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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 13 minutes ago, bhytre said:

    It's so retarded since it's in the previous DOAX3 version... on PS4 :ben: 

    The sjw agenda is in full swing now though, this is a perfect example of how much control they have.


    It's retarded. This is a weeaboo perv game, whats the point if they're going to censor everything. It's not like they ever had nudity, there are far worse games out there e.g. games with stripclubs where you pay for digital characters to remove their clothes.


    Fuck Sony. Anyone that cucks to the sjw agenda I won't support.

  2. Looks blurrier, less detail in trees and stuff = completely different game, unplayable




    Blurrier, less detail, half the framerate makes it look like it's running in slow motion = Perfectly fine, just as good as any other version




    Sheep :tom: don't even get me started on all the craptastic Wii games they defended. They get shitty spinoffs like deadspace extraction, medal of honor heroes and apparently that was just fine.

    • Upvote 1
  3. 10 hours ago, jehurey said:

    That was Mikami himself who said it.


    And it doesn't matter because the PS2 version was so laughably gimped. The polygon counts on the main characters were cut in half. So many of its lighting, texture and shadowing effects are just straight-up missing.


    The PC port was based on the PS2 port for the longest time (lol), the only versions that had all of the intended graphical features intact were the GC and Wii versions until about 2011, over six years later. (lol)


    And Gamespot awarded the GoTY to just the Gamecube version. I know this because I was a paid member for Gamespot at the time, and that allowed access to the forum where you can speak directly with GS staff, and some doofus said "that also includes the PS2 version, right?"


    And Alex Navarro explained that it is only the Gamecube version. It was great.:drake: Easily the most runaway GoTY winner of all of Gamespot's GOTY winners.

    The PS2 version was barely any different :D its funny how sheep would blow it out of proportion, but then claim games downgraded for Wii or Switch weren't a big deal :drake:

  4. 6 hours ago, lynux3 said:

    If you aren't itching to build one real soon I would hold off until we start seeing benchmarks with the Ryzen 3000 series. We should start seeing those benchmark within the next couple of months. Computex is right around the corner so a lot will be revealed there.

    yeah I'm probably gonna wait until the next generation of cards.


    It's amazing how well cpus have lasted though. Guess it helps with ps4/xflop having potatoes inside them.

  5. 18 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    Hate to say it but imo nearly everything in that ep was bad from an execution point of view. Like downright, objectively, horrible writing bad. Look at my posts after each ep, I've said I enjoyed every single one regardless of issues. This one, was so poor I was totally out of it while watching. 

    The show just breaks it's own rules over and over again. Rules that were dumb to set to begin with. I'm all for mindless fun but it's still to an extent. This was beyond comic book hero crap.


    Last ep you set the rule that the Scorpions are DEADLY to dragons. A scorpion killed Rhaegal and he got hit multiple times. 

    Now in the very next episode. A single dragon destroys endless amounts of scorpions and ships without a scratch. Not to mention last ep you somehow establish that Dany can't just go head first and destory all those ships becuase of the threat of the scorpions then this ep you do that a million fold.


    The Dany turn into 'mad queen' was so rushed and poorly executed. They actually had a million opportunities to do it half well, even with these 6 eps but the way they did it was horrific. You can't even argue that it was 'waking the dragon' or Targaryen rage because they literally start the ep with Dany sulking and 'hasn't ate anything' after the events of last ep. Wtf. The turn felt so forced and unnatural. Even just small switching in events could've made things better. Have Rhagael die in THIS battle via scorpion, near when the bells were being rung. Then have actual Targaryen rage and anger. Anger being an uncontrollable reaction to then torch King's Landing. This method of Rheagal death in laughable circumstances which are totally invalidated the next ep then Dany sulking then Dany just deciding to kill all the innocent ppl 'because', simply wasn't natural writing. 


    Tyrion.... dear lord Tyrion.... You've spent the entire season showing his unconditional loyalty to Dany in adverse to all the obvious things. You then take it to a whole new level this episode when Tyrion is SO LOYAL TO DANY he not only doesn't agree with Varys but betrays Varys, exposes his 'treason' to Dany, witnesses his execution for Treason and THEN, IN THE VERY NEXT SCENE, (after you have just spent all that time establishing 'TYRION IS LOYAL TO DANY'), you have Tyrion commit treason :biggrin: It's literally laughably bad. I was legit laughing. It's like two polar opposite ppl wrote 2 scenes.


    Euron...omg Euron. After building him up you have him magically appear at the super secret entrance to the Keep at the second to fight........Jamie... Jamie. LMAO wot. In the most anticlimatic and pointlessly forced fight ever, the absolute 'badass' then fights Jamie who really couldn't give af and actually loses to a one arm Jamie. It was one of the most random, strangest fights I've seen on the show.


