that engine developer (I forgot his name) did a reaction video for the Series X Verizon of dirt 5 last month.   


    The Dev pointed out how the series X version was lacking details...... Remij's lemming Gene's went into overdrive.... calling the guy a hack and saying he doesn't know what he is talking about... how he is biased towards PS etc. 



    Fast Forward to today.... DF points out a video basically saying the same shit. 


    LemiJ got raped as always 🤣


    Xflop series X ix not a next-gen console.

  5. wtf is series S? :kaz: after all the shit the lemmings gave switch......how is this even considered a next-gen console? is it even more powerful than Xbox One X in every way? I can't find much info which seems to be intentional I think, with microsoft throwing out so much shit and stupid naming schemes.



    No matter which xbrick you play on it seems another multiplat is superior on PlayStation. Lemmings pulling the "just wait" card lmao. We've been waiting for 7 years and you've had no games. Now once again you find yourself in a position with no games and inferior multiplats. You deserve this.

  6. 21 hours ago, Remij said:


    Being honest though, it's the type of shit that Phil Spencer really needs to be hearing right now.  This whole thing absolutely has been a complete failure by the management team, which Phil is responsible for. 

    That's been the case for the past 5 years. It's not like this is something new. Xbox has been abysmal under Phil, XBX was a disastrous flop with no games too, and outside of a first year fart or two xbox one as a whole was just a miserable flop with nothing going for it.

  7. 2 hours ago, Voidler said:

    Please wait for the power of the cloud

    lmao I remember that. That was like what, 5-7 years ago microsoft started peddling that? another lie.


    Like when Albert pencildick was running around on GAF straight up lying about how multiplats would be best on xbox 1 :roff: and all the suckers ate it up.


    "No way would a microsoft employee from the xbox division come on here and lie to me about their product! no way man!!"

  8. I don’t understand why people seem shocked by this. Xbox literally hasn’t had fuck all in years. Zero games in about 6-7 years and zero worthwhile games in anywhere from 9-12 years.


    Xbox had nothing but 7.0 filler trash the first year or two then nothing, xflop x had nothing but tumbleweed, now out years of nothing out comes another xflop with nothing and everyone is surprised?


    cant speak for jaffe but anyone that bought an xbox deserves this. You knew what you were getting into. If you got an xflop series x AND you bought an xflop x then you’re fucking retarded and need to give full authority of your bank account over to someone more responsible

  9. 22 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:



    You're right, I changed it. For what it's worth, both the hide message and the moderator message on the ban clearly point that out and that you did nothing wrong. There was never any intention to set you up as far as other mods were concerned.


    I posted a few weeks back in the mod forum that I was going to mess around and pretend to be a hardcore lemming mod for the lulz and if it ever got out of hand I'd dial it back. I think this is that moment, so I apologize. You don't post here all that often so I don't think you can see the tongue in cheek attitude I have towards defending Xbox. That's not your fault, it's mine. If I'm going to intentionally be a retard that abuses modship when I'm losing an argument for the "show" of it, I should make sure the people that get banned are in on the joke.

    Lmao this lemkid, hypes up his new xflop and when it flops like a motherfucker he turns on the “bu bu i was just fakeboying ;(“ excuse.


    I see you lemshit. I know your ways.  🧐

  10. 20 minutes ago, sugarhigh said:

    It's especially weird after Playstation decisively won the system wars in 2010.

    I still remember Reach being the end of Halo and a disappointing yet paid for piece of shit like all Halo games, and that lemkid that lied about being at the worldcup that year, and that other lemkid that wrote gay fanfic or something :lul: hard to believe its been 10 years.

  11. 21 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:


    More choice and better battery life = bad. If Sony were the ones that didn't hate customers you'd be screeching up a storm. Instead you take it and act like having an irreplaceable battery that lasts 4 hours and degrades to half that within a year is the best option. Stop being a fanboy.

    Ok fakeboy :patpatpat:

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