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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. That's what they want, a degenerate world where 10 year old boys dress up in drag and dance for money in gay bars. (Yes this actually happened). That's the kind of world the left wants. All the right wants to do is go back to good, wholesome traditional values. I can see why the Nazis clamped down on all the degeneracy.
  2. Dude, if you wear a MAGA hat you get labelled as a Nazi. Might as well own it
  3. Not to mention all the degeneracy in the Weimar republic
  4. Europe needs a final solution to the Muslim question
  5. lol Over 1 million young girls across the country, raped, groomed and drugged city by city by muslim gangs. The councils cover it up, the politicians cover it up. Anyone who raised the issue was sent on a diversity training course and were shunned as racists. You think that shit would have been happening under the Nazis? no, because they would stand up for their own. Definitely more appealing than what is being offered these days.
  6. People aren't identifying with him, we just realize that things aren't as black and white as we were told, and that the Germans were right about some things. Regardless Nazis are irrelevant. This is all about the far left now and the commies and the socialists and the globalists and the world they are trying to create and at what expense.
  7. Shouldn't lemmings pack their bags until it's Forza season then?
  8. lol how did you not expect that to flop? it was an xbox game.
  9. Like all those that get racist or homophobic remarks on their receipts? or those who have their hijab pulled off? and then in the end it always turns out to be made up? Yeah the left lie about everything. It's always been one of their weapons.
  10. Pretty soon we will be like Resetera.
  11. Because I put it as that many many years ago and I dont think we can change it anymore lol
  12. TLHBO


    You're a Lemming, the entire fucking gen has been a drought
  13. googled it, the actual source is twitter if you look at the link
  14. Nobody has still checked my image source
  15. we need some kind of mark of shame for lemmings. perhaps change "lemming" to say "non-gamer".
  16. The ad was done by a company known as Grey group http://grey.com/london/work/key/the-best-men/id/15532/ Full of sjw soyboy types. Check out the CEO of the london branch who were responsible for the ad http://grey.com/london/about/leadership/leo-rayman/15485 Typical soyboy look. Now Look at that profile "Leo’s belief that open, diverse cultures lead to the very best creative thinking can be seen in the very makeup of the agency here today" Needless to say much like google and facebook, the whole company is cucked from the t
  17. Wtf you talking about? There is no difference between a trans woman and a woman they are 100% identical.
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