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Everything posted by TLHBO

  1. Yeah OCD often goes hand in hand with autism. You tried any meds?
  2. Course not, I never read your threads
  3. This Clown, hypes up and buys into new nvidia product, few weeks later he's suckered into a new one No wonder he was a lemming. Companies prey on clowns like these.
  4. When I think of xbox I just think of the opposite of fun. Just seeing the logo makes me think "bland, boring, uninspired, dull" etc.
  5. He's crying about his OG Xbox being dead when Xbox as a brand has been dead for years now
  6. Why on earth would you think it was good? did someone on reeesetera say it was?
  7. Thia coming from the guy who believed all of microsofts lies about the RROD.
  8. Wait, havebt you lemmings been hyping BC as your biggest thing this year? since all your modern games flopped.
  9. The start was too long yes, and the game felt too linear. But having to recalibrate the motion contols every 5 minutes didnt help either.
  10. But Sheep swore blind the game would be awful without motion controls. I mean that's what made it so special in the first place. Are you trying to tell me the sheep spent years spinning propaganda because it was good for them at the time? No way, that doesn't sound lile the sheep at all!!
  11. Why? It would be garbage without notion controls.
  12. It feels like there are more actual choices than previous games, and the gameplay sequences were a step above some of their earlier games. However I think B2S just manages to take the top spot for me. Quantic Dream
  13. Remember when lemmings hyped xbox one?
  14. https://youtube.com/watch?v=oqq7ALCDGFc America
  15. Another excelent playstation exclusive
  16. Not surprised. This game has "xbox" written all over it.
  17. Exactly lol the makers of Shitman and Kane & lynch.....fits the xbox library perfectly. microsoft is out for quantity and not quality.
  18. Half a decade without an AAA exclusive. Xbox is beyond a joke at this point. It should be looked back upon in the same way consoles like Atari Jaguar, CD-i and the 3DO are.
  19. What is xbox then, if not a flop? An entirely irrelevant dud brand with no games, just garbage.
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