    Now finally, to the worst of all...........Jamie. No death in GoT will be as bad as how badly Jamie's character arc got murdered :biggrin: You have an arc that is arguably better than Theon's and then with one line last ep actually invalidate seasons worth of progress where Jamie just decides to return to Cersei........because...because that's what he does. He then literally regresses to season 1, ep1 Jamie. So quite literally in the space of 2 episodes, Jamie turns back 7 seasons of a character arc. Again, no one is questioning the endgame. You want Jamie to return to original Jamie is fine. But there is a process the same way there was a process to turn the redemption arc for him. You don't just write a line, flip a switch and now was have S1 E1 Jamie back in S8 E5. It was ridiculous. 


    On top of that you have newly established bad ass, MVP, best warrior Arya (you set all those rules in ep3) be completely and utterly useless in this battle. Like in any way. In fact, she forces a family to leave hiding for them to literally die the next scene because they left :biggrin:


    Thankfully the Hound/Arya moment was excellent.


    Best moment of the episode: Qyburn's 1 second instant death haha loved it.


    So yeah as I said previously, they no doubt had the final beats from GRRM after the book material finished but had to fill the gaps themselves and this season has all been plot devices to get to the end which is without a shadow of a doubt, Jon kills Dany. Predicted it prior to this ep but there is zero doubt now. Who sits the Iron Throne I'm not too sure cause I don't think Jon would take it after killing Dany. 


    I agree.


    The other week they hit a dragon with pinpoint accuracy and take it down, then thousands of shots after in that episode and this all miss. They try to make out that their army is weakened and it's going to be a close fight yet one dragon literally takes out their entire army almost single handed. I get that it's typical of most shows/movies but still it was a bit daft. Especially when the dragon's choice of attack is to divebomb head first into an entire fleet armed with the harpoons :D very tactical.


    Deneyres too, that turn felt very rushed. The series felt so slow at the mid point and now everything is just lightening fast. I get that needed the characters to be where they are but it just doesn't feel right :shrug:


    The rest I'm not too fussed about but those two really stood out.

  6. PC.


    Xbox - roflmfao


    Nintendo - No interest in handhelds


    Sony - It was a slow gen in general. I found early on most PS4 games I got where HD PS3 games. Now there were some decent games eventually but there is a hell of a lot of overlap between PC and consoles today with the AAA multiplats and indie games. Don't get me wrong I'll probably pick up a PS5 when Sony puts out the big exclusives but generally I feel like I only need one system most of the time, and with generations of backwards compatibility I'd rather choose PC.

  7. 31 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    If you turn your brain off then the episodes are enjoyable. But man do they make it hard.


    -Dany and her dragons getting ambushed by an entire fleet of ships hiding behind...............a rock? lol. Then 3 perfect shots from a scorpion followed by 20 shots that miss dan flying straight at them. Followed by dany totally ignoring them and flying back

    -Bronn showing up at winterfell unquestioned with a crossbow in hand and finding the exact room that the two ppl he needs to talk to are. Then everything about that scene. he's negotiating with ppl who have no power. Then just leaves......um

    -Cersei been trying to kill Tyrion for seasons and then has a million arrows pointed at him. Decides to kill missandei but not Tyrion? Also Dany has her entire weakened army standing right there..... without jon and the dothraki and all the others....... just waiting to be destroyed. But Cersei just kills missandei and lets the other all go. 

    -Varys finally back in action, sound great convo after what felt like seasons of silence. Then master schemer Varys is now just flat out saying he is going to betray Dany? Never ever once flat out said anything. 

    -Not even a shot of Euron when Tyrion is telling Cersei about her child.....surely Euron brings it up next ep, right? right?



    Now my biggest gripe:

    -The jon snow reveal to Sansa and Arya was done OFF CAMERA. Are you kidding me? Actual huge character moments and we don't see it. Same with tyrion finding out. 


    So yeah lot of complaints but I am actually enjoying it for the brain dead entertainment it is, but man the writing is in the absolute gutter.


    Also my 'one of jon or dany will kill each other' is now firmly Jon will kill Dany. That whole ep and it's events was made for it to be the one way that Jon would have to do it, because Dany is going to become the tyrant she fought against due to her anger and rage. 

    I agree with some of those.


    The 3 perfect hits and then a billion misses was daft but about what you would expect from anything these days to be honest. As for Bronn...I'm thinking how the fuck did he sneak past everyone and find them immediately? :D fucking solid snake there. At no point did anyone question what he was doing there, or report to the Lannisters "hey we've just seen your old mate Bronn lurking about :bena:"


    I think episode 3 was pretty good, this one felt very, very slow in comparison. I get they're trying to pace it out and cover some plot points but damn barely anything happened lol

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