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Posts posted by TLHBO

  1. 3 hours ago, madmaltese said:

    Usual I call bs but Gavin Mcinnes legitimately is promoting and calling for violence. This isn't just a free speech issue (even though free speech doesn't exist on a private platform), he outright calls for violence. Obviously I hope they are consistent. 

    Lmfao loads of people call for violence in the name of the left yet nothing gets done about it. Politicians and celebrities too.


    Funny how the left cheers this shit all the time. What happens when the tables turn and its you lot getting silenced all the time?


    The left have proven time and time again they couldn't give two shits about free speech or democracy as long as they get what they want.

  2. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    PC is legit embarassing. The GPU Retardmijj bought is the cost of three Xbox One X's.... Three... And that only gets you the GPU...


    Prices are out of control, there's no big budget AAA games for it anymore aside from what consoles MIGHT pass on to it. It's loud, power hungry, the store system for DD is out of control, sales on consoles are just as good now...


    PC sucks.

    But unlike xbox, PC has games. :bena:

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