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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. We should rename Hermits to Cucks since they like to watch others go first
  2. Lemshits begging for PS4 scraps on PC
  3. Because these “anime” games aren’t on a Nintendo system. Remember when sheep bust a nut for that garbage port of MGS3 on the 3DS the writing wasn’t an issue then
  4. Bragging about getting an AA multiplat 5 years after everyone else Sheep living the dream
  5. It was dying 5 years ago. Its been long since dead and the corpse is already rotting away.
  6. TLHBO

    LMAO Phony

    In every industry things become standard eventually. Theres not a thing today that hasn’t got a feature that somebody else created. I mean the analogue stick was a good solution for 3D games and it caught on, then we have dual analogues which everyone copied and now its the standard. Would you rather we didn’t have that and every new controller had to create something new? Which would be more offputting to consumers having no familiarity there. The only one that really comes off as a knockoff is motion controls/PS Move. I mean it was done different but yeah sony jumped
  7. No shit but my original post was that lemmings could only dream of that kind of success. They’ll be on at least xbox 10 by the time they reach 450 million.....but of course the xbox brand wont last that long because its dead.
  8. Lindelof celebrated his Bar Mitzvah in Teaneck, where he attended synagogue for the Sabbath; he has stated, "I was a Jewish white kid growing up in Teaneck, Imagine my shock. Aren’t you white btw?
  9. Overrated. Once you played N64 it was almost impossible to go back to the 3D jank on here. Most of the best games were either jrpgs or played around the limits of the system i.e camera angles, controls etc
  10. Lemmings with the damage control in here xcloud, like everything else associated with microsoft gaming flopped and is shit. End of.
  11. What happens when the end times occur and everyone realises that Islam was the true religion all along? Oh wait, it’s never going to happen just like your scenario. In fact I’d argue there is more case for mine being more likely to happen than yours.
  12. If....IF Microsoft was pumping out AAA games. but they aren’t, and having been for basically an entire decade now. Microsoft is not capable of this anymore.
  13. Remember when Titanfall was meant to kill PlayStation?
  14. Basically, “just wait” you lems have been saying this for years. 2015 was meant to be the year of xbox, all games flopped, delayed or cancelled. Then it was scorpio would bring the games, flopped, then 2019 it was gonna be halo and gears tearing shit up, once again its wait wait wait. flop console. No games in 6 years LMFAO worst console ever made without question
  15. Definitely the worst console to ever make it 6 years. even consoles that “flopped” and had shorter lifespans had more worthwhile exclusives, Saturn, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Wii U etc xbox one really does belong in the ranks of N-Gage and CD32.
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