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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. and this is why you don't listen to game reviews. After gamergate it became obvious that most of these neckbeards have an agenda to push.
  2. lol bang on I saw that video the other day. I think he's probably right. Days Gone just looks a bit generic. Probs a 7/10 rather than a 5/10. How can you take this bimbo seriously when she cries about too many white zombies ffs? silly cow.
  3. With sjws you need to vet every single person who worked on or appeared in a videogame. One wrongthinker and they're up for boycotting the while product.
  4. wtf that left pic is from a movie? it's hideous
  5. its still microsofts flagship game appearing on another system, even if its a spinoff. Imagine if lemmings got a mario spinoff, or a god of war spinoff, they'd be claiming ownage for weeks. the lemmings have been skullfucked by this.
  6. You were a Lemming through and through. good to see that you jumped ship though that just leaves Deeno as the last lemming in existence.
  7. lmao this guy when did you come back? Not repping green I see
  8. i don't get why a number of you post there yet hate it. do you like being punished? lol at the reply to him. cunt used the "good look" line. Silly remij needs to accept his white guilt and kill himself so the people of cour can take his wife and his house which he owes them. There is no room for white people in 2019.
  9. 3 Gens in a row now Sony has produced more quality exclusives than Microsoft. Also microsoft tends to have a habit of making a push for a year or two and then just abandoning the console for the rest of the gen. Why on Earth would anyone trust Microsoft?
  10. It felt more like a Kirby game towards the end, changing the powers all the time. Not a bad game but it wasn't amazing
  11. wow. for once we kind of agree. Zelda was top notch but Mario didn't feel like it was Nintendo's A-tier.
  12. Been ill over the weekend but started playing it today. Just started chapter 3. The graphics have come a long way from the previous games.
  13. lol cows get a flop after dominating with years of the best exclusives on the market and all the inferior factions think they've moved into first place
  14. It has no games. We told you this before you bought it. Might as well sell it now while it's still worth something because you sure as hell won't be playing games on it anytime soon.
  15. What do you expect? None of that was ever designed to include a name change there's a reason why they kept putting this feature off for years.
  16. All they need to fiz is the battery life. It's shocking. Getting rid of the stupid light mighr help for a start.
  17. Pretty sure those were in the last version from a few years back. Its obviously the radical left agenda taking hold of Sony.
  18. He probably did it as well. Cooke notify the authorities.
  19. And on the other side, western women don't want to fuck some geek who spends his time doing soyface poses in photos with his Nintendo Switch.
  20. That's exactly what they think, and if you notice tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum came right in after your post to laugh and gloat about it. Getting away with a crime due to your ethnicity and political leanings is good and just and apparantly hilarious to them This is the left. This is what they stand for.
  21. Bhytre is right. Why would you want to post there? It's full of commies, troons, degenrates and lunatics.
  22. Don't get it. Why did they ban you? Because you assumed his gender? Or because by saying he's "the man" its a form of misogyny as you're saying men are superior to women?
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