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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. No he even failed that he missed that there is 2 rocks at the bottom right in one pic, and that to the left of the big bears shoulder there is 1 prong/tree rather than 2. But this is the guy who can tell the difference right off the bat between pixel jumps.
  2. Deeno suckered in by a childrens picture puzzle someone give him a gold star for finding the differences
  3. I remember that time they had a debate about pedophiles and people were defending them, and this one person says they hate them because they were abused as a child and the admin told them that maybe they should stay out of the thread as due to their experiences they cant be neutral in the conversation Even the Elf realized how dumb that shit was and shoah’d it.
  4. It was only a matter of time until Resetera caused this. This is the ultimate goal of the SJW mindset even if they don’t realize it. Now whats that story about the pedophilia discord? I havent heard about that yet. Cant say Im surprised though given their history for defending it.
  5. He wasn’t using their desired pronouns. By 2040, that will be punishable by death in America.
  6. One time he had a fetish for trannys, then he hated them, now hes dating one ah well at least hes made up his mind now. Congrats.
  7. Lmao Xbox. The console so worthless that its supporters can no longer get excited for games coming to their platform, they can only be excited if another platform does not receive a game. That’s all you have lemshits. Just bitter fanboys left on the sideines, hoping that superior consoles get one less game, despite the fact its still getting way more great games than you’ll ever get
  8. My point is you made it sound like being de-platformed means someone is automatically full of lies, that couldn't be further from the truth in this day and age.
  9. It's not about defending him, it's that being "de-platformed" doesn't mean shit anymore. Hell from what we've seen, being de-platformed normally means you were being too truthful. Now you either follow the narrative or you're gone.
  10. Even if it isn’t, the fact that people have to ask because they believe it might be really sums up the state of xbox today
  11. Acting like being de-platformed in 2018 means something
  12. No shit. But conspiracy theories are only for the loons. Move along, nothing to see here.
  13. Xbox is such a dull console. Whenever I think of the xbox brand I think of the opposite of fun.
  14. Funny that, I feel no sympathy for any of them.
  15. I was enjoying 5 so much I bought 6. Really feel like I've wasted my money. What a dud.
  16. Alan Wake isn’t even worth getting for free.
  17. Steam sales have really gone downhill since back in the day.
  18. What the fuck is that thing? back in the day it would have been locked up for being a loon and a freak, in 2019 clown world however IT is in the right and it is everyone else who is wrong. Was erasing degenerates from existence really such a bad idea?
  19. Kind of surprising. The first was complete garbage along with that spinoff, you'd think it would be exactly what Microsoft is looking for.
  20. There are so many jokes that could be made here it's hard to pick one
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