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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. But what was Crash team racing? It was just a poor mans mario kart. Hell diddy king racing trounced it too. then they never followed up on it
  2. Remember the Cooke Curse? Where he hyped about 30 games, all craptastic shovelware and ps2 ports? And every single one of them flopped hard with an average rating of about 6.0? Still, better to have a bad year then a bad decade like xflop. Shit hasn’t had an AAAE since 2013 and even that one was paid for
  3. REmake/RE5 Jill > new Jill TSHBO
  4. Halo needs to be number 1. That game set the fps genre back 10 years and ruined games in general with its shitty recharging health.
  5. RE4 in honourable mentions but Halo, Rosscharted and a load of shitty Crash Bandicoot games make it into the top 50. I’m sorry but
  6. He owns TEH MOST POWERFUL CONSOLE EVAR!!! With a new one on the way soon, and for some reason he needs a new PC. Deeno knows xbox has no games.
  7. RE4 doesn’t need a remake. The original was so good any changes may end up making this one worse.
  8. Bottom of the barrel trash. I’d rather own an Ngage. Look at the designs too. This isnt the old xbox, this has that 2020 commie resetera stench all over it. The fat bulldyke is the worst, who the fuck looks at that and thinks “hmm this game might be interesting”
  9. Doesnt surprise me one bit. Xflop always seems to have more fansites padding reviews than any other system. Typical xbox garbage game. Why do people even humour the lemmings? We all know Ms isnt capable of putting out good games.
  10. Oh thats cool. Its a short game so everyone else already ran through it the other week but as long as you get to enjoy it eventually I guess.
  11. Wasn’t this meant to be out years back? I don’t know what number it was but the one on PS2 was pretty good if you like that kind of thing.
  12. Xflop is so bad that I dont even know what this flop is or is about. Halo was trash but at least MS paid for a bigger buzz
  13. Wtf? Dreamcast had games. Good exclusive games. As the man just showed you, Xbox had none.
  14. Lemmings have said this for the past 10 years now
  15. Deeno that excuse makes you sound fucking autistic and OCD. xbox 360 was white and weird looking (bet you had no issues with that though). Wii was white, dreamcast was white. Ps1 was grey. sucks for you if you cant stand a white console that much. i’m sure most people will be fine though. Just wait until they put out a version that you like.
  16. Imagine being DynaFlop or JenN and having to pretend you actually want this shit above games like Spiderman, God of war, TLOU2 etc etc
  17. So what exactly is wrong with it? Is it the colour? I’m surprised you hate it. Normally you only hate blacks.
  18. It looks pretty good. You can tell lemmings are shook as fuck by how much shit they’re trying to throw in here.
  19. TLHBO


    Xbox is dead.
  20. And some people still think this console is a viable alternative to playstation for gamers
  21. Wait PS4 had another AAAA recently? On xbox there would be celebrations, national news, a public holiday. On PlayStation its just another day.
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