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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 6 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Wait a minute............you really think this word, "sweetie" is NEW slang? And every single time you've heard the word "sweetie" it just so happened to have come from an SJW?


    Is that really what you are saying?

    It's not new but ir's definitely something sjw culture has adopted.

  2. 53 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Pretty sure making fun of men by inferring to them as women is a universal known taunt.


    But maybe you live in "South Manchester" if you know what I mean.:tom:

    But you said people use the phrase sweetie in Texas.


    I'm not from Texas, I've never heard guys refer to people as "sweetie" outside of the sjw types....which is ironic because why would they try to insult men by making out to be women when they're obsessed with sexist language.


    Guys here would probably use "love" or "darling" in place of sweetie, but it sounds weird and I've never heard another guy use that to another guy.


    I don't know what you mean by South Manchester. Fucking yankee humour, it's abysmal lol

  3. 3 hours ago, jehurey said:

    No. Actually, especially here in Texas, John Wayne-types who look down on women call them sweetie.


    I know you guys don't know that................you..........don't have much experience in that area of behavior.


    If someone is calling you sweetie, they are talking down to you like Don Draper does to a woman on Mad Men.

    John Wayne types don't go giddy at the thought of playing Super Mario games. :D


    And no you're right I didn't know that, since I'm about....*googles* ....almost 5,000 miles away from Texas.

  4. 11 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This guy makes dumb videos and the irony of "Dreamcast Guy" and trying to talk about failed consoles is pretty hilarious.


    His sales information is roughly 8+ million off because he's citing a Zhuge article relating to his 35 million post at the beginning of 2018. He then went on to say Xbox had no good scoring games in 2018 which is pure bullshit. How could he not know of Forza Horizon 4 and it's 92 on metacritic?


    The guy clearly doesn't do proper research or any really, his voice and demeanor is annoying beyond belief and that whole bit where he was mocking people that like Xbox is pathetic.


    "Games" is plural, you named one.

  5. 9 hours ago, Quad Damage said:

    lmfao @Jon2B hyped below to be AAA and then referred to it as AAA every time thereafter whilst parroting the line "hobo pass gave us 3 AAAs this month!!1" referring to ashen, mutant year zero, and.............BELOW!!! :kaz: 







    Jenb,too ashamed to admit he hyped a flop :kaz:


    Xbox is a fucking embarassment.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 7 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Kind of like how the immigration crisis started.


    ..................when xenophobes started trying to make a push for power and relevancy.


    Same thing with this "SJW culture war"


    It started when the common American young adult male started internally feeling like they were inadequate, and they needed somebody to blame.

    And this is how they think.


    They have no self-awareness. It's always the "lesser educated, less intelligent" people who are to blame.

  7. 7 hours ago, Saucer said:

    My current theory: Social justice is so popular because it empowers "losers." The more disadvantaged you are, the more credibility you have. And social media has made socializing a hyper-competitive minefield for neurotic people.


    I really want to see a good study on the correlation between self-identified social justice advocates and mental illness. Especially depression, social anxiety disorder, and BPD.


    When I first started noticing the pattern on Twitter, I'd search the timelines of SJWs for keywords like "depression," "anxiety," and "medication" etc., and the hit rate was crazy high.


    Another good study would be to see how they score on a "loser" index. As a group they're way below average in terms of looks, and they're way above in neuroticism and social isolation etc. 


    Look at Jerry. Homely, jobless, lives on the internet, and so neurotic that he has to get the last word in all times even if people are arguing silly shit. 


    Good point. I noticed this with neogaf and resetaera.


    You see the most unhinged, batshit crazy people and they'll often follow up their posts by saying they have psychosis and autism. Then you have all the suicide attempt threads and all the trannys constantly having psychotic breakdowns every day.


    Mental illness plays a huge part in the more extreme side of the left.

  8. Political correctness has been a thing for a while.


    I remember this back in the day. Plans that Baa Baa Black Sheep had to be banned because it was offensive - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/600470.stm


    That's from 2000.


    In fact reading the wiki it seems there was a time before that and times after that




    It's not the only thing but it's an example of that kind of mindset.


    The video says 2014 and I'd have to agree. Really Gamergate was the first thing I can remember. I thought I was just living in a bubble and hadn't seen this stuff creeping in too much but no it really does seem as if there was an explosion from 2014 onwards.


    Look at neogaf. It always had a douchey liberal sife but man that place became a fucking nuthouse starting from around 2012-2014.


    I've only watched the first minute but this looks interesting. Gonna have to watch the rest.

  9. 6 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's weird that developers so readily flipped their position relating to a device like this given that it's the near identical ideological design that existed with the Xbox 360 in terms of eDRAM and now eSRAM, simpler even given it's x86 instead of Power PC architecture. Developers praised 360 for development purposes. This kind of flip flopping in terms of ideology leads me to believe that maybe developing for the PlayStation 3 wasn't so bad and developers are just lazy and cry a lot in environments that are slightly more difficult than another relative device. 









    It's weird that Lemmings so readily flipped their position.


    Last gen one console was a technological marvel and the other was a worthless piece of shit. 


    Now however the weaker one isn't shit, it's just simply "not quite as good as the other".


    Last gen lemmings made out developers to be extremely hard working and that all problems were soley down to ps3 architecture. Now however I see its a case of the devs all apparantly being lazy crybabies just because xflop games aren't running too hot. Nothing to do with the xflop architecture at all.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Bodycount N said:

    try 36.




    this is the only single xbox one exclusive in three years.


    three years.


    fru, a kinect-only game. https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-one/fru?ftag=MCD-06-10aaa1h/critic-reviews






    "You'll come crawling back" - @Remij_ 


    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: 

    How ironic...


    It was the biggest Lemming who put the final nail in the xflop coffin.

  11. On 2019-01-03 at 12:50 PM, Goukosan said:

    "Microsoft failed to offer a compelling case to pick up an Xbox One rather than another console in 2018. The best "console exclusive" titles released for XB1 last year could also be played on your PC, and there wasn't a single game exclusive to Xbox One alone that received positive reviews from critics."  :feelsbadman:




    0 :rofl: fucking zero


    You can't even chalk it up to being a bad year - its been a bad fucking decade for the lems :D


    xbox is easily the worst console to ever last more than 5 years. By far.

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