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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. And? you lemshits banged about about xflop x being 6tf all the time and what did you get out of it? What did you gain? Fuck all. You’ve had no games since with none on the horizon. the next flop could be 1 trillion jiggaflops and it will still be a gameless pile of garbage only fit for use as a doorstop.
  2. There was never a good Halo game. At best they were mediocre. That’s true for the campaign at least. As for Halo 4 yeah I thought Bungies games sucked but boy did Microshit hit a new low with Failo 4
  3. No it won't. Not until the day of the rope.
  4. Tempted to say 2001-2006. Leaving school, having little responsibilities but old enough to do anything and money coming in too. but then these past 5 years have been great. Seeing xbox flop harder year after year going from a disaster to what can only be described as a bad joke. These 5 years have been full of lemming rape.
  5. Well you bought an xflop after MS went third party so...
  6. I remember playing this when the N64 came out. It was really impressive at the time. Bet its dated like hell now though.
  7. No you suck xbox cock hard and hype it as the second coming, then nintendo shits out a new piece of hardware or mario game and you’re ripping on xbox and saying Nintendo is the future, then out comes a new gpu and you’re saying how bad and worthless consoles are. You fanboy for each shiny new thing. You nuthug one company and hate on the others
  8. Of course it is. Its literally garbage but as usual you’ll fanboy for the newest shiny thing. so now we get to hear you shilling hard for xbox again for the next year or so. Yay! Until the next mario game or GPU comes out and then you switch sides again
  9. Lemshits getting excited lmfao. You’ve had no games for about 5 years now. You bought the X for $500 and got no games. Now you’re getting no games again until this abomination is out, which will probably launch with tripe like the last one, filler garbage such as dud rising and killer binstinct, then you’ll get no games again. to sum it up - NO GAMEZ!
  10. Muslimbox. I bet they cant wait for flight sim to be ported to it
  11. But but it’s teh right who are fascists! acting like its ok to beat people for wearing a hat. This is why people are getting sick and tired of the left.
  12. Xbox is doing just fine. I’m sure Deeno will put all of this into context.
  13. He’s a lying shill and nothing he says should be trusted. Remember when he was shilling on GAF and they were eating it up when he said the power difference between xflop and ps4 wasnt true and that the games would speak for themselves? Then xflop games came out at 720p Typical Microsoft. Lie lie lie lie lie without a shred of guilt.
  14. So lemmings rip on a game for years and years, then blow their load at the thought of them finally getting it. Goes to show that jealousy is the primary motivation why they hate PlayStation
  15. So your whole point is that Sony is going to lose their exclusives, but Microsoft already lost all theirs. We still got a few years left slow jonny. Your console is already dead gg lemkid
  16. No you don’t. There’s FUCK ALL to play on xbox
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