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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 6 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:


    Damn, that explains why people hate Bloodborne. Oh wait, that was the game that half the forum bought a PS4 for and is in GOTG contention.


    This is a soulless remake, get over it. Just call it "Demon's" from now on because there's no Soul.

    Pull your head out of your ass you fake lemtard, at the time people were downplaying BB and talking about how DS3 wipes the floor with it. Your lemmate remij especially.

  2. Fucking hell this is such an old man joke. “But Uncy Joe is down with da kids yo!! Respek innit”


    only kids this guy gets down with are the ones rubbing his hairy legs in the pool. Those and the ones he sacrifices to his ancient Canaanite deities like Hilary

  3. On 2020-10-18 at 1:06 AM, JonbX said:

    You have to pretend to agree with their politics or you get banned. Outside of that, most threads there are pretty good. Lots of people post there and as you can see....almost everything here comes from there. Just nobody responds here cause this place is dead.

    Sounds like a great place. Shut up, know your role, obey, submit to us, and then maybe you get to post something heavily watered down and not what you really wanted to say. Also don’t you dare disagree with a “minority” or a troon because they have all the rights and you have no rights.


    Sounds like a wonderful place to post.  This is what they want the world to be like. Gotta grow a pair and reject that shit.

  4. Its been like this for 6 years but lemcucks still think theres somehow a competition. After almost a decade of no games nobody cares anymore, nobody will ever take them serious, nobody will ever believe they care about games when they’ve been happy with none for so long.


    These arent gamers, just soulless microsoft shills.

  5. Here we go. Knew this would happen.

    Demon Souls got ignored back in the day because it was a PS3 game. Most people didn’t get into the series until Dark souls hit xflop


    Now the same people will be acting like weebs “but but it’s not Mikami-san’s original vision!!! 😭” “the music is a little different in this area, they used a different enemy in this room, there used to be a bug that let you glitch through a wall and take a shortcut which they removed from this one. Game is totally ruined they just dont understand Mikami-san’s thought process or the true depth of the lore”

    Its gonna be hated because its not on xflop. Dark souls faggots elitism is one of the gayest things in gaming and I expect to see it in full force with this game. Newflash - liking a janky, dated game with plenty of flaws and one of the worst cameras ever in a videogame just because it was known to be difficult doesn’t make you a god, it just makes you a weebo fgt. Its not going to get you laid.

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