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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. I think lemmings are the only faction that could go an entire generation - a long 7 year generation at that - have zero games, get punched in the mouth by microsoft repeatedly and still come back here to tell everyone how great the next console is going to be.
  2. What bugs me about shitrosoft (aside from the fact it's cancer and full of scum and human garbage) is the fact that they put all their irrelevant trash on PC, that shitty game from the alan pancake devs, sunset overflop, that sjw fighting game....I cant even remember the names but you get the point. However the one game on xflop that matters - Rare Replay - no that doesn't get ported does it
  3. Maybe it's not getting out enough but I've actually been listening to classical musical recently while working. In particular Beethoven and Mozart since those were the first two that came to mind. It's....actually kinda chilling.
  4. Forum full of old codgers calling each other old
  5. Here we go. He's back to bumming sony because he got a shiny new toy. Wait till the next flop/nintendo console is out and then he's shitting on ps5 and saying whatever he gets next is the best.
  6. De Niro is an uber fgt though. I'd be quite pleased if 2020 claimed him too.
  7. Nobody cares about this science fiction talk fool. Ps5 will have more gamez, PS always has more games. The exclusives will no doubt look and feel years ahead of xflop games too like they did on Ps3. Nobody really cares if generic multiplat shooter with a 70 meta score runs slightly better on xbox
  8. Cry of Fear if you’re looking for a co-op shooter. I had more jumpscares in this than any other game. Bit of a pain to get running though.
  9. lmao people still pay for netflix? it sucked anyway and was mostly full of crap but the subversive propaganda was the icing on the cake.
  10. ahahahahahhaaha shitbox xnopower can't handle fucking watchdogs. TEH POWAR OF X1!!11
  11. You'll not be hear for this gen you'll run away for a few years again when it becomes obvious that all you'll be doing is watch everyone else play games while you grow bitter.
  12. Son ain't nobody mad. Cows have one thing the lemmings wont have - GAMES! Enjoy another gen of netflix
  13. "Does that matter? Time will tell." - Xbox wire That says it all right there. Even the lemshits can't tell you what it does or why it matters, it's just bragging for the sake of bragging.
  14. Buggy polish euro jank gets delayed due to being buggy polish euro jank. How surprising.
  15. This is what 20 years of xbox has done to the industry
  16. “If you aren’t for the death of gaming then you’re against gaming” - typical lemming logic Just kys. Disgusting shill
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