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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 4 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    A 6700K.  It's an old CPU, but still pretty potent for gaming.


    The other thing, is that the higher the resolution, the less all these CPUs will differ.  At 4K, you're usually GPU bottlenecked.. so that extra CPU power isn't doing anything.  However it should be stated that depending on the game, CPUs with lower core counts might stutter where CPUs with higher core counts wont.  Some games prefer higher clock speeds, others prefer cores


    The Ryzen 3700X basically checks off all the boxes.  It's fast.. it has lots of cores.  It performs really well in games.. and it's relatively cheap.  It's also the same CPU architecture that next gen consoles will use.


    That's my pick for CPU. 



    I guess if the hermlord has one then it cant be bad. Looks a hell of a lot cheaper too.


    whats difference between ssd and m.2 ssd when choosing a pc?


    do you also have a hdd in your pc too?

  2. 1 minute ago, Remij_ said:

    Here's the thing... Ryzen KILLS Intel when it comes to multi core performance in applications.  It's overall a better CPU.  Many games will perform better with more cores, and that's expected to be more relevant than ever in the near future.  So it's better to have those cores now... and you're also saving money.


    Then you have to ask yourself... is 90fp vs 103fps REALLY that much different?  If you're someone targeting a mid ranged PC... you're likely someone who's happy if you can reach a stable 60fps across most games.  When you're already getting 30 or so FPS above that... does that extra 7-10fps really matter?


    To some people yes... but you have to ask YOURSELF if you really care.


    I would take the money saved off the CPU and put it towards a better GPU or more RAM, or an SSD.  Plainly put... an SSD is mandatory.  Don't even bother buying a PC if you're not going to get an SSD with it.

    What cpu you rocking at the moment?

  3. 6 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    Why are you talking to me... about shit that has nothing to do with the topic?  Seems like you're trying to throw this thread off course?




    Nvidia Freestyle > RIS

    Nvidia ShadowPlay > ReLive

    Nvidia RTX > AMD Raydeoff


    I'd go with a Ryzen 3700X and 2070S and 16-32GB of RAM with an SSD and call it a day.

    But why ryzen over i7?


    amd looked worse off in benchmarks but everyone here keeps recommending it. Im not sure what im missing

  4. 2 minutes ago, Hot Sauce said:

    They are, but you won't see impacts on your read or write speeds until you've written hundreds of terabytes to the drive. Like if you completely erased a 1TB drive and completely filled it up on a daily basis you'd be looking at 2+ years before you started seeing negative effects. 100GB a day? 20+ years, and consider just how much data 100GB actually is each and every day. 



    I mean I had a 3tb drive before. Only used 2tb. Installed/uninstalled games but that was about it.


    might give it a try then. Is it still trendy to have a hdd as a back up? And just use ssd for operating system and open world games?

  5. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    The only thing I would advise against is the 2060 or 2070, they're not good for RTX so they're basically just raster rendering cards like everything else so the obvious choice would be to get a 5700 XT which is more powerful than both and less than the cost of a RTX 2070 and slightly more expensive than a 2060.

    Well shit you’re right. I just checked the benchmarks.


    i got used to shadowplay and freestyle though :( then playing old games with physx was always fun

  6. 6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It seems like you know a bit but not enough to make informed decisions I guess. That pre-built I selected above would be the most competent and cost effective for what you want to do with no hassle on your end. 

    Exactly lol I know a bit but not enough


    thats why Im unsure about amd


    at least with nvidia its simply 1050 - 1060 - 1070 etc


    I swear I see so many random numbers with amd. 580 and a 5700 and vega. Whats what lol

  7. 6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    If you want to go the pre-fab route this doesn't seem bad.




    I was gonna go that route




    change water cooling to a decent fan cooler


    add 3 more case fans


    Change the ssds to just a 4tb 7200rpm hdd (sue me)


    change the case to one that supports a dvd drive


    2 x 8gb 3000mhz ddr4


    uograde to gold 750/850w power supply


    then either the 2060 or 2070. Word on here though is that rtx flopped? So maybe 2060 and upgrade later


    Any good?

  8. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You don't need one but it's nice to keep your temps down even if you don't overclock which will ensure longevity. You can get any kind of cooler, case or whatever I just put some suggestion in there.


    PSU's are cheap and the range from 650-850 isn't that much of a cost differential to warrant going lower. It's also nice for expandability if you wanted to add a bunch of storage, get a more powerful GPU down the line with higher requirements etc. 

