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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. John Wayne types don't go giddy at the thought of playing Super Mario games. And no you're right I didn't know that, since I'm about....*googles* ....almost 5,000 miles away from Texas.
  2. Im sure referring to people as "sweetie" or some variant of, is something that your sjw types are known for.
  3. Jenb,too ashamed to admit he hyped a flop Xbox is a fucking embarassment.
  4. Look at the fucking shills Deeno and Lemij trying to viral market this as a great game exposed yet again.
  5. In fairness, a lot of parents think that. Not saying it's true in your case but these things are often hid from their parents for years.
  6. And this is how they think. They have no self-awareness. It's always the "lesser educated, less intelligent" people who are to blame.
  7. Good point. I noticed this with neogaf and resetaera. You see the most unhinged, batshit crazy people and they'll often follow up their posts by saying they have psychosis and autism. Then you have all the suicide attempt threads and all the trannys constantly having psychotic breakdowns every day. Mental illness plays a huge part in the more extreme side of the left.
  8. Deeno trying to make Xbox relevant it's like comparing a cheap Nokia to an Iphone.
  9. Political correctness has been a thing for a while. I remember this back in the day. Plans that Baa Baa Black Sheep had to be banned because it was offensive - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/600470.stm That's from 2000. In fact reading the wiki it seems there was a time before that and times after that https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baa,_Baa,_Black_Sheep It's not the only thing but it's an example of that kind of mindset. The video says 2014 and I'd have to agree. Really Gamergate was the first thing I can remember.
  10. He clarified who it's hard for in the title
  11. Wiping his ass imagine that. Having to spread the huge cheeks of flab to wipe this hippos ass when he's in his 30's. His dad is an idiot. He says he shouldnt enable him yet continues to do it anyway. How is he ever going to change?
  12. And I would guess most people here have more great exclusives on their PS4 than you do on your XB1
  13. And if you're wondering why gamers is in quotes is because there's no such fucking thing as xbox gamers you need to have games to be a gamer. I'd call you all just xbox shills.
  14. Oh yeah you're right. Xbox "gamers" don't have game problems because they don't have any fucking games in the first place
  15. The fucking irony of this coming from a lemming
  16. It's weird that Lemmings so readily flipped their position. Last gen one console was a technological marvel and the other was a worthless piece of shit. Now however the weaker one isn't shit, it's just simply "not quite as good as the other". Last gen lemmings made out developers to be extremely hard working and that all problems were soley down to ps3 architecture. Now however I see its a case of the devs all apparantly being lazy crybabies just because xflop games aren't running too hot. Nothing to do with the xflop architecture at all.
  17. How ironic... It was the biggest Lemming who put the final nail in the xflop coffin.
  18. 0 fucking zero You can't even chalk it up to being a bad year - its been a bad fucking decade for the lems xbox is easily the worst console to ever last more than 5 years. By far.
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