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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. This truly is the worst console ever made. Look it even has Winblows error messages under the hood.
  2. Lemchild still in denial Your deal is dead, you hyped Redfall and it flopped and you flopped along with it, and all your npd posturing tells us you care very much about xbox "winning". As I predicted weeks ago, you would dick tuck for a while and then come back pretending to be a sheep. Well too bad the sheep won't accept you anymore you furry little lemshit.
  3. It was in your "greatness takes time" list They could have given this another 10 years and it will still have been shit
  4. Nintendo's earnings I like to print out their financial records so I have some good wank material
  5. Cool,we have so much to catch up on now that you're back! Where shall we begin? The ABK dreams being snuffed out after lemmings thought it was settled? The unparalleled disaster that was Redfall? A flop so bad it made Forspoken look AAA Or how about the "head of Xbox" throwing in the towel and saying xbox will never win? Dashing the hopes and dreams you've had everytime there was a ps5 shortage at npd? Pick your poison my friend
  6. Cuckz is back, he must have finished Redfall already
  7. The game is overrated trash too. Terrible stealth game with the most basic of mechanics.
  8. It has LGBT characters, here in the west that will add 3-5 points to the ratings.
  9. I agree with you but sadly it's the way everything will go, even playstation eventually. At least on PC games aren't tied to hardware unlike consoles.
  10. Torrenting on a handheld That's such a Russian thing to do. What a glorious nation
  11. Sheep wonder why people troll them, not realizing it's because they sperg out everytime.
  12. I meant Jim, as in Jim Ryan Because GD opted for Steam above PS. I can't believe you just lashed out at me like that Man that feels really bad. What did I ever do to you?
  13. They should just line ms execs up against a wall and have those cunts shot....in minecraft Nobofy wants to see this greedy fgt ass company buy all the publishers.
  14. Are you kidding? there hasn't been a reason to own an xbox in 12 years, this saves me money. Hopefully they keep Phil around!
  15. They could not have picked a worse gamw to start their $70 pricing The parent company has $70 billion to throw around to buy Activision but they need to squeeze $70 out of you for this in order to stay afloat. Lemmings love to brag about how filthy rich Microsoft is, they could have gifted this for free to every Xbox owner and the whole development cost would have been pocket change to them, but no in typical M$ fashion they will squeeze every penny out of the schmuks stupid enough to use their products.
  16. They're so salty over that after pulling that shit all the time in the 360 days. Fuckers dont like it when it happens to them.
  17. Digital foundry 20+ seconds for textures to load in
  18. And their movies are terrible. Instead of say Jurassic World you get "Dinosaur Island", a Canadian film with a tenth of the budget and actors you've never heard of and will never hear of again. The only time they can show sometjing you've heard of is when it's 30 years old and cheap enough for them to put in their library.
  19. I was ready to rip on this guy as being a shill and looking him up he wrote for an Xhox magazine for some years, and has connections to Activision/Blizzard so it's obvious where his passions lie. However I came across his linkedin and this guy has been working like 50 random jobs over the years, recently in care and fast food delivery. All his articles on that website are random junk too. Dude just seems like he's trying to earn a buck, its not surprising he doesnt want to rock the boat.
  20. TLHBO


    I noticed that too, even he knows having a handheld alone is dull. Thats why I'm glad PC/Steamdeck are 2 seperate devices. Costs a fortune sure but you don't feel any compromises. Nintendo's approach makes the most sense for the market, but you end up with a severely crippled home console because of it. Its why I never got a Switch, first Nintendo console I haven't owned.
  21. TLHBO


    Now look, jerry earned another "HOT" tag. They're like forum achievements to him. Achievement unlocked 50g "Get 2 forum users at the same time to ride the jerry-go-round"
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