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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. Crackdown was never very good.


    The first was a 7.0 flop with no story to the game. It was more of a noveltt tech demo than a game. It only got any kind of recognition becauase of the Halo 3 beta.


    The second was even worse and less popular.


    This third lile of shite wouldn't have had any hype were it not for the fact that Lemmings have had a gen of absolutely nothing.

  2. Just now, McWicked said:

    One dumbass makes a Hitler dick-sucking thread and suddenly being anti Semitic is all the rage in SW.  Who would have thought that a forum championing alt-right talking points would house such individuals?  It's a mystery. :ben: 

    Pointing out Jewish involvement in the slave trade = antisemitism now.

    • Haha 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    The pillaging says differently. Relentlessly taking advantage of the technological warfare gap leaves a drier taste in my mouth rather than just going and picking up slaves.  AFRICA is as big ass all of the Americas put together. You have no idea why it has 60 different countries and so many other changes as well.  The white man style is to colonize and oppress everything and the land for centuries to rehab.  That's why the white man is evil. It's not just slavery.  I suggest you pay more attention, period. 

    completely ignores everything we said and then goes on a "da white man is evi" rant.  LOL.


    Why was there a technological gap? 


    If you don't listen to me, how about listening to a brotha :bena:






  4. 8 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    Evil black man that let himself be a slave and made the white man look bad by appearing Like he really liked racial heirarchy. 


    Ghosts, white men really did invade and pillage so much of Africa with the goal of permanently setting it back. None of this is by accident.  

    some white liberalism in the 20th century does not undo what white power stood and stands for the rest of history. 


    Jewish =/= white. Many of the slave ships were Jewish.


    Also pretty much everybody has done slavery. The Muslims used to capture Africans as slaves and cut their penis off too. How come Muslims don't get any shit despite not apologizing or trying to make amends for it?


    In fact the word Slave is based on Slavs, because many of them were slaves during the middle ages. Where is the outcry over them?

  5. If you ask me it's pretty fucking cruel. They make a big fuss about accessible contollers and yet there's no games for them to actually play on Xbox.


    "Here kids, look at this, now you can play games too despite your disabilities"


    "Oh gee wizz thank you uncle microsoft. Can I have some cool games to play with it?"


    "Sure, here's 5tate of Decay 2 and Below A :kaz: "


    " :cry:"

  6. 5 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No........I just listed specific policies.


    And not just any policies, but rather policies and events that are BEYOND what the average president commits. 


    You are now being asked a third time...............list those Obama policies that were absolutely insufferable.


    Are you trying to stall for time while hitting Wikipedia or something?


    You're going through the motions of somebody who is trying to cover their racism. 1. Play dumb, 2. Try to laugh it off. 3. Try to dismiss it, 4. Try to accuse of counter-racism.



    You're still here, typing out your bullshit that the rest of us have to read. Clearly you're sill free and still have enough money to afford your bills.

  7. Just now, jehurey said:

    No, they not debatable.


    Back up your claim against Obama.


    Or else, it definitely seems like you just hated Obama because he was a black president. 

    Holy shit :D typical SJW looking for racism where none exists.


    Obama was the previous President and a Democrat. People who like Trump did not like him so it was an easy comparison to make. Otherwise I have to go back to thr 90's for Clinton when a lot of us were very young so it doesn't really work.

  8. 13 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    See my post I just responded  to TLHBO.


    And let me know if I made a racist insinuation regarding Trump, like TLHBO just made regarding Obama.


    Good to see that you're supporting him.............and telling him that what he said was ACCEPTABLE.

    I made a racist remark about Obama now apparantly...


    Oh and jerry used the term "yikes" another term frequently used by soyboys and the alt-left :D


    Fuck off back to Resetera.

  9. 10 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    -Trump gave $1.5 trillion dollar tax cut to the rich

    -Trump has separated families. He is responsible for taking babies away from mothers' hands.

    -Trump started detaining people coming airports about a month in his presidency

    -Trump has deteriorated our foreign relations with our allies.

    -So many of our long-term personnel in the State Department and Intelligence Agencies, who have served under both Democrat and Republican administrations, have left because of purging and quitting.

    -Environmental regulations are being gutted at rapid pace

    -Industry regulations are being gutted.

    -The Trump administration just let Saudi Arabia off the hook for a murder of an American-resident journalist who works for a major American newspaper

    -Trump has advocated that the press is the "enemy of the People" which had led to attacks on the press, included dead people in Annapolis, Maryland. bombs being mailed to multiple news outlets and Democrats by Trump supporters.

    -Tariff wars that have resulted in money lost, and jobs lost.

    -There are 3,000 people dead in Puerto Rico because basic life necessities and help and support did not reach all parts of the small island for MONTHS. People who died of malnutrition, lack of food and water, or could not get the necessary medical assistance for them to survive their injuries.

    -And the obvious racist rhetoric that he has made multiple times to cause division.


    ...................in LESS THAN TWO YEARS in office.


    And you're trying to equivocate these things as the SAME as "people not liking Obama and his policies"?


    Like I said.................you're not clever enough to sweep your statement under the rug.

    Some nice double standards there, and some of those points are debatable, but that's not the point, I'm not here to get on the Jerry-go-round.


    The fact is Jerry that despite all that here you are perfectly free to sit in front of your computer eating cheeseburgers and shilling for Nintendo. The world didn't end like you predicted and you seem to be doing just fine so......perhaps learn to live with it for a little bit longer?

  10. Just now, jehurey said:

    Wait a minute............what are you saying with that remark.


    What suffering did you have to endure because of Obama.


    YIKES, you just Freudian-ly slipped yourself into a corner, I don't think you're clever enough to get out of. LOL

    People didn't like him or his policies, but most got through it.


    Trump didn't go full authoritarian and he didn't have gays electrocuted and blacks put in death camps like you predicted, now be a big boy and learn to suck it up and wait your turn until the next election.

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