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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Of course they can. Its been the intention from day one.
  2. Lmfao loads of people call for violence in the name of the left yet nothing gets done about it. Politicians and celebrities too. Funny how the left cheers this shit all the time. What happens when the tables turn and its you lot getting silenced all the time? The left have proven time and time again they couldn't give two shits about free speech or democracy as long as they get what they want.
  3. Nice. I enjoyed the gane but stopped playing after beating rach of the monsters 20+ times. A real expansion would be good.
  4. Because he's lusting over a woman and not a tranny. The left gets offended by that. Or maybe it's because it's not about a Muslim man grooming a 12 year old girl I dunno
  5. This has been obvious since 2001.
  6. Beloved Xbox IP in the past 4 years there fucking isn't one. lemmings pretending they'd love a sequel to a 6.0 disaster absolute non-gamers. DIE!
  7. I mean, I'd like to be excited and say "cool, I can skip the xbox and buy their games on PC" But all their games are fucking abysmal dud rising, reflop, quantum flop, six of thieves, 5tate of decay,......just straight up forgettable garbage
  8. Can we just ban this guy already he's either a viral marketer or a complete and utter fucking tool for Microsoft.
  9. Just remember this is the same guy that told you 5tate of Decay 2 and Six of Thives were great too.
  10. Macron flopped harder than State of Decay 2. Remember when the left were cheering this guy?
  11. TSJWHBR Oh wait I used the word "rape", they're gonna be triggered.
  12. Lmfao he's at it again Full on sperg meltdown if we don't give xbox the credit it deserves
  13. Whoever it is you can be assured that after lemmings calling them trash for ages they'll now suddenly be an AAA developer in their yes.
  14. Nobody else spergs out about such little details though. It's your OCD/Autism showing.
  15. And yet you're trying to tone police people and lecture them because they don't say exactly how much more powerful the Xbox is. Imagine being this much of an autistic snowflake
  16. This sperg having an autistic meltdown if some doesn't acknowledge the exact numerical difference between XBX and PS Pro keep pretending you're not autistic though.
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