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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. The changes to the PS4 version were what made it stand out, pretty good for a remaster. This is basically just a re-release on Switch.
  2. The sjw agenda is in full swing now though, this is a perfect example of how much control they have. It's retarded. This is a weeaboo perv game, whats the point if they're going to censor everything. It's not like they ever had nudity, there are far worse games out there e.g. games with stripclubs where you pay for digital characters to remove their clothes. Fuck Sony. Anyone that cucks to the sjw agenda I won't support.
  3. Looks blurrier, less detail in trees and stuff = completely different game, unplayable Blurrier, less detail, half the framerate makes it look like it's running in slow motion = Perfectly fine, just as good as any other version Sheep don't even get me started on all the craptastic Wii games they defended. They get shitty spinoffs like deadspace extraction, medal of honor heroes and apparently that was just fine.
  4. The PS2 version was barely any different its funny how sheep would blow it out of proportion, but then claim games downgraded for Wii or Switch weren't a big deal
  5. sheep were hurt like an abused housewife when it first got ported. "if RE4 ends up on another system I'll cut off my head" - some Jap guy from Capcom.
  6. Deeno is so loyal to Microshit that he's turned from a right wing KKK wannabe to a full blown SJW Look out! We got a defender of joy in here!!!
  7. Eh I'm not left feeling as ripped off as I did for most of this season. Bran the broken though what a name. Become King and let everyone take the piss out of you.
  8. yeah I'm probably gonna wait until the next generation of cards. It's amazing how well cpus have lasted though. Guess it helps with ps4/xflop having potatoes inside them.
  9. But the benchmarks.... I'll have to double check. Considering a new PC soon so I want something powerful for future proofing.
  10. Doesn't intel still vastly outperform amd? I was looking at benchmarks recently and it always seemed to be I9 at the top followed by i7
  11. I agree. The other week they hit a dragon with pinpoint accuracy and take it down, then thousands of shots after in that episode and this all miss. They try to make out that their army is weakened and it's going to be a close fight yet one dragon literally takes out their entire army almost single handed. I get that it's typical of most shows/movies but still it was a bit daft. Especially when the dragon's choice of attack is to divebomb head first into an entire fleet armed with the harpoons very tactical. Deneyres too, that turn felt very rushed. The series felt so s
  12. lol I barely remember anything about that game. Poor substatic. He was pure lemrape, even if he did smell like dirty socks.
  13. PC. Xbox - roflmfao Nintendo - No interest in handhelds Sony - It was a slow gen in general. I found early on most PS4 games I got where HD PS3 games. Now there were some decent games eventually but there is a hell of a lot of overlap between PC and consoles today with the AAA multiplats and indie games. Don't get me wrong I'll probably pick up a PS5 when Sony puts out the big exclusives but generally I feel like I only need one system most of the time, and with generations of backwards compatibility I'd rather choose PC.
  14. I agree with some of those. The 3 perfect hits and then a billion misses was daft but about what you would expect from anything these days to be honest. As for Bronn...I'm thinking how the fuck did he sneak past everyone and find them immediately? fucking solid snake there. At no point did anyone question what he was doing there, or report to the Lannisters "hey we've just seen your old mate Bronn lurking about :bena:" I think episode 3 was pretty good, this one felt very, very slow in comparison. I get they're trying to pace it out and cover some plot points but damn
  15. Steam is pretty fucking cucked too. What's a good store on PC that isn't cucked?
  16. Phony cucking to the sjws once again. Offensive or abusive content, it's a fucking frog head. I bet a giant dick painted in pride colours gets a pass though.
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