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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Mediocre? Mediocre??? Xbox would be fucking lucky to be considered mediocre. This is easily one of the worst consoled of all time.
  2. We've been telling you this for years. Why the fuck would you buy an Xbox in 2016? It was obvious the console was dead by that point.
  3. The Switch fad is over. Typical of a Nintendo system. All that buzz for a year or two and then it drops off a cliff. Expect the third party games to dry up and wait 6 months for Nintendo to out a game out. They're probably already working on the successor.
  4. Just stay inside and play some gam.....oh wait, you have an Xbox
  5. Insufferable? You're still here, typing out your bullshit that the rest of us have to read. Clearly you're sill free and still have enough money to afford your bills.
  6. Holy shit typical SJW looking for racism where none exists. Obama was the previous President and a Democrat. People who like Trump did not like him so it was an easy comparison to make. Otherwise I have to go back to thr 90's for Clinton when a lot of us were very young so it doesn't really work.
  7. I made a racist remark about Obama now apparantly... Oh and jerry used the term "yikes" another term frequently used by soyboys and the alt-left Fuck off back to Resetera.
  8. Some nice double standards there, and some of those points are debatable, but that's not the point, I'm not here to get on the Jerry-go-round. The fact is Jerry that despite all that here you are perfectly free to sit in front of your computer eating cheeseburgers and shilling for Nintendo. The world didn't end like you predicted and you seem to be doing just fine so......perhaps learn to live with it for a little bit longer?
  9. People didn't like him or his policies, but most got through it. Trump didn't go full authoritarian and he didn't have gays electrocuted and blacks put in death camps like you predicted, now be a big boy and learn to suck it up and wait your turn until the next election.
  10. Gotta love how the (((Sheep))) got triggered in yet another thread and turned it into a massive argument. People had to live through Obama so I'm sure you can live through Trump.
  11. Lmfao here we go again. "Trawl through hundreds of pages of posts just to prove how I behave because I'm too blind to see it". I've said it before. I know Remij has said it during your 10 page arguments. Others too...you think it's just coincidence?
  12. That's not how it works. The left just continues to go further and further left.
  13. How the fuck can Vice complain when they're part of the problem?
  14. Gotta love these people who spend their whole life repeating what they were taught in the American education system, heard on CNN, read on Buzzfeed, and then they just parrot it back to you and claim you're brainwashed.
  15. Because third party games don't matter until they're on Switch. Isn't that obvious? Sheep gonna sheep. They've always been this way.
  16. Makes sense. Why woukd they need discs when they have no games?
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