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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. I don’t get why they care. PS5 is right around the corner, Sony obviously doesn’t give a fuck about porting PS4 games at this point and why should they?
  2. Sums up the lemshits. If Xbox can't have the console market, nobody can. They would rather see gaming die than see PlayStation dominate, they've always been like this.
  3. Sony probably doesn’t give a shit about PS4 games releasing when they’re about to announce PS5. It’s like when MS put Halo 2 on PC just before Halo 3, which wasn’t ported for another 13 years lol Meanwhile MS not only puts their games on PC same day and date as xflop, but they offer them away for pennies on gamepass But no somehow in lemming land deapite having no games for 10 years and being a laughing stock its other people that are owned
  4. So Microsoft releases flops that have better versions on PC the same day as the xflop version and that's all fine and dandy and it's a great strategy. Meanwhile Sony releases a game over 3 years after its released on PlayStation and somehow at the end of all this "Teh cows hve b33n PWN3D!!1" Lemmings always scrambling.
  5. Genesis did what Nintendidn’t. I think SNES had the very best games but Genesis had a larger amount of great games.
  6. lmao he's a cuck and a fraud. He's not a gamer.
  7. Lemmings are still stuck in the mid-late 2000's, back when they had games and HALOGEARSFORZA meant something
  8. Why say more than xbox and ps4 combined? Why not just say more than ps4? what does xbox add to ps4s total? 2 games tops? Lmao
  9. I agree with the "wild west" description. Anyone could go create a forum for anything. There were no "rules" as such, everyone was calling each other a faggot as the go-to insult and people would type ****** just because they could. Sure it was immature as fuck but the internet was for geeks and teens and this kind of thing was taken as standard, nobody got offended. Compare that with say something like reddit where you see someone type "x is gay" and along comes a lecture and a ban for using such and such as an insult etc Back then you needed a bulky PC to access the i
  10. Do people really care about this pile of junk? do you really care about an xbox? in this day and age? xbox hasn't been relevant since the mid to late 00's
  11. Funny how lemshits like jenb that wrote off xbox last year are back to showing their true colours now. ”hey guys he console sucks and the company behind it has nothing to offer gamers but we’re back on bord out of pure brand loyalty”
  12. Same as the rest I assume. Xbox flopped and they all bailed from game forums. systemwars becomes a lot less fun when you don’t have a console to participate with.
  13. Remember when the lemmings mods took over and they purged everyone for the slightest infractions yet somehow lemmings were immune and could post whatever the fuck they wanted with no action taken? How did that work in the longrun. The lemshit faction is dead
  14. GS went into moderation overdrive too. There was a huge purge of the forums in 2005 and most of the old members got the boot. GS bans were our best recruiting tool lol
  15. Mostly GS. This place was open but I think it was a smallish community until late 2005.
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