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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. He did sadly, now Microsoft have hired a new guy to shill for Xbox under the Remij account
  2. Lol. It was decent enough but nothing special. By the end it felt more like a Kirby game than a Mario game.
  3. What's the TL;DR? Wouldn't be surprised though, Netflix is full of this kind of propaganda. Cancel your subscription, everything on there is garbage anyway.
  4. November 2004 - August 2005 2004 - Pathway to Glory 8.1 2005 - Glimmerati - 8.1 2005 - The Roots: Gates of Chaos - 8.3 Xbox would kill for a run like that
  5. That's probably a decent year by Xbox standards too
  6. This is coming from the guy who spent months telling us how great Six of Thieves was
  7. Well they had the Ezio trilogy already. So possibly just some of the others.
  8. Almost pity the poor bastard. Hes been programmed to respond like that.
  9. Touching hands with a Muslim bet it smells like his sister.
  10. Fucking Jerry trying to win this thread. Nobody can compete with the real deal brah
  11. And you gotta have a big knife to murder all those prostitutes jimbo
  12. Yup, looks like the list of a guy who likes Xbox. Uncultured swine
  13. I'll be laughing at the fact that this is the 8th year in a row you've had nothing but a Forza game under your tree
  14. Guy looks like he's never even seen a vagina IRL, no wonder he picked Forza
  15. 69/100, that automatically puts it in the upper echelon of xbox games you can't make this stuff up, this console is junk.
  16. He won this thread, I give him that. Nobody does Jerry better than Jerry.
  17. How can you kill what is already dead? But really why are you bragging about this? Why did we need a sea of theives killer? Its a fucking 6.0 forgotten flop ffs. Nobodg cares it's as irrelevant as Sudeki or Brute force. Just another flop in a long lineup of xbox flops and its only purpose will be to be used as a punchline to own the lemmings with many years from now.
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