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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 16 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Really? People go around saying that I just changed the topic on them? And they point that out to me, and I just disregard it?

    Such a specific accusation, you'd imagine someone would be able to immediately recall an incident and be able to post proof.

    Lmfao here we go again.


    "Trawl through hundreds of pages of posts just to prove how I behave because I'm too blind to see it".


    I've said it before. I know Remij has said it during your 10 page arguments. Others too...you think it's just coincidence?

  2. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I think John is going to kill himself, I'm not even kidding. The guy seems super depressed and the only joy in life he gets is making videos and people appreciating them. It seems when the latter doesn't happen he gets super down on himself.


    I mean look at this shit. 






    Dude needs to get as far away from this forum as possible. 



    Guy looks like hes never been laid. Perhaps its best if he takes a break for a while, perhaps culls some of his few thousand videogames he owns, and goes out to meet people.

  3. 7 hours ago, Bodycount N said:

    yeah, it didn't matter what games MS brought out, they could have all been bangers. No one cared after the reveal, the console was marked for death.


    my point is, those deals were the only good thing about xbox one. it was a good console for the first 2-3 years when it was getting real exclusives. The next xbox won't be getting the same support out of the gate that the One did this gen.


    It's going to get WORSE.

    When it was getting exclusives?


    Ryse, Dud rising, killer instinct, recore, gears etc etc all 7 or below flops.


    Sunset overdrive, halo 5, hardly setting the world on fire at 8.0.


    It never had exclusives worth a damn, that was its whole problem. Now it has none at all aside from Snorza :D and even thats now on PC.


    I mean yeah PS4 sucked for exclusives too the first few years aside from Bloodborne but at leaat it had best multiplats and a lot of japanese games the XB1 wasn't getting.


    Microsofts problems started late last gen, and ne and Aza tried to warn everyone but they wouldnt listen.


    DOA, Ninja Gaiden, Fable, Bioware RPGs, Good Rare games etc all these just disappeared and were never replaced.


    From 2009 onwards it felt like microsoft expected gamers to be happy with HALOGEARSFORZA, 30 day exclusive CoD map packs and nothing else as they dedicated the rest of their time to chasing that Wii audiencr with kinnect.

  4. 32 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    Genocide. You people are so about your White priveages. Why even argue this .

    If i show up to a native show, with a maga hat on, find me using a video of not getting beat up as 'my racism'   


    You think everything happened in the last 15 years, and u dont desevwe it. Big dumb white baby. 

    I like how you keep throwing around the term "white".


    Guarentee if he turns around and uses the word "black" you're gonna start crying.

  5. 13 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    How they customize their paint is up to them, it's harmless pride paint for school and sporting events. You're a dumb fuck homeschooled socially inept moron. You faggots literally try to get offended, you're not just easily offended by nothing; you actively seek it out. What about their blue out's and white out's Jerry?


    Jesus christ your connection with reality is simply non-existent. The funniest part of all of this is that you leftist psychopaths cry wolf on so many fake, irrelevant or delusional things that when/if something serious and real actually took place no one is going to give two shits because they're sick of hearing from you nut jobs.

    They bought into the controlled media's narrative, now they have to go full retard because they don't want to look dumb by backing down.


    Also lmfao at the idea that maga hats are equivalent to white hoods. This is what leftists actually believe.

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