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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. The prosecutor who took over the Smollett case when Foxx stepped aside, Joe Magats, said Tuesday that the resolution Smollett enjoys “is available to all defendants; it's not something out of privilege; it's not something out of clout."


    Foxx spokesperson Tandra Simonton claimed the Smollett resolution "is not a new or unusual practice.”


    But Eric Sussman, who once served as Foxx’s top deputy, had a different take:  “I’ve never, ever seen anything like this.”


    If Smollett's resolution "is available to all defendants" and "not a new or unusual practice," then there are a bunch of people pleading guilty and saddling themselves with lifetime criminal records for no apparent reason. Here are the details of those cases and their court dispositions:




    When you got friends in high places (Democrat party and left wing groups)


    These fucks have no shame. They openly parade how corrupt they are in full view for everyone to see, and your typical libtard is so brainwashed they cheer for it. :hest:

    • Sad 1
  2. 10 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Oh so we're not talking about what you were claiming against me?


    And clearly me reminding you about it right now...........why, that's me changing the subject.


    Actually, I'm not cheering...........I'm just triggering you. Which was the purpose of this thread.

    Incoherent babbling :tom: even if this assclown has nothing to say he'll try to get the last word in.

  3. 13 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Except I do defend my viewpoints.


    Now tell me.................did I derail the topic into talking about my job..........my family........my personal life?


    You're saying I'm the one doing that?


    BTW: New episode of EMPIRE going on right now, on Fox, with ya boi!

    Lol....at.....cheering....for....a.....criminal....getting....away....with....it.....all....BECAUSE....of the colour......OF HIS SKIN



  4. 11 hours ago, jehurey said:

    I love how you can't even answer a simple question.


    You do understand that if you're innocent...........and still end up trying to obstruct law enforcement.........you end committing a crime, right?


    Can you answer me why he acted like a guilty person while he was being investigated?


    • Haha 2
  5. 12 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No there's plenty of evidence to suggest he was colluding with Russia.


    Explain to me...........if Trump knew he was innocent this entire time, why did he behave they way he behave?


    Why did he purposely lie to the American people and say that he had no business dealings with Russia, when he clearly did while the campaign was going on?


    Do innocent people behave like that?


  6. 6 hours ago, jehurey said:

    .............he STILL doesn't want to comment on the topic, and he still doesn't want to comment on his posts.


    and he thinks I won't notice it. You know he's getting depserate, because he's now trying to do the jonb strategy. LOL

    Trying to turn it back on me, aren't you intelligent :D you're literally like a child.....which is ironic coming from a 40yo living with his brother.


    Spam, spam, spam, spam, spam. All because you're too pussy to comment on the video because you're a disgusting coward. You know its thr wrong lifestyle but you'll defend it anyway because really what does it mean to an eternal virgin who lives with his brother at 40? Nothing. It doesn't matter to people like you because people like you have no hope.

    • Haha 1
  7. 28 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No, actually I keep on asking you if you are going to return to the topic.


    And you never do.


    How is that ME running away............when I'm the one reminding you.


    Don't get mad because I accurately pointed out how you sound like a bigot.............take some responsibility, like a man, for once.

    You were the first person to reply in this thread. You had over 10 posts before I even came in.


    Why don't you comment first you fat coward? :D


    Man you are really autistic. You didn't point out shit, you just flung insults at everyone you disagreed with but in true Jerry fashion you think you won some great argument. No wonder you got no friends, no woman and live with your brother at 40. LOL.

  8. 50 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I like how the people who say that I am getting bullied............are the ones running away and being afraid of direct-quoting me.


    Instead they're forming their self-help group. I've seen it happen before.

    Because you keep going and going and going. People don't run away from you jerry, they stop replying to you because you always have to have the last word with some kind of stupid insult.


    Also talk about running away, you keep spamming the thread with anything to distract from the fact that you refuse to comment on the video at hand. LOL. You know it's wrong but you're afraid to say it. You are a coward.

  9. Civ rev was AMAZING. Civ rev 2 however was utter garbage. The map was tiny.


    The only problem with civ rev is that theres no real point to waging war early on as you will never have the production to be able to do it. Plus technological advances come so fast. No point making too many warriors because you quickly get Legion units, then quickly get horsemen, and from there if you tried to make a fuckton of horsemen units you'd end up with knights shortly after. It's easy to just wait until you have riflemen and tanks because by that point you'll have so many cities and so much production that you can start pumping out 300 tanks and take over the world.


    I want to enjoy the early periods more and have ancient egypt vs ancient greece vs rome vs babylon etc

  10. Hello nerdmits.


    As a filthy casual who has always enjoyed Civilization Revolution which is the best game to jump in to? Looking for one that's going to be the easiest to pick up coming from Revolution.


    I still dig out the PS3 from time to time just to play this game. I have IV and V, though I could get VI if it's hands down the one that needs to be played.

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