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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 6 hours ago, Quad Damage said:


    remember the days when even HIGH AA could feel like a monumental flop? :D  zelda (8.8), mgs3 (8.7), gt4 (8.9).


    xbox one has truly redefined the flop with its parade of 5-6.0’s

    3 years of this shit and lemmings still thibk they're on par with PS4.


    There's no talking common sense into them. Xbox One is an absolute disaster. This is 3DO and Atari Jaguar territory.

  2. 1 minute ago, McWicked said:

    Why?  Lot of people have that opinion.  Though I think LTTP is better because it's easier to play due to the button layout.  This remake will likely tackle that problem, though.

    I've never seen it before. I thought it was heresy among the sheep circles. 

  3. Resetera is only big because it's a safe space for the far left. Most people can post anywhere so they're scattered out over hundreds of different forums, if you look at the people on resetera they would never be able to cope anywhere else. they'd be triggered to fuck over the smallest comment.


    So you get all the far left retards all in one place there, which is good because it contains them. Besides it's barely a game forum it's more of a political forum.

  4. 3 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Being a guy who has slept with a lot of women over the years; give me a fucking break. Who says something like "well over 175 women"?


    A liar, shit I lost track after like 20 and even with that numbered scope I can't remember details. I've forgotten names, faces, the situations thst brought it about, hell I've even forgotten girls entirely.


    But you know it's over 175? You sound like a virgin.

    See this is how I know you're lying, you're autisim would have you easily remembering all the names in alphabetical order.

  5. 2 hours ago, MalaXmaS said:


    The first one came as a surprise when everyone bought it for the Halo 3 beta, and then they actually liked the game.

    Then it developed a cult following which then dwindled by the time Crackdown 2 released and it turned out to be the same game but with zombies.

    The third one is just worse than the first two.

    Looks like a Quake 3 demo with auto-aim.

    The first was a flop with no content, just a boss rush.


    360 offered little other than generic shooters at the time so Crackdown got some attention.

  6. 1 hour ago, SheepKilla said:

    The head of the feminist movement apparently. 


    "a photo of Gloria Steinem, smiling, arms raised in a celebratory pose, wearing a t-shirt that read, “I had an abortion.” Beneath her it asked, “Do you really need to inconvenience yourself for the next 18 years?”" 




    • Haha 1
  7. 1 hour ago, bhytre said:

    Nobody dies if they don't try to illegally cross it :trump2:

    The left...


    - Wants immigrants and criminals to be allowed to cross the border freely


    - Won't allow babies to cross the birth canal


    Not sure whether they're completely fucking stupid or just evil. Either way it's all about the downfall of western civilization to them.

  8. 4 hours ago, bhytre said:



    I don't know how anyone sane could watch this and still support abortion for selfish reasons

    Gotta love how the Left in this thread are either avoiding the point or trying to spin the blame onto the right. Typical, they never want to address uncomfortable truths.


    In their world...


    - Not allowing a young boy to grow up as a young girl = inhumane child abuse


    - Tearing a baby from it's mothers womb limb by limb, or even killing the baby AFTER birth = Perfectly acceptable


    The left are a fucking joke. This is why nobody takes them seriously. Completely fucked up people who only care about pushing degeneracy and tearing down everything we have.

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