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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. I haven't wished death on anyone, it's just that I understand what needs to be done to restore western civilization.
  2. You still haven't commented on it because deep down even you know it's warped Jerry. Fire up the ovens.
  3. Sounds like sexuality will be in. You can choose to get fucked in the ass by visiting the gay bars in the game, or marry an npc and watch her get pounded in real time by dark skinned characters.
  4. There you go again. Typical Commie tactic. This thread is about a video showing mental illness promoted as something good, and highlights the very sick world in which we live. Stop trying to attack other people because they don't agree with your degenerate views.
  5. Any game that is pro LGBT is doing it wrong. As a Russian you should know this.
  6. From the developer's twitter You can smell the soy. This is how I would expect a radical leftwing development studio to look.
  7. Lol notice how he tries to shift attention straight onto Cooke because even Jerry knows whats in this video is degenerate as fuck.
  8. People still play this flop Oh wait, it's not like they've had much better to play on Xflop. Wish I was joking but that's sadly true
  9. Microsoft is competing in the streaming business now. Whatever is "big" will involve that.
  10. Its been outdated for a long, long time.
  11. He's actually using ADL and SPLC as sources The splc classes anything as "hate".
  12. Reminder that at the time Sheep were telling us how much fun The Conduit and a Wii port of the PSP Medal of Honor were to play
  13. They entered them in Eurovision so probably pretty well I imagine Russians would be grateful for anything of theirs that gets popular in the west. I'd like to hear Aza's views on the Russian Revolution and the effect that Communism has had on Russia.
  14. The fucking hypocrisy there from a Democrat supporter.
  15. Be a pedo and you're sins are forgiven. Dare to be a conservative and you're blacklisted for life. These people have no morals.
  16. http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/10120347/Drone-victims-radicalised-at-mosque
  17. The point is when theres an Islamic terror attack - bearing in mind that word "Islamic" is never used and is the elephant in the room, its always "love & peace", "the muslims are the real victims!" "Don't look back in anger". When its someone on the right its always "lets censor this, lets shut down this, lets go to town on these fuckers". Again I think this was coming to ahead. All those terror attacks and someone was going to snap and seek revenge. Now ISIS wants revenge too. The whole mass immigration of Islam was a mistake. It doesn't integrate.
  18. Also good point Deeno. In the last 30 days there have been 859 people killed in the name of Islam and 844 people injured. Unsurprisingly its not making the news.
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