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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 15 hours ago, McWicked said:

    He's actually using ADL and SPLC as sources :D


    The splc classes anything as "hate".

  2. 3 hours ago, McWicked said:


    You're rooting for a president that gave Alexander Acosta the position of Secretary of Labor after Acosta got Epstein off the hook for raping underage girls.




    Don't pretend to be concerned about Gunn's harmless twitter jokes, sweetie. 

    The fucking hypocrisy there :D from a Democrat supporter.

  3. 14 hours ago, teh_4th said:

    "Yea I get to watch my favorite pedo director again!!!"


    Be a pedo and you're sins are forgiven.


    Dare to be a conservative and you're blacklisted for life.


    These people have no morals.

  4. Just now, Remij_ said:

    We're not like them... isn't that the point.  Or are we? 

    The point is when theres an Islamic terror attack - bearing in mind that word "Islamic" is never used and is the elephant in the room, its always "love & peace", "the muslims are the real victims!" "Don't look back in anger".


    When its someone on the right its always "lets censor this, lets shut down this, lets go to town on these fuckers".


    Again I think this was coming to ahead. All those terror attacks and someone was going to snap and seek revenge. Now ISIS wants revenge too.


    The whole mass immigration of Islam was a mistake. It doesn't integrate.

  5. 6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Who cares what these idiots think, they're getting cucked and are being shamed into feeling guilt over this. Muslims kill tens of thousands of people every year in terrorist attacks and one pissed off guy takes the fight back to them in the biggest fuck you ever to Islam and all the shitty things it stands for "bu...bu...but the poor Muslims!"...


    Really mother fuckers? :francis:



  6. 22 minutes ago, McWicked said:

    You're the one saying the people murdered should have expected it.  It's too bad they deleted Sheepkilla's Hitler appreciation thread.  Otherwise I could just drudge up some of your posts from it for easy political points.

    I meant society in general should have expected it, not the people there on that day.

  7. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:

    He doesn't think Trump is a good leader but loves his views on White Nationalism.... 


    What was the point you were trying to make again? :mjpls:

    As a symbol, not his views.


    He also denied being a Nazi, actually used to be a communist, and claimed these attacks were in retaliation for previous terrorist attacks.....gee who would have guessed that at some point retaliation would come?



  8. Just now, Remij_ said:

    Please continue to call me out on that shit. 


    Will keep it in mind for the next time :fblike:

    I just scrolled down the page and saw a lot of random capitals, thought it was a jerry post for a second.


    Arguing with him for 10 pages every day has rubbed off on you :D



    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Remij_ said:

    They're applying the logic that they want their GAMES to sell as much as they can... and your pride can't get in the way.  Games are what make the industry it's money.  MS has games which cater VERY VERY WELL to the PC audience.. Gears and Halo.. all sorts of other games.  Start releasing some bangers and make that fucking money MS. Let's FUCKING GO :glad: 

    When you CAPITALIZE that many WORDS you begin to look like JERRY

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