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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. That’s exactly what me and Aza have been saying for years. Xbox’s problems didn’t start this gen, they were becoming apparent in the second half of last gen. Through devs being sold, bought out or closed Microsoft found themselves in a situation where all they had to offer people every year was some combination of Halo, Gears, Forza or 30 day time exclusive CoD map packs. No real gamer could survive on that garbage. All 3 of those exclusives were rapidly becoming stale too and to top it all off Microsoft gave a big “fuck you” to gamers while they went off chasing the casual crowd a
  2. If Deeno doesn’t like it, you know it’s good.
  3. People who haven’t had an AAA exclusive in 6 years talking about droughts even then, last xflop AAA was paid for and only 79% on gamerankings
  4. I was ready to call this weeb faggotry but I quite liked Double Dragon neon and Bloodrayne Betrayal
  5. Gears 1 was passable because it had very little competition at the time. Gears 2 they tried much harder and it was ok though a little bit repetitive By the time Gears 3 came around, the franchise felt incredibly stale. Nobody cared about Judgement or 4. The idea of considering Gears a flagship franchise in 2019 is laughable. It should have been put to bed years ago.
  6. That’s cool, but nobody gives a fuck about what you consider to be exclusive and it means nothing in reality.
  7. Crackdown as well. All of Microsofts games seem to be behind what they had a decade ago.
  8. The fact that you’re trying to have a “gotcha” moment with this proves you don’t know a fucking thing. You truly are a man raised by television.
  9. And history has shown that was a huge mistake.
  10. Nah, Xbox sucked before any of this sjw nonsense started. it was when Mattrick decided that gamers only needed 4 things - Halo, Gears, Forza, 30 day exclusive cod map packs. That was it. That was your lot every single fucking year.
  11. In Clown world he’s the sane one and we’re the whackjobs. This world must be cleansed.
  12. Roff I just posted this for you too in the other thread seems the furry freaks and gender fluid degenerates are going crazy for it.
  13. This is your new Gears fanbase https://twitter.com/ashiinu trans genderfluid enby | she/they | PKMN/furry artist Give it up former Gears fanboys. The game isn't for you anymore, it has a new audience now.
  14. Xbox hasn't had an AAA exclusive in 6 years. That's the same amount of time between the launch of the PS2 and the launch of the PS3.
  15. Another rehash all that wait and it was yet another Gears rehash. You should have known lemmings. You don't get AAA exclusives on Xbox anymore. They're not for you. Year after year the lemmings hype something new, and it always fails, flops and disappoints. No AAA exclusive in 6 years
  16. He’s a degenerate. People like this need to be either locked up or eradicated. It’s not healthy to pretend mental illness is just another way of life. Look where it has taken us - Clown world.
  17. Good point. You should check out my thesis on how Nintendo’s tactics represent white supremacy btw.
  18. I thought you were referring to a different part with the missing tree, but you still forgot the snow on the mountain
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