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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. GoW deserves to be up there. Weebs can say it’s not as good as the Jap stuff, but while the combat may not be as refined as some of the others it definitely makes up for it in other areas. In terms of a well rounded game GoW is really strong whereas some of the others may have dull levels, dumb story, boring or bad segments etc That said I think Nu-GoW is overrated as hell.
  2. Jimbo do you fuck hookers before or after you kill them?
  3. Lemshits that hid out the gen returning because they think they might finally get some games soon
  4. Become a Lemming then and you'll never have the problem of "too many games".
  5. lemmings "power matters again" Who cares when you still don't have games? if you want power and best multiplats, you go PC. If you want good exclusives you go PS. Xflop has nothing to offer anyone.
  6. Because they don't need to be. Epic wants to get people to use EGS as their main store and home of their gaming collection. Right now everyone already has billions of games on steam. It's going to take a lot to get them to switch.
  7. Xbox having “no games” and releasing Forza annually goes all the way back to 2009. Granted it became mainstream in 2016 and at this point they had literally no games, but the wheels were in motion long before then. i mean look at the games they had before 2016. Killer instinct? Sunset overdrive? Dud rising? Ryse? Gears 4? Halo 5? Lmao those can barely be called games. Not a single one was worth the retail price.
  8. Nobody could have their heart in Xbox at this point. It’ a completely soulless brand. The only people I could imagine enjoying xbox are the 8 year olds who get one for Christmas with call of duty and fifa.
  9. What a shit decade it has been.
  10. XBX is more powerful than PS Pro, yet one console has games and the other has none. Xbox sucked so bad you went to hiding behind PC which you previously spent years ripping on, but had no choice but to hide behind it because xbox was dead. So tell me Jon, what do you hope to achieve out of this?
  11. Stop trying to change the context of my point to try and push your narrative. You’d never accept the answer anyway no matter what you were given. We both know this.
  12. Context was in regards to security at churches. What’s going on in America is a symptom of something else. Also thank God there was someone there with a gun to stop it
  13. I take it you haven’t seen whats been happening in the middle east and africa. but sure, blame it all on the white boogey man. also fyi, Islam is a religion/political ideology not a race.
  14. I still haven’t played 2 or 3. Wanted to start with the first game but it was Eurojank.
  15. There is nothing exciting about Xbox. That's why it's been dead for a decade now.
  16. Nobody cares about Xbox. At this point it's like saying Toshiba is making a new HD-DVD player.
  17. The guy who always calls everyone a faggot is now wanting to spam the site with dicks. At least hes stopped projecting and come out of the closet.
  18. He’s right. Odyssey felt more like a Kirby game at times with the constant power changing rather than a Mario game. It wasn’t a bad game but 3D world was sublime. 64 > 3D World > Odyssey > Galaxy
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