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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Fucking hell a good post from Spicoli. I never thought I'd see the day. Actually coherent and makes sense too. Yeah the very first post in this thread was by jerry attacking cooke personally to deflect from the topic at hand. Seems jerry has a lot of pent up rage inside and so he starts arguments. Understandable given that he's an incel. He really does bring it on himself he gets too emotional when people take issue with something hes said.
  2. Look at him he keeps going and going and going because his autism and his pride make him feel like he has to have the last word every fucking time He was the very first person to reply to this topic and he did so by going off topic and attacking another user, yet he's trying to turn it around on others now thinking he's smart. God what an irritating fat bastard he is I know I call you autistic deeno but in all honesty you're nothing compared to jerry. He's the very fucking end of the spectrum. look at him babbling bollocks now about Nazis and blah blah blah, complete
  3. Almost on page 6 and Jerry who has a third of all posts in this thead still refuses to comment on the video that the thread was originally about. But he's not afraid, oh no, not at all.
  4. Still fucking dodging because he knows he's "on the wrong side of history" to steal one of their lines you just go on and on and on and on Jerry. I bet you're a right barrel of laughs IRL.
  5. Dude I came in here at the bottom of page 2, long after you had spammed up the threads with your personal attacks for politcal point scoring. Don't try to turn this back on me. Either give your thoughts on the video or GTFO -> You won't do it because you know it's wrong but in typical Jerry fashion you can never admit being wrong.
  6. Jerry comes back with another 3 posts, still slinging mud at people and not sticking to the topic Someone ban this kid for spamming and derailing.
  7. You got nobody running away son, stop trying to change the subject 4 pages now. 4 pages of "Jerrying". 67 replies to this topic, of which 20 of those are yours. Around 30% of the posts made in this thread are yours Jerry. Every 2nd or 3rd post is made by you. All that and you are STILL trying to avoid discussing what's in the video. It's obvious you're clearly ashamed and embarrassed by it lol. Now you're trying to sling mud at other people to distract from it and deflect. Don't think your little tactic isn't conpletely transparent
  8. I'm aware of the 14 words. Now why are you still trying to derail and distract from the content of the video?
  9. I haven't wished death on anyone, it's just that I understand what needs to be done to restore western civilization.
  10. You still haven't commented on it because deep down even you know it's warped Jerry. Fire up the ovens.
  11. Sounds like sexuality will be in. You can choose to get fucked in the ass by visiting the gay bars in the game, or marry an npc and watch her get pounded in real time by dark skinned characters.
  12. There you go again. Typical Commie tactic. This thread is about a video showing mental illness promoted as something good, and highlights the very sick world in which we live. Stop trying to attack other people because they don't agree with your degenerate views.
  13. Any game that is pro LGBT is doing it wrong. As a Russian you should know this.
  14. From the developer's twitter You can smell the soy. This is how I would expect a radical leftwing development studio to look.
  15. Lol notice how he tries to shift attention straight onto Cooke because even Jerry knows whats in this video is degenerate as fuck.
  16. People still play this flop Oh wait, it's not like they've had much better to play on Xflop. Wish I was joking but that's sadly true
  17. Microsoft is competing in the streaming business now. Whatever is "big" will involve that.
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