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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. That’s exactly what me and Aza have been saying for years. Xbox’s problems didn’t start this gen, they were becoming apparent in the second half of last gen.


    Through devs being sold, bought out or closed Microsoft found themselves in a situation where all they had to offer people every year was some combination of Halo, Gears, Forza or 30 day time exclusive CoD map packs. No real gamer could survive on that garbage. All 3 of those exclusives were rapidly becoming stale too and to top it all off Microsoft gave a big “fuck you” to gamers while they went off chasing the casual crowd as Xbox put all their support behind Kinect.


    When Xbox one came around, aside from a number of bone headed moves like drm and shit hardware, they seemed to have this idea that HALOGEARSFORZA would carry the system again, but not only were these games already stale years ago, but this time 2 of them were developed by inferior devs and they were lucky to pull in scores like an 8.0 at best.


    Not to mention it’s very questionable about how microsoft supports its developers. Platinum games have churned out some heavy hitters, with microsoft their game gets cancelled. With Microsoft Insomniac puts out Sunset overdrive which was forgettable, with Sony they put out spiderman which was miles better.


    Microsoft just does not have the capability to make great games anymore. So now they run around trying to buy out every other developer :tom: but given their track record everything they touch tends to turn to shit.

  2. Gears 1 was passable because it had very little competition at the time.


    Gears 2 they tried much harder and it was ok though a little bit repetitive


    By the time Gears 3 came around, the franchise felt incredibly stale.


    Nobody cared about Judgement or 4.


    The idea of considering Gears a flagship franchise in 2019 is laughable. It should have been put to bed years ago.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

    It's another Dead Rising 4 situation. Game has regressed, can't even match 12 year old titles from the 360 era. :D


    Absolute sign of an amateur developer. Atleast Dead Rising 4 was schlocky Christmas-themed fun, this game is just a shitty feminist game lol

    Crackdown as well. All of Microsofts games seem to be behind what they had a decade ago.

  4. 13 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

    He's a 21yr old gay, furry, non-binary professional videogame streamer. :| 






    He’s a degenerate.


    People like this need to be either locked up or eradicated. It’s not healthy to pretend mental illness is just another way of life. Look where it has taken us - Clown world.

  5. 50 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Are you fucking retarded?




    What do you think "added rock below cub" and "missing tree" are?


    Talking about failure and you're missing things I literally put into text form which you're saying I missed. 


    What a goddamn idiot. 

    I thought you were referring to a different part with the missing tree, but you still forgot the snow on the mountain :bena:

    • Haha 1
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