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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. That's true, but now hopefully people can stop holding it uniquely against the Steamdeck when all handheld PCs are in the same boat
  2. The Ally can't go as dim as the Steamdeck. On the portability oh the irony. People were bitching about the steamdeck not being portable enough, but NOW it doesn't matter because everyone only plays inside Lets look at your original gripes with steamdeck - Doesn't run windows = turns out windows is a lacklustre experience on these devices - Not 1080p = Turns out you realize 1080p isn't worth it yet in a handheld - Short battery life = True of all handheld PC platforms You jumped from Ayaneo to Ally and neither one fixes al
  3. As expected, our resident sheep going easier on the Ally than they ever have on the Steamdeck. Because they know things like the Ally will always be niche, but Steamdeck has the mindshare and stole the thunder from the Switch. At the end of the day the Ally is still a PC and Steam will still be BY FAR the most used digital store on the device....so nice self ownage? It's still a better gaming handheld than the Switch. It's not surprising one bit that jerry thinks hiding behind Ally to defend against Steamdeck is a viable tactic. It's not.
  4. That projection. When steamdeck came out a subset of people seemed to have a vendetta against it. Now all thse other handhelds get announced and you jump from one to the other hyping the "steamdeck" killer, despite all of them sharing many of the same shortcomings. Hell even goukosan seems ok with this and he was defensive against the Deck from day one. I get it with sheep, even though the Deck isnt a threat at retail, its a threat in terms of reputation and mindshare, whereas all the niche devices will remain niche. For people like you however...I dont get why you're s
  5. TwinkieHBR! Deck remains the best all-around option....not sure why some people are so hard to see it fail. Its good that more products are coming to tbe market for more choice though, Ally looks to be the one if you want pure power above everything else.
  6. Jim Ryan: Our games wont launch day & date on PC Lemij: So let me tell you why these games will be launching day & date on PC
  7. There are fanboys online who will try to convince you this is the best console on the market As the entire gaming community laughs at it.
  8. Ad company who ties your xbox account to your windows account which data harvests you to target you with ads, and relentlessly tries to get you to install their phone app so they can link your devices.....wishes to make more ad money from games. Imagine my shock Microsoft is terrible at releasing good products but their expertise lies in understanding how to make money from a product. They never understood how to make good games, but as a business making people pay a yearly subscription to play online, being at the forefront of putting microtransactions in games, and now finding w
  9. Are you talking about your gamepass lineup for this month?
  10. When you got no games to play so you're forced to have kids
  11. Of course, you're stupid...but not THAT stupid. You've done little more than shill xbox the last year, but you always had to leave yourself that escape route, so that when the ownage was getting too much for you then you could pivot back to Nintendo. You're a pathetic little dick tucker
  12. You didn't shut up about xbox, then it died and you went into hiding and now you've come crawling back wanting to only talk about Nintendo because you know you get owned everytime xflop is mentioned. Little dick tucker.....tucking that little dick
  13. Xbox flopped so hard Ghostz doesn't want to talk about it anymore
  14. We've been telling you this for years.
  15. "Not interested but I'm going to make a thread celebrating it. Totally haven't been desperately waiting a year for this....no not at all"
  16. But but its only a dollar!!! Its getting worse all the time, you cant justify AAA GOTY quality games on hobopass so you either get bargin bin trash like this or unfinished turds like Redfall. It's over Lemmings, real gamers rejected Shamepass.
  17. 47 posts in 3 days He's melting down so hard we're going to have to start evacuating people Zelda best on PC....and he can't take it 47 posts of salty rage.
  18. Mr "I'm too cool to post here on a Sunday afternoon and everyone is melting down but me" is sperging out with a whopping 46 posts because he can't handle the Switch's pride and joy being vastly superior on another platform Now watch him try to keep up the charade where be pretends his life doesn't revolve around the forum.....as if anyone is ever going to believe him
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