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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Makes sense. Most retailers probably see the Xbox section as a waste of space. Now Microsoft can plead “but but look! We only take up a tiny fraction of your store now, plz keep stocking our games ;( “
  2. The internet felt a lot more free and independent back then. Small forums were thriving everywhere. There was a lot more freedom of speech. Now everything seems to resolve around facebook, twitter, youtube, and everyone gets banned for the slightest thing. systemwars is one of the few places that still feels old school. I can call @DynamiteCop! a faggot and not have the “omg hate speech!!!” purge.
  3. Winner: The Cat Lady Runner up: Tokyo Jungle
  4. Because some people won't need them and the file size is often HUUUUUUGE. Might as well not force people to download an extra 30gigs if they don't need it.
  5. Lol he owns an Xbox so of fucking course he didn’t what’s Microsoft going to give him? Games? Don’t be ridiculous.
  6. DS1 has aged terribly. Literally one of the worst cameras I’ve ever seen in a game.
  7. Yeah I tried playing the Witcher 3 on the switch.
  8. @Aza @bhytre Need my KGB boys to rep Alice
  9. GOTY: Alice Madness Returns. KGB approved. Runner up: Killzone 3 Some decent games for runner up but nothing truly amazing. kZ3 was a huge surprise and I spent many hours in the multiplayer which is rare for me.
  10. These side quests feel a bit short and basic. You get told to “go there and do x” so you fast travel, take out 5 enemies, then fast travel back and they’re all over within 60 seconds. I know Bethesda games kind of had this too but at least they would occasionally load a dungeon or something. They never felt as simple as these.
  11. One thing I'll say, there's so much more personality in the game than the open world rpgs. The smaller areas really help. I'm trying to play a modded skyrim too and the characters are lifeless in comparison.
  12. Haven’t played it yet but Rise was pretty dull too.
  13. Last I heard we was dating your mother
  14. $1000 in hardware over the gen and you end up with low settings lemmings xbox
  15. Whatever planet it is, I'm sure they consider xbox a flop as much as we do
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