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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. They all cuck to resetera and the commie twitter mobs. gas chambers for all of them
  2. Got this one after good reviews. https://www.asus.com/uk/Motherboards/TUF-GAMING-X570-PLUS/ Reading up on it, it seems the standard looking USB ports are USB 3.2 gen2 and these things are USB 3.2 gen1 https://www.zdnet.com/article/get-ready-for-usb-3-2-super-fast-20gbps-transfer-speeds-but-tons-of-confusion/ So from what I gather they keep changing the name, but its basically gen 1 is 5GBPS, gen 2 is 10GBPS. Either speed is fine but the standard USB cables are a little too big for these gen 1 ports. At least on the motherboard I have.
  3. No nothing fits at all. I’m gonna need to replace half my shit with a type c end it seems
  4. So this new PC has 7 usb ports on the back. 4 of them are SS usb, one is a type C. So far all my equipment is just regular USB, so I've got mouse and keyboard in the back and had to put dualshock and headphones in the front ports. Looking around I can't seem to find shit to fit the ss ports? where can I get a controller for dualshock/xbox that supports SS? or even a keyboard. I'm not upgrading the mouse or headset because I just bought them last year and they were pricey.
  5. 39 pages, checked the last page and saw its pretty much just ghostz and jerry spamming emojis at each other wish you could still see how many posts each person made in each thread.
  6. Overrated for sure. It didn’t grab me in the way FO3 did, nor did I enjoy KOTOR2 as much as I enjoyed KOTOR1.
  7. Game looks like trash from a developer known for half-finished games. I wouldnt be surprised if they didnt plan to support either console but MS got them to add the X support
  8. Almost exclusively phone. I can’t even remember when that change happened. 10 years ago it was only PC.
  9. One thing that seemingly hasnt changed in a decade is how good the yanks have it when it comes to prices if PC parts. Hell it’s only gotten worse The UK is such a fucking ripoff
  10. For once I agree with deeno. Theres no way they can allow full installs in this thing with games of that size AND afford to include a good size (2tb) ssd to cover it.
  11. For once I agree with deeno. Theres no way they can allow full installs in this thing with games of that size AND afford to include a good size (2tb) ssd to cover it.
  12. Far Cry 5 looks pretty good
  13. I see why none of the cases have dvd slots anymore. Its so they can fit their bulky coolers at the front. Call me old fashioned but I think I’d rather lean towards the comfort of having a dvd drive in there. how come people dont think the x570 boards are worth it? surely its worth having just in case
  14. That H115i looks huge. Hot sauce has a point. The performance gains with a small water cooler look minimal. Sounds like they do run a fair bit cooler though but maybe louder. i cant get a big one because if I ever open this thing up its going to be a pain in the ass to deal with and I expect to upgrade gpu at some point.
  15. Im not so concerned about the money, I just want something thats going to last. I’m surprised how far my old cpu and ram carried me. Lasted me the gen well enough. At the same time I don’t really want to waste money on things I don’t need. Like I was debating a budget motherboard vs a premium one.....from what I’ve seen the general rule seems to be if you have no idea if you need it or not, then you probably don’t lol What I’ve noticed is that there is barely any difference in price between building it myself, or having it pre-built If i choose pre-built theres onl
  16. AIO is water cooler? hell no at getting those later lol I have no idea how to install that and while im sure its not too hard, messing with cables was the part of pc building I hated. linux was right with the 1.4 volts thing. It was something with that number where the cpu boosts itself when using all cores. Is there a downside to water cooling? Or does it last just as long and hassle free as air cooling?
  17. @Remij_ @DynamiteCop! Is the Wraith Prism good enough for gaming if not overclocking? I looked it up and something something 3700x boosts itself but that boost gets limited with heat. Prism? Or custom cooler? still undecided between build myself or pay for custom built, but most websites either try to force cheap parts on you or water cooling
  18. Xbox One S is struggling, and you got to remember that the One S had a minor performance advantage over the original One, which is what the majority of Xbox gamers are. So they’re at rock bottom right now. Fucked unless they pay to upgrade. meanwhile OG PS4 owners still get a system that performs pretty well
  19. So I figure I’ll go with the advice here and get the 3700x, and give AMD a try for gpu too since the 5700xt looks pretty good. I’ll go with the x570 mobo but does the brand if mobo matter? Or is it ok to go cheap if it has enough usb and sata ports?
  20. Yeah everyone says they have better drivers, but im salty they fucked me with the 970 vram
  21. Wel thanks for the input guys. I figure I’ll give SSDs a try this time. Still not sure about cpu 99fps vs 103 doesn’t matter, but down the line 50fps vs 60fps would be a difference. Looking up there isnt much price difference between the 3700x and 9700k. Think I might try that 5700 card. Looks like it performs solid. As I said I might just stick to 1080p for now, then go to 1440 when next years cards are out. 4k sounds nice but I’d rather have max settings 60fps. Basically I want the most of the pc to last for a while, aside from gpu which seem to evolve so
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