    True. As you say price doesnt go up much so might as well. Cpu should last years too which is why i want power.


    willing to slide on gpu though cus those requirements increase so rapidly.


    is 8gigs of vram on nvidias cards enough?


    most of all what i dont get is how the hell do you pick a good motherbord? :shrug:


    it needs the socket and ram setup i want, usb too. Outside of that is there a difference?

  9. 42 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    AMD CPUs have more cores/threads the Intels have better IPCs.   


    So take a 8 core i7-9700K ($408) vs  8 core / 16 thread  Ryzen 7 3700X ($329) , the i7-9700K is going to provide slighter better fps numbers in certain games but over-all the Ryzen 7 with 16 processing threads will be able to do a lot multiple tasks at the same time, and still be beneficial for games that are multi-core CPU heavy. 

    Same with the 6 core i5-9600K ($240) vs Ryzen 5 3600 ($200) 6 core / 12 threads ,  there will be a light higher IPC in certain games but overall the Ryzen 5 12 threads will be the all around better purchase. 

    I feel like jonb here.


    Lets assume I know what an ipc is and what exactly threads do besides processing..


    if im only using it for gaming and trolling lemmings on systemwars, do I need the extra threads? :wonder:


    like I said my old i5 did me well for so long. Definitely value for money in that. Hell everything but the gpu just kept delivering.

  10. 29 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This would be a good jumping off point and wouldn't break the bank. Obviously reuse what you can from your existing PC unless you want new stuff but personally I'd try to reuse storage, the case, PSU etc. I added storage and a PSU anyway but you can make those determinations yourself. 



    The hdd is probably dead.


    the case and psu are ancient, and not too expensive anyway. I’d rather just get a completely new rig.


    those parts... do i need a water cooler? I dont overclock. Seems less hassle with a fan.


    also why 850w? My current one is 750 i think.


    seen a pc with an i7 9700 and rtx 2070 and it only has 650w

  11. 26 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's really hard to give a straight answer without a resolution target. I wouldn't recommend the same things for a 1080p, 1440p or 4K target. I would look into AMD for CPU honestly, Intel is having more issues with security which in turn to fix them is causing performance losses over time not to mention you're paying considerably more for less. 


    2400 is slow for DDR4, that's fast for DDR3. I would try to go for 3000+ but it all depends on the board, you just have to make sure it has the support. 

    Well i was wanting to go 1440p or 4k when I upgrade.


    since its been rushed though, I’ll say 1080p with the option to go 1440p 60fps max settings next year


    3000+ sounds good. 2400 seems to be the minimum so might as well go higher

  12. 26 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    AMD is better gaming for both CPU and GPU if you are shopping on a budget.  


    $200 can get you the best 6 core 12 thread CPU on the market the Ryzen 5 3600 CPU that includes a Wraith Stealth cooler.  

    Accompany that with a X570 Gaming Plus motherboard for $170 that supports PCI Gen 4 you will have a board that is going to be compatible for sometime.


    If you got cash to throw away, Nvidia will definitely take your money with their current GeForce cards RTX 2080 Super ($700) and RTX 2080 Ti ($1200), those GPUs are in worlds of their own as there are not AMD GPUs available that match it yet. 


    Budget wise, on AMD side you can invest in a reference RX 5700XT Anniversary card that goes for $449, that will get you GTX 1080 TI performance.   

    Its all science fiction talk to me.


    Intel has more cores but amd has more threads?


    whats the difference?


    intel had higher framerates in benchmarks, though amd was using less of the cpu


    do the threads matter? I just figure it sounds like intel squeezes out a fee more fps. 

  13. 16 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Well here's the biggest question before we can even start, what's your financial, performance and resolution target?

    Up in the air.


    Is the i7 9700 worth buying? Looks top notch in benchmarks, but not as inflated as the 9900


    Is 2400mhz DDR4 good? Or is 3000 and higher needed? Do all i7 motherboards support the higher speeds?

  14. 28 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I'd definitely make an effort to wait until Spring 2020, if you can.

    My PC died today. Not sure if its the HDD or Windows being windows :shrug:


    Either way its fucked and I’ve been wanting to upgrade for a while. Surprised how long my i5 carried me.


    Just dont know what I need in regards to motherboard and things.


    No cases these days seem to support dvd drives :jonb:

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