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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop said:

    It's not better technology, you're stuck with whatever you get, we get options as how to power our controllers which includes the ability for internal rechargeables which last 25+ hours longer than what you get, external rechargeables, and standard AA's.  


    Every method produces drastically more battery life than what you get, and can be swapped out at a moments notice. 

    Fucking kill yourself shill :ccruise:

  2. lmao that was the most questionable election I've seen outside of a third world country. Ironic the people that cried about Russian memes 4 years ago as interference are now ok with all the shady shit that's happened over the past few days.


    All I cay say is you yanks better get some guns because I don't think the future is pretty :reg: in fact civil war may be the best option

    • Haha 1
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  3. Lmao sheep you can't even fit games on cartridge :D buying a game and then being told to fuck off and download it. ROFF!

    Seems to me storage has hit a breaking point for consoles. None of them can manage price/storage. At least on PC I have the option of paying out the ass for more space :reg: and I can slam a new one in there anytime.


    I have a good SSD and a trusty retro HDD. HDD has actually been fine for me, perhaps this gen it will change but I guess I can leave it for the older games.

    • Haha 1
  4. 512GB is utter shit for modern games. I've been out of the loop with the new consoles but how do you upgrade that if needed? can you just slot your own in like PS4?


    I got a 2TB SSD for my PC (one of the slim stick ones) and it was probably the most expensive component. No way are you getting anything close to that in a console due to costs. Therefore what are you meant to do? how do you balance the cost/storage?

  5. On 2020-11-02 at 6:55 PM, Ike said:

    Lems only have old game enhancements to hype because Series X has the WORST launch line-up in the history of gaming. :rofl:

    Let this sink in....


    Mid 2015 - Witcher 3 releases to critical acclaim. Lemmings are stuck with a gimped version watching everyone else play the real thing.


    Fast forward 2 and a half years to late 2017, along comes xflop x, lemmings pay another 500 smackers for this flop and since it has no games the most exciting thing they have to brag about on here is going back and playing the witcher 3 again


    Now, 3 years on from that and once again the lemshits find themselves with no games and once again they're forced to go crawling back to the witcher 3 just in the hopes of having something to play on their new $500 FLOP


    So 2 years after Witcher 3 stops being relevant lems pay $500 to play a non-gimped version because they have nothing else, and then 3 years after that they pay another few hundred $$$ to play it again because they have nothing better to play.


    5 and a half years on and $1000 later and xflop is in such a drought that lemmings find themselves forced to play polish jank for the third time :cruise: xbox truly is the worst system of all time.

    • Haha 1
    • dead 2
  6. What games are you all playing? What settings/fps/resokution?


    I got a new PC last year. Dont listen to these fags that say “wait” because no matter when you ask about upgrading people will always tell you to wait.


    I don’t really play too many cutting edge games anymore I guess. Nothing that taxes the system. 

  7. It’s hands down the worst mainstream console ever made. That isn’t even up for debate. Even “flops” like the WiiU, Sega Saturn and Dreamcast had a number of good exclusives that gave them a reason worth owning.

    Xbox One belongs to the same tier as flops like the CD-i, 3DO etc just a miserable experience and you’re not missing out on anything by not owning one.

  8. What bugs me about shitrosoft (aside from the fact it's cancer and full of scum and human garbage) is the fact that they put all their irrelevant trash on PC, that shitty game from the alan pancake devs, sunset overflop, that sjw fighting game....I cant even remember the names but you get the point. However the one game on xflop that matters - Rare Replay - no that doesn't get ported does it :trump2:

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