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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Just doing missions around Edgewater. It feels weird needing to give an enemy 3 pointblank shotgun blasts to the head to kill them. I know it’s an RPG but still...
  2. I'm glad to see people calling the movie shit here. I swear people were positive about it at the time, I watched it sometime on netflix or something and it was boring as hell.
  3. Anyone else find the combat feels a bit....pants? I put all my shit into guns too but some enemies just feel like bullet sponges, which isn't too surprising for an Obsidian game.
  4. Since there's a retro asthetic I gave my guy a banging moustache I put points into guns, normally the easiest way to play these games first times is combat. Also persuade and so far its been really useful.
  5. Damn when Jimbo calls you fucked up you know its bad
  6. Seems to be a U.S thing. we dont have them here in the UK, but then speeds are generally worse here. Or at least most offer tiers, with budget tiers having a cap but all have a number of unlimited speed options. you normally only get data caps on mobile networks.
  7. Since 2008 Xbox has always had a garbage UI. That shit they had on Xbox One was the wirst of all time. microsoft just sucks in that department. Have you ever seen a windows phone?
  8. I know there's some weird shit on there but wtf is this game? https://store.steampowered.com/app/1161770/Breeders_of_the_Nephelym_Alpha/ Breeders of the Nephelym Enter an immersive beautifully erotic 3D adventure centered around catching and breeding the Nephelym, an enigmatic race of monster-human hybrids with an overwhelming desire to mate. Fucking furries the most degenerate of all. I imagine the only other people willing to give this a go are Lemmings desperate for anything even remotely resembling
  9. PS Universe is as honourable and trustworthy as you could get. If they say it’s a 9.5 then you better believe this is a banger and the Lemmings have indeed been raped.
  10. Maybe RE5 Gold and Goldeneye Source from your list but imo they don’t really count as one is a free remake of an existing game, the other is a re-release with dlc content bundled in
  11. 2010 was either God of War 3 or Heavy Rain.
  12. I don’t get how its selling at all. The thing was garbage when it launched and dead by 2016. Who the hell would buy an Xbox in 2019?
  13. If you like classic Doom games then yes. It was overlooked at the times due to being dated compared to something like Goldeneye, but as an appreciation for classic fps has come back it seems to have become more popular.
  14. Thats women across the west in general. maybe its different in the middle east
  15. Well shit that’s one hell of a pre-order bonus. Better than your typical Ubisoft/EA freebie.
  16. Same. The combat looks bland. Looked like a slower Fallout. I get either this or Borderlands 3 as a freebie with my new GPU. Can’t decide. BL has always been a bit meh so hoping this one turns out better than it looks.
  17. Let her fuck you up the ass or it’s a hate crime. This is way the world is going.
  18. TLHBO

    I love how

    Cooke is just looking for a ride on the Jerry-go-round
  19. It looks like it's in right. Since the audio ports at the bottom poke through the I/O shield thats why the bottom ports work, but at the top nothing pokes through which is why it's become misaligned. I've opened it up and the motherboard looks pretty flat and level so I'm out of ideas lol Not sure if it's the case, the motherboard, or what.
  20. Yeah I had a quick look at it last night and figured I had the wrong end type. Took another look today when I got home from work, turns out the fucking motherboard is misaligned The bottom USB ports next to the audio ports work, but further towards the top the motherboard slants so those top ones are out of alignment thats why nothing fits. I got this one pre-made because it didnt cost much more and I was too lazy to do the cable management. Fucking waste of time that was... Now I’m gonna have to open it up tomorrow and see what I can do. Unless